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  1. #4801


    FBI is in every city of the country every day,pulling people off of the streets,doing independent investigations etc nobody had a problem before.

    The others can be just considered backing up the FBIs counter terrorism unit and nobody would know the difference.

    At least Trump cares enough to help,maybe that’s why all the opposition and why Obama never did anything in Chicago,his own home town,it’s just black on black shooting,and a lot of others make bank without getting their hands dirty,kickbacks in envelopes.

    You make money off of the poor and not the rich,that’s why Dem city leaders are all millionaires while the people stay poor,sleeping in the streets and scared to come out of their house.

    One would think there would be zero questions in asking for help to control the chaos,but if you are making bank on it why stop it?

    The part of Minneapolis that was burnt to the ground and destroyed,it was the African American community.

    Now what will happen is,it will be rebuilt,everybody at the top will get their cut,the poor and black community will be moved out and prices will increase in order to keep the unwanted out.

    Minneapolis will once again become a star city.

    There is a lot of profit in re-gentrification on that scale,know the right people and you can make millions really fast,that is why they allowed it to go so far and right away were seeking billions in fed aid for the riots,Trump shut them down real quick on the ask but billions will still flow.

    I was born in the north but spent more time in the south,the adage of the south is racist,is bunk comparatively,only in the north does the massive amount of wiping out communities in order to clean them up continue on a daily basis.

    At least in the south everybody has their place or sections they are contained to and left alone,it becomes the individuals choice if they want to be moving on up to the east side.

    Its not systematic racism,its power,greed and real estate,millions on the table,Buy low sell high,the communities are just a means to an end.
    Last edited by Richard; July-24-20 at 08:50 PM.

  2. #4802


    ^^^ Watch how fast he changes his tune if there's a Democrat president.

    Remember when the worst possible scenario wasn't fascism? Right wingers were throwing tantrums about a "nanny state."

    They were outraged by proposals to tax cigarettes. Few besides Bloomberg [[a NY Republican) went there, but practically worthy of treason: a proposal to tax flavored sugar corn syrup water. Worthy of revolution: the idea that military-grade weapons shouldn't be sold to the psychologically unfit.

    Good times, those moronic hypocrites.
    Last edited by bust; July-24-20 at 10:40 PM.

  3. #4803


    ^ how many right wingers are out there burning cities,destroying businesses and private property?

    How many right wingers are controlling cities where children are getting shot on a daily basis?

    How many right winger cities have over 60,000 homeless laying about in the streets ?

    How many right wingers are out there tearing down statues and everything else that offends them at the moment?

    People have a problem with a confederate flag that they know little about but they have no problem burning cities to the ground.

    For that matter when was the last time you saw guys in white sheets and pointy hats,burning,looting and destroying?

    Constitutional rights are what they are,they apply to everybody,we do not get to pick and choose who is covered by them.Most would not know a military grade weapon if it bit them in the ass,it just sounds menacing.

    Somehow the argument of being a hypocrite does not seem all that relevant.
    Last edited by Richard; July-25-20 at 12:02 AM.

  4. #4804


    ^^^ Say it ain't so. And there I thought only the right-wing engaged in the anarchy, burning and looting. Opps.

    I guess both sides do bad things [[becoming what they're going after).

    Who-da thought?!
    Last edited by Zacha341; July-26-20 at 06:51 AM.

  5. #4805


    Weatherman, also known as Weathermen and later the Weather Underground Organization, was an American left wing terrorist organization that carried out a series of bombings, jailbreaks, and riots from 1969 through the 1970s.
    Following is a list of the organization's various activities and incidents.


    These are the ones organizing the destruction that we see today

    Students for a Democratic Society [[SDS) was a national student activist organization in the United States


    The left has quite the history of violence and destruction in this country.

    But those radical right winger were peacefully standing with scary weapons at the state capital.

    At least they are not out burning,looting,blowing up buildings for their cause,well maybe 3 did in the past,but it is clear on who holds the trophy for domestic terrorism in this country.

    Last edited by Richard; July-25-20 at 10:19 PM.

  6. #4806


    AJ3647, keep bringing the heat !! Can't wait until "Dastardly Donald" and his minions has a epic fall.

  7. #4807


    ^ you call that bring on the heat ?

    maybe more like a wet dream.

  8. #4808


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    ^ you call that bring on the heat ?

    maybe more like a wet dream.
    Quit being a hater Richard. I hope you realize, Dump doesn't give a sh-t about you either, but you're still campaigning and co-signing for that POS.

