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  1. #1

    Default Welcome to the ATL protests re. the shooting of Rayshard Brooks....

    Last edited by Zacha341; June-14-20 at 11:33 AM.

  2. #2


    Probably going to see a lot more of,it’s socially acceptable to fight the police and you have community support when you do.

    The police should back off and just allow the carnage continue,those who arm themselves can protect themselves,everybody else just becomes victims of the cause.

    Funny how when the crime becomes out of control it becomes the fault of the police when the police do what it takes to control the crime cities burn.

    I would suspect that the police academy is going to see some barren times ahead,who in their right mind would even want to be LEO.

    It will become a situation where the police force becomes federalized,then there will be zero accountability.

    Insurance companies do not insure against social unrest,all these mom n pop and franchise places will never be able to rebuild and it is becoming clear that inner cities are not wise to invest in because without stable leadership your business can be burned to the ground at any given second.

    Even more jobs lost there.
    Last edited by Richard; June-14-20 at 11:34 AM.

  3. #3


    In the mean time COVID-19 is starting to increase again - in some cases areas previously not as impacted.

    ...if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

    2 Chronicles 7:14 - New King James Version [[NKJV)

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post

    I would suspect that the police academy is going to see some barren times ahead,who in their right mind would even want to be LEO.

    This is a huge issue and it's going to get exponentially worse as a wave of officers is almost certain to retire or relocate due to the new restrictions these cities are instituting. Standards had already been lowered to try to fill the ranks, including in Minneapolis where George Floyd died and where Australian Justine Damond was killed by police.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2014


    Why on Earth was Mr. Brooks trying so hard to get shot?

    Resist arrest, wrestle with the cops, punch a cop in the face, then take the cops Taser,.. then fire the Taser at a cop......

    Is this guy stupid? or just trying to get shot?

    Why not just let them cuff you?

    I don't understand this mentality of trying everything in your power to escalate a situation by getting into a street fight with cops that are armed and wearing body armor.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Probably going to see a lot more of,it’s socially acceptable to fight the police and you have community support when you do.

    The police should back off and just allow the carnage continue,those who arm themselves can protect themselves,everybody else just becomes victims of the cause.

    Funny how when the crime becomes out of control it becomes the fault of the police when the police do what it takes to control the crime cities burn.

    I would suspect that the police academy is going to see some barren times ahead,who in their right mind would even want to be LEO.

    It will become a situation where the police force becomes federalized,then there will be zero accountability.

    Insurance companies do not insure against social unrest,all these mom n pop and franchise places will never be able to rebuild and it is becoming clear that inner cities are not wise to invest in because without stable leadership your business can be burned to the ground at any given second.

    Even more jobs lost there.
    Riot and insurrection, usually excluded perils. that happens, you're on your own.

  7. #7


    ^ my binders all changed after Ferguson,Riot and insurrection including social unrest.

    The torched Wendy’s would be considered an act of social unrest,your screwed.

    Thats the catch all.

    Better off if one thanks there is going to be a riot,burn your own stuff before anybody gets a chance.

  8. #8

  9. #9



    CASE NO: 794205
    OFFENSE: simple battery
    CRIME COMMIT DATE: 03/31/2014
    CASE NO: 794205
    OFFENSE: cruelty to children
    CRIME COMMIT DATE: 03/31/2014
    CASE NO: 794205
    CRIME COMMIT DATE: 03/31/2014
    CASE NO: 794205
    OFFENSE: family violence battery
    CRIME COMMIT DATE: 03/31/2014
    CASE NO: 794205
    CRIME COMMIT DATE: 03/02/2013
    CASE NO: 794205
    CRIME COMMIT DATE: 03/02/2013
    CASE NO: 794205
    OFFENSE: obstr of law enf officer
    CRIME COMMIT DATE: 03/02/2013

    He was on parole because of the corona virus,apparently was not interested in going back.

    The charges of battery,cruelty to children,false imprisonments,family battery,are disturbing.

    Even more so with his sister saying what a lovely and caring father he was,he cared so much for his children that he beat them and went to prison for it.

    Thats why he fought the police and would have killed them in order not to go back to prison.

    That right there dispelled the lies we were told when they said only non violent people in the prison system were released because of the virus threat.

    The dems were no different then Castro when he emptied the prisons to send them all to Miami,no wonder the crime rates jumped 400%.

