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  1. #51


    Quote Originally Posted by Eastside... View Post
    You can't debate with a hypocrite...they stand for nothing and use words to extricate themselves from any situation. I know a thousand corporate guys like this, unfortunately.
    It's a separate topic, but, yes, I've met those sorts of creeps in business, too. They make my blood boil, but spineless sociopaths are everywhere.

    Back to riots and protests. George Floyd and Derek Chauvin both moonlighted as security staff in a Minneapolis bar. Is that true? If so, they must have known each other. Then there's the story that they hung out together watching porno movies... ?

    I've seen the YouTube video clips including from a female staff member at that Minneapolis bar who stated that the two men knew each other, with Derek outside [[on the door) and George working security inside the bar.
    Last edited by night-timer; June-03-20 at 04:54 PM.

  2. #52


    Quote Originally Posted by night-timer View Post
    It's a separate topic, but, yes, I've met those sorts of creeps in business, too. They make my blood boil, but spineless sociopaths are everywhere.

    Back to riots and protests. George Floyd and Derek Chauvin both moonlighted as security staff in a Minneapolis bar. Is that true? If so, they must have known each other. Then there's the story that they hung out together watching porno movies... ?

    I've seen the YouTube video clips including from a female staff member at that Minneapolis bar who stated that the two men knew each other, with Derek outside [[on the door) and George working security inside the bar.



    However, this forum is for "The Protest in Detroit", there's another under "Non-Detroit" for world views.
    Last edited by Honky Tonk; June-03-20 at 05:48 PM.

  3. #53


    'Tis a puzzlement. Why does an event occurring in Minnesota of otherwise only local concern, inflame a nation and beyond? Can't be Antifa, no, it can't. But, my, how the young are sucked in.

  4. #54


    ^^ This isn't a local issue. It's been happening nationwide for many years, including in Detroit.

  5. #55


    Quote Originally Posted by Meddle View Post
    ^^ This isn't a local issue. It's been happening nationwide for many years, including in Detroit.
    You are absolutely correct on that. Nationwide problem, no doubt.

    It’s also worth noting that in different locales across America the contributing factors to the issue are not all the same. Different problems exist to different degrees. Some places lack sufficient law enforcement education requirements and or suffer poor compensation, lousy racial integration and representation of the minorities they protect and serve. Nepotism, friends and even how well you played high school football can play a role in the hiring process in some places. Others, obviously suffer from unions that are way too powerful and make it difficult or nearly impossible to weed out bad officers.

    Unfortunately there is not a blanket cure across the country.

    In Detroit proper though lets give some of the credit where the credit is due for a change. Mayor Young was way out in front of reforming systematic racism in the DPD a generation ago. Even though work remains, much hard work has been done in Detroit. It would seem unfair after all that hard work that Detroit would have to pay a higher price than other places that have the problem worse just because Detroit is an easy target. Fix what is still broke and keep capital investment in the city government and Detroit’s economy coming without tearing it all down. Been there done that.
    Last edited by ABetterDetroit; June-03-20 at 08:34 PM.

  6. #56


    Quote Originally Posted by Ray1936 View Post
    ... Can't be Antifa, no, it can't....

    Mayor Duggan confirmed that Antifa had been scapegoated by white supremacists. And who ever even heard of Antifa until the recent white supremacist surges?
    An FBI's Washington Field Office report stated that members of a far-right group on social media had "called for far-right provocateurs to attack federal agents, use automatic weapons against protesters" during the D.C.-area protests over Floyd's murder on May 31, 2020.
    It's no surprise that white supremacists would reflexively select Detroit to sow discord.

    The course of action is to convince white supremacists that their deceptions are the cause of their failure.

    Because they are.
    Last edited by Jimaz; June-03-20 at 09:23 PM.

  7. #57


    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post

    Mayor Duggan confirmed that Antifa had been scapegoated by white supremacists. And who ever even heard of Antifa until the recent white supremacist surges?

    It's no surprise that white supremacists would reflexively select Detroit to sow discord.

    The course of action is to convince white supremacists that their deceptions are the cause of their failure.

    Because they are.
    How does he not know if Antifa is pretending to be white supremacists,it’s a game of discourse and diversion.

    Antifa has been around in Europe sense the 1920s,long before white supremacists were even created.

    Everybody is looking for the boogyman instead of looking in the mirror.

    White supremacy did not create and rule the inner cities,nothing has changed in 60 years.

    “They prepared to commit property damage and directed people who were following them that this should be done selectively and only in wealthier areas or at high-end stores run by corporate entities,” he added.


    So was the looting done selectively and only in wealthier ereas?

    By nature Antifa would not be torching and looting mom and pop stores

    “Before the protests began, organizers of certain anarchist groups set out to raise bail money, and people who would be responsible to be raising bail money, they set out to recruit medics and medical teams with gear to deploy in anticipation of violent interactions with police,” Mr. Miller said.

    That would make many celebrities and others directly connected to Antifa,there is no way they organized a nation wide protest and rioting,looting and burning campaign response in one day.

    They predicted the events that lead up to the start of everything?