  9. #4809
    Join Date
    Dec 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Cincinnati_Kid View Post
    Quit being a hater Richard. I hope you realize, Dump doesn't give a sh-t about you either, but you're still campaigning and co-signing for that POS.
    I'm guessing you fantasize that Joe Biden cares about you?

    And that after 40+ years in public office, doing nothing for anyone [[other than his relatives), and leeching off the public dole,.. that he's finally going to do something positive for America?

    Or that he has some secret plan to fix everything, and just forgot to tell Pres Obama?

  10. #4810


    During the 2016 campaign, I saw too many Trump/Pence signs while driving my normal route on Jefferson into the G.P's. Lately, I'm seeing mostly these............https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/i...zNDPw&usqp=CAc
    Last edited by Maof; July-26-20 at 02:27 PM.

  11. #4811


    Quote Originally Posted by Cincinnati_Kid View Post
    Quit being a hater Richard. I hope you realize, Dump doesn't give a sh-t about you either, but you're still campaigning and co-signing for that POS.
    Trump does not need to care about me,I have my white privilege shield up.

    He is doing exactly what I want him to do,level the playing field for all Americans so we all become stronger as a country together.

    I realize that is why there is so much hatred towards him,because some like to keep people down so they can control them.

    Did you notice he brought the price of insulin down to pennies a day,that directly effects millions of Americans.

    How come Biden and Obama did not do that in the eight years they were in office?

    O that’s right,they were otherwise occupied throwing millions of Americans in the streets so they could make millions.

  12. #4812


    Quote Originally Posted by Maof View Post
    During the 2016 campaign, I saw too many Trump/Pence signs while driving my normal route on Jefferson into the G.P's. Lately, I'm seeing mostly these............https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?
    q=tbn%3AANd9GcQXpCb4NOZhnhM13KNIODDjkMYisjNpmpNfXv OtLQx-xy26G42GAT4n0zNDPw&usqp=CAc
    Yea because everybody knows if they put a Trump sign in their yard,the radicals will burn their house down.

    There is no pride in displaying the signs you posted,it is a glaring example of tyranny taking hold by use of fear.

    Just like your “peaceful “ protestors that have listed the home address and telephone numbers of police officers and encouraged their ilk to pay their families a visit and not by bringing cake and cookies.
    Last edited by Richard; July-26-20 at 05:37 PM.

  13. #4813


    Quote Originally Posted by Bigdd View Post
    I'm guessing you fantasize that Joe Biden cares about you?

    And that after 40+ years in public office, doing nothing for anyone [[other than his relatives), and leeching off the public dole,.. that he's finally going to do something positive for America?

    Or that he has some secret plan to fix everything, and just forgot to tell Pres Obama?
    I could care less if Biden cares about me. At least he seems more sincere and forthright, than Dump. I just want Dump to lose, and get the corruption out the WH. I don't toe any party lines, I just know decency when I see it. I'm not campaigning for Biden and singing his praises, like Richard and it sounds like you're stumping for him too. All politicians lie, some are just better at it than others.

  14. #4814


    I have my white privilege shield up.

    Bingo Richard, at least you're admitting it.

  15. #4815


    Quote Originally Posted by Cincinnati_Kid View Post

    Bingo Richard, at least you're admitting it.
    yes,I am also a racist,homophobic,right winger,deplorable or what ever other label one can think of when they run out of excuses for trying to defend a system that has no place in America,or in most of the rest of the world for that matter.

    You guys are so used to following the socialists guide to failure in the civilized world that you cannot handle anybody that actually thinks for themselves.

    Its your conditioning from a young age so it just seems normal for you,granted it is in places like Cuba,Venezuela etc but you are not in those countries and you feel out of place and alone,the constant failure in achieving your goals makes you angry.

    So you lash out with labels,because that is all you have to offer.

    Thats why you hate Trump,because he represents everything that you were conditioned to hate,prosperity and equal opportunity for everybody,your preferred method is to keep everybody in their little place while you choose what is best for them,a place where people are not allowed to think for themselves without repercussions.

    You are weak,you need somebody to take you by the hand and show you the way,to tell you how to think.

    But that is okay,soon you will have 4 more years of Trumps smiling face but my guess is,if you have not figured it out by now,either you are really young and inexperienced or just dedicated in your cause and blind to the real world.

    Nothing wrong with that,the world needs sheep just like they need ditch diggers,somebody has to fill the role.
    Last edited by Richard; July-26-20 at 08:34 PM.