    What could go wrong when you release a known violent criminal back into society and expect him to change his way,years before his time served..

    If they charge that cop with murder,all of those that secured his early release should be charged to accessory to murder.

    Not to even mention he was so drunk that he passes out in the car while in the drive through lane.

    Would there have been protests and buildings burned if the headlines read.

    Drunk black man kills white family in auto accident.

    No,because nobody would have said anything.

    What if it was you or your children that he killed while driving drunk,what if it was you and you family and children that he imprisoned and beat.

    That set an interesting pattern,both black men that have died in police custody or while attempting to take them into custody have violent history pasts.

    One held a gun to a pregnant woman’s stomach during a home invasion,served prison time.

    The other one terrorized and beat his children and family and was serving prison time.

    But yet it is a police problem.

    Last edited by Richard; June-15-20 at 06:48 PM.

  10. #10


    None of those charges mean he should have to die; especially from being shot in the back. Twice. And anyway, the call they went out on was someone sleeping in a car. Death sentence for THAT?? I don't think so

  11. #11


    You can watch the video,he was running away,turned and fired the taser over his shoulder back at the police when he was shot.

    You know you can run away from somebody and still fire rounds behind you.

    Yes death sentence,because everybody knows if you struggle with the police and then point a weapon at them,you will be shot.

    Why do you feel the police have zero right to protect themselves from bodily harm?

    He did not get the dramatic death sentence as you call it.

    He made the decision and it cost him his life.

    He made that choice with knowledge when he pointed a weapon at the police.

    He choose to die instead of going back to prison,he could easily just complied and just like the other one,once you are cuffed you know damn well if you continue to resist it is a loosing bet.

    Both cases,they escalated it to a point that they already knew where it led to,both had multiple reactions with law enforcement,so it is not like it was their first rodeo.

    For those acting like this is all new to them,if you point a weapon at a police office or threaten bodily harm,you will have deadly force applied.

    That goes for if you are visiting another state,If you point a weapon at somebody or threaten bodily harm then you will also be shot,cop or not.

    I realize that this is all groundbreaking news,but to most,they usually do not make it a practice of threatening or pointing weapons at others.

    Meddle,go kick a cop in the balls and let us know how it went.
    Last edited by Richard; June-15-20 at 07:10 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    None of those charges mean he should have to die; especially from being shot in the back. Twice. And anyway, the call they went out on was someone sleeping in a car. Death sentence for THAT?? I don't think so
    True,.. but then,.. 40 minutes after being woke up, he decided to resist arrest, wrestle with the cops, punch a cop in the face, take his taser and shoot at a cop with the taser.

    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

    And the taser thing is bigger than just the cop getting harmlessly zapped.

    1,.. used incorrectly [[or on someone with a heart condition), they can be deadly. And besides contact zaps,.. they have 2 shots of remote tazing. So the thug had a round left.

    2,.. One of the biggest risks with carrying a gun [[cop or civilian) is having it taken from you. If the cop gets tazed by a perp,.. the perp can continue to zap the cop, then walk over and take his gun. Then kill the cop? And who knows who else. So if you shoot at a cop with a tazer,.. expect to get shot with a gun in return.
    Last edited by Bigdd; June-15-20 at 07:13 PM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Bigdd View Post
    2,.. One of the biggest risks with carrying a gun [[cop or civilian) is having it taken from you. If the cop gets tazed by a perp,.. the perp can continue to zap the cop, then walk over and take his gun. Then kill the cop?
    Except there were TWO cops there, so was the other one just going to stand there and do nothing while he did all of that? OK then.

    Also the medical examiner found that Brooks was shot twice in the back, so he wasn't facing the officer at the time he was shot, so kind of hard to argue that he posed an immediate threat to the officer's life. Shooting a dude in the back as he's running away from you is murder.

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    Except there were TWO cops there, so was the other one just going to stand there and do nothing while he did all of that? OK then.

    Also the medical examiner found that Brooks was shot twice in the back, so he wasn't facing the officer at the time he was shot, so kind of hard to argue that he posed an immediate threat to the officer's life. Shooting a dude in the back as he's running away from you is murder.
    another one commenting without viewing the hundreds of video out there.

    You just based an entire argument without viewing the available facts and made a decision based on what you think.

    Maybe if he had turned around and faced the cops like a man,instead of running like a pussy he would still be alive.

    I support a 48 hour stand down/walk out nationwide of the police,do you?