    Antifa is anti corporation and anti oppression in those twisted little brains,were they sleeping for the last 4 months and willingly allowed themselves to be locked down,the very definition of oppression?

    They would have been forming protests months ago,unless people believe they were scared.

    Through out history,with the exception of MLK marches,every protest has turned into burning,rioting,looting.

    Antifa did not really have a presence in the states until 2007 lightly then in full force leading up to 2016.

    They do not show up in Florida where people are armed,they do not show up anywhere outside of liberal cities.

    not to go into a political thing.
    Last edited by Richard; June-03-20 at 10:53 PM.

  8. #58


    Quote Originally Posted by Ray1936 View Post
    'Tis a puzzlement. Why does an event occurring in Minnesota of otherwise only local concern, inflame a nation and beyond? Can't be Antifa, no, it can't. But, my, how the young are sucked in.
    Really shocked this comment would come from someone with your wealth of experience. The United States is a very large pot. Minneapolis is the spot that caused the entire pot to boil over.
    Last edited by 401don; June-04-20 at 07:36 AM.

  9. #59
    Join Date
    Dec 2014


    Shows you how fragile the whole thing is,

    That the arrest of a lifelong criminal and drug addict 600 miles away can cause death and destruction here.

  10. #60


    It's a combination of people and agenda's engaged here [[and NO I do not support violence and looting). Opportunist more than happy get free stuff, short-sighted to the long term impact of damaged and loss of businesses. The 'burn-it-all-down' folks that include Antifa but not limited to the, the angry and hurt. Then there are those marching and protesting what they perceive to be an injustice which while in another city is seen here locally in various situations of police misconduct.

    I posted this commentary from Noah Trevor who IMO captures much of the what is going on in response to the death of George Floyd:

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=980&v=v4amCfVbA_c&feature=emb_ logo

  11. #61


    McArthur Bridge closing tomorrow for Peace March.

    Last edited by Honky Tonk; June-04-20 at 08:02 PM.

  12. #62


    Quote Originally Posted by Bigdd View Post
    Shows you how fragile the whole thing is,

    That the arrest of a lifelong criminal and drug addict 600 miles away can cause death and destruction here.
    Doesn't matter. He had a knee on his neck for almost 9 minutes, the last two, he was motionless......https://s.abcnews.com/images/Busines...n_16x9_992.jpg

    FYI, there has been no death and destruction here.
    Last edited by Maof; June-04-20 at 09:14 PM.

  13. #63


    Yet another protest in Detroit seems to have finished peacefully. Good, I prayed for everybody today. It's a little ironic dont you guys think? People love depicting Detroit as some kind of war zone where you're guaranteed to get shot and killed the very second you step foot in city limits.

    Now nearly every major city in this union is acting like an actual war zone, destroying buildings, calling the national guard, etc. Meanwhile I don't think a single storefront in Detroit had broken windows this whole time. It looks like this city is much better than what people mythicized it to be and all these US cities really have their own problems they should focus on.

    Just my two cents.

  14. #64


    Quote Originally Posted by ABetterDetroit View Post
    In Detroit proper though lets give some of the credit where the credit is due for a change. Mayor Young was way out in front of reforming systematic racism in the DPD a generation ago.

    Coleman Young basically disbanded any resemblance of law and order under his rule. Pounds of drugs disappeared from evidence lockup only to be resold on the street again. Krack sales were rampant. Multiple times the DPD was under Federal investigation. The City was emptied of residents under his command. Everyone, black and white, were moving to the 'burbs because of Detroit's crime.

  15. #65


    There appears to be a common thread connecting all the protests and charges of police brutality. George Floyd and all the other men came in contact with the police as suspects in some form of criminal activity. Play with matches and eventually you’ll get burned. If our leaders don’t focus on the root cause, the consequences of breaking the law, then your just rearranging the chairs on the Titanic.

  16. #66


    Quote Originally Posted by CassTechGrad View Post
    There appears to be a common thread connecting all the protests and charges of police brutality. George Floyd and all the other men came in contact with the police as suspects in some form of criminal activity. Play with matches and eventually you’ll get burned. If our leaders don’t focus on the root cause, the consequences of breaking the law, then your just rearranging the chairs on the Titanic.
    Of course, that's a major issue. The other half of the equation is the fact that when a white person commits the same offence, whether major or minor, his treatment - handling by police, whether or not he's prosecuted, access to competent attorneys, length of sentence, etc. is totally different. Never mind the black person who doesn't get a job interview, never mind hired or promoted, because his name isn't Smith or Jones.

  17. #67


    Quote Originally Posted by CassTechGrad View Post
    There appears to be a common thread connecting all the protests and charges of police brutality. George Floyd and all the other men came in contact with the police as suspects in some form of criminal activity.
    What did Tamir Rice do?

    What did Douglas Zerby do?
    Last edited by Meddle; June-05-20 at 12:22 PM.

  18. #68


    Even when a shooting is justified, some police have gone way over the top ... literally.... Like the Cleveland Officer who jumped up on the hood of a car that had just led a chase and emptied his gun into