  16. #4816
    Join Date
    Dec 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Cincinnati_Kid View Post
    I could care less if Biden cares about me. At least he seems more sincere and forthright, ...........

    WAIT, WHAT ?!!!!!

    You CAN'T be serious.

    Sincere? Forthright?

    Biden is infamous for saying anything people want to hear,.. then doing absolutely nothing for them once in office. Talking kindly towards blacks, then voting for the crime bill.

    He leans right if anything,... he's just pretending to be a radical leftist this year because that's what he thinks will get him elected. He means NONE of it.

    Of course if all you're looking for is someone opposite of the president,.. perhaps you have your guy. One area he's opposite of President Trump is doing what you say you're going to. When the pres says something while campaigning,.. he fully intends to accomplish it. He can't always,.. but he gets an awful lot of it done,.. and fights tooth and nail for the rest.

    Biden would do nothing he says he's going to do. [[Of course we don't even know what his platform IS. All we hear are vagaries about fixing things.)

  17. #4817


    “Man. Woman. Camera. Person. TV.”:
    Noam Chomsky Responds to Trump Bragging He Aced a Dementia Test
    Is the United States being run by a madman? “What can you say about a person who, before speaking before an adoring crowd, raises his eyes to heaven and calls himself the chosen one?” says Noam Chomsky, responding to President Trump’s boast that he aced a mental acuity test.

  18. #4818


    Quote Originally Posted by Cincinnati_Kid View Post
    I could care less if Biden cares about me. At least he seems more sincere and forthright, than Dump. I just want Dump to lose, and get the corruption out the WH. I don't toe any party lines, I just know decency when I see it. I'm not campaigning for Biden and singing his praises, like Richard and it sounds like you're stumping for him too. All politicians lie, some are just better at it than others.

    Good. The first step to recovery is admitting that there's a problem. You'll never get the corruption out of the "WH". There are too many lobbyists and special interest groups, and too much money to be made by politicians for that to happen. "I just know decency when I see it." A guy that blatantly lied about graduating in the top half of his law class? How about that promised $700 billion "to get the economy going", no plan, no details, just a shameless bribe for votes. Where's the money coming from? You and me, I guess. I thought Hillary was bad offering $60 billion to turn coal miners into rocket scientists. But that's Ok, at least you're honest enough to say you just don't like Trump. I respect that. By the way, it's "tow" party lines, not "toe".
    Last edited by Honky Tonk; July-27-20 at 04:15 AM.

  19. #4819


    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post

    “Man. Woman. Camera. Person. TV.”:
    Noam Chomsky Responds to Trump Bragging He Aced a Dementia Test

    It's SANTA!

  20. #4820


    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    ...By the way, it's "tow" party lines, not "toe".

    Not that this is a democracy or anything.

  21. #4821
    Join Date
    Dec 2014


    A video of sincere forthright Biden on the campaign trail.

    His nickname for decades was 1% Joe,.. because that's the most amout of votes he had ever gotten in a presidential bid.

    Here's Biden lying his arse off.


  22. #4822


    Quote Originally Posted by Maof View Post
    During the 2016 campaign, I saw too many Trump/Pence signs while driving my normal route on Jefferson into the G.P's. Lately, I'm seeing mostly these............https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/i...zNDPw&usqp=CAc
    In outstate michigan I'm seeing what I saw 2016. Trump signs and flags and no hillary. Now its the same trump and no biden. What gets me there are trump flags hanging on less traveled black tops from the trees high enough that can't be ripped down without effort.

  23. #4823


    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Wesson View Post
    In outstate michigan I'm seeing what I saw 2016. Trump signs and flags and no hillary. Now its the same trump and no biden. What gets me there are trump flags hanging on less traveled black tops from the trees high enough that can't be ripped down without effort.

    In Detroit, you're fortunate if the sign is still in your lawn in the morning and no brick through your window. But then Detroit is Democratic, you know, the peaceful party of the people.

  24. #4824

  25. #4825


    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post

    Not that this is a democracy or anything.

    Well, after reading Merriam Webster's definitions, both noun and verb, of "toe", using it in the phrase "toe the line" doesn't make sense to me, unless they mean kicking the line. [[which still doesn't make sense to me) But it doesn't surprise me, the same party re-writing our history is now re-writing our language.


    Cute graph, by the way. I suppose if there's graphics that makes it fact.
    Last edited by Honky Tonk; July-27-20 at 08:41 AM.

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