    What do you think would happen,sense you clearly support actions with no consequences who will survive the night?

    See what happens when one cannot distinguish between illegal and undocumented,you decide you make the laws and which should be followed.

    Remember when you guys were chanting,nobody is above the law.

    You make it clear,criminals are above the law.
    Last edited by Richard; June-15-20 at 09:26 PM.

  15. #15


    Leave it to Richard to rationalize killing a citizen.

    i guess that non-lethal taser all of a sudden became a lethal weapon even though all cops know that a taser is not effective over 6 feet. But please tell us another of your convoluted thought-salads to explain away how a non-lethal weapon becomes lethal?

    i am sure we can all have another laugh at your expense.

  16. #16


    Leave it to gnome to justify lawlessness,do you actually teach the young kids in the village to resist the police so good things can happen.

    If he had just complied while under arrest he would still be alive.
    If floyed has complied he would still be alive.

    But that’s the problem,your generation taught your young ones that if they are ever arrested all they have to do is fight back,if they get killed in the process you can always blame it on the cops and become hero’s.

    Real proud of yourself Hugh?

    The white man or the police did not take your village away,you guys gave up on your younger generation and refuse to make them apart of the villiage,then you blame it on everybody else.

    Interesting how there are millions of African Americans that never even encounter the police and learned to rise above,to bad some never got the message.

    You honestly believe half of the thugs would give a crap about your skin color?

    on average—9,252 black-on-blackmurders every year for the past 35 years,you arrive at a staggering 323,820 blacks killed byother blacks on America’s mean streets in justthree-and-a-half short decades.

    You have no problem with that,but you have a problem when a African American gets killed by a white cop while resisting arrest.

    That make you the problem,that as you say,makes you laugh.

    9,252 Black on black murders every year is not a laugh at my expense,it’s a failure on your part,you are encouraging,justifying and rationalizing genocide on your own race.

    That is laughable to you.

    What is even more laughable is your claim that tasers are non-lethal.

    Reuters documented 1,081 cases through the end of 2018 in which people died after being shocked by police with a Taser,


    But hey,everybody else has convoluted thought salads but you right?

    Thats that pattern of,it’s everybody’s else that has the problem,instead of looking in the mirror.

    Police taser is 50,000 volts,stand in the bathtub full of water and drop a hair dryer in,that’s 120 volts.

    Its not considered non-lethal,it is considered less lethal then a bullet,but can be just as lethal.
    Last edited by Richard; June-16-20 at 12:31 AM.

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    Shooting a dude in the back as he's running away from you is murder.
    Not in California. Cops have done it quite a few times and been cleared.

  18. #18


    I see the immoral and the foolish posting as often as ever.


    No one is suggesting the fellow was an angel.

    Or that he didn't commit an offense under the law by being drunk behind the wheel.

    Rather the issue is the perpetually unnecessary escalation by police, in this case, resulting in death.

    At the first point, officers didn't need to arrest him.

    The argument isn't 'let him go'.

    Its that you prevent him from driving home/tow his car; and you write him a ticket/issue a summons for a fine and a license suspension.

    Call him a cab, watch him get in it.......go about your business.

    Then there is no fight, no taser no nothing.


    As soon as they get physical it all goes south, he grabs the taser in the course of the altercation [[not wise or ok).

    That's an additional charge and one that does reach the standard of jailable.

    But it doesn't reach the standard of the death penalty.

    Let him run. You have his car, you have his plates, you know who he is, and where he lives; and exactly how fast is this drunk guy running carrying a taser anyway?

    You send a cruiser to his house and wait for him.

    FFS, there is no reason to draw a gun.

    You don't even pursue; the risk to the public is low, the risk to the suspect and officers is high.

    Its math.

    You'll get him later.

    Officers do not get the privilege [[or shouldn't) of being judge, jury and executioner.

    Nothing to do with being a soft touch; more to do with having a 3-digit IQ, a modicum of self-restraint and being a good example to the community, instead of every bit as much a threat as the [[other) criminal.

  19. #19


    And cowardice.
    And a taser is not a deadly weapon. And the cop knew he had a taser and not a gun because the cop is the one he got the taser off of. So can't say he was in imminent danger of being killed.
    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    Except there were TWO cops there, so was the other one just going to stand there and do nothing while he did all of that? OK then.

    Also the medical examiner found that Brooks was shot twice in the back, so he wasn't facing the officer at the time he was shot, so kind of hard to argue that he posed an immediate threat to the officer's life. Shooting a dude in the back as he's running away from you is murder.

  20. #20


    Name:  executed.jpg
Views: 310
Size:  61.1 KB

  21. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    Name:  executed.jpg
Views: 310
Size:  61.1 KB

    What a cute piece of green kool-aid bullshit. Not all the deaths were "executions". In most cases the perps were being given the chance to have their day in court, but decided to take the law into their own hands. That's why they're dead. Those causing their deaths would also have their day in court. That's our judicial system. No need to torch Targets, Auto Zones, and PetsMarts. Every cop is a criminal, and all you sinners saints. Talk about falling into traps.
    Last edited by Honky Tonk; June-16-20 at 08:34 AM.

  22. #22
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    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    Every cop is a criminal, and all you sinners saints. Talk about falling into traps.
    That's literally the exact opposite point of what the pictures says. Don't break your hand beating up that straw man you created.

    Also "taking the law into your own hands" isn't a justification for the use of lethal force, even if you keep insisting that it is. Here's some homework for you, Honky Tonk, why don't you read the 1985 Supreme Court decision in Tennessee v Garner and then come back here and report to the group when a police officer can legally use lethal force against a criminal suspect who is fleeing. Because there's actually a very specific set of criteria for when it's legal to do that. And then follow up question for you once you do that, does shooting a man twice in the back as he's running away from you meet that legal criteria established in Tennessee v Garner?
    Last edited by aj3647; June-16-20 at 09:27 AM.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Canadian Visitor View Post
    No one is suggesting the fellow was an angel.

    Or that he didn't commit an offense under the law by being drunk behind the wheel.

    [[For accuracy.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Canadian Visitor View Post

    At the first point, officers didn't need to arrest him.

    The argument isn't 'let him go'.

    Its that you prevent him from driving home/tow his car; and you write him a ticket/issue a summons for a fine and a license suspension.

    Call him a cab, watch him get in it.......go about your business.
    They really DO need to arrest him. A handheld breathalyzer is shaky at best in court. It's usually just used to see if the officers should take the suspect down to the station for a better test. The officers then need to take him into custody, and to the station and use a more accurate machine. Generally that means getting a warrant from a judge and taking blood.

    Quote Originally Posted by Canadian Visitor View Post
    Then there is no fight, no taser no nothing.
    There's also no fight, tazer etc, IF THE GUY DOESN'T START A FIGHT ! He CHOSE to start a fight with 2 officers.

    Quote Originally Posted by Canadian Visitor View Post

    As soon as they get physical it all goes south, he grabs the taser in the course of the altercation [[not wise or ok).
    Let him run. You have his car, you have his plates, you know who he is, and where he lives; and exactly how fast is this drunk guy running carrying a taser anyway?

    You send a cruiser to his house and wait for him.
    HE HAS A HOUSE? [[or a stable residence of any sort? He's a 27 year old hoodlum that just got out of prison.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Canadian Visitor View Post
    You don't even pursue;....................

    Its math.

    You'll get him later.
    After his BAC has gone down to zero.
    Last edited by Bigdd; June-16-20 at 09:47 AM.

  24. #24


    All I can say after watching that clip is if some cop anywhere thinks I'm going to follow their finger in front of my eyes for 5 minutes, they're full of shit. I'd give you 4 passes before I straight on eye-fucked you. Give me a breathalyzer test or take me to jail.

  25. #25
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    Ok so we've heard time and time and time and time and time again, ad nauseum, about what terrible horrible criminals George Floyd and Rayshard Brooks were. How they broke the law and thus deserved what happened to them, they had criminal histories, if they didn't break the law they would still be alive, don't break the law if you don't want to be gunned down by police, yadda yadda yadda. We got it, message received.

    So here's my question for you, and this is a legitimate question for the usual suspects here, do you have ANY criticism whatsoever for the officer here and his actions? Or do you honestly, genuinely believe that his actions were both perfect and legal and that he quite literally had no other choice than to do what he did? Now my here's my challenge for you...just answer that question without pivoting back to what Brooks did. We know what we did. You've ranted about that plenty. We're focusing on the cop here and his actions. Is he blameless? Keep in mind, he shot a fleeing man in the back and that's how Rayshard Brooks died. Shot twice, IN THE BACK, as he was running away. Was the cop legally justified to do that at that exact moment in time?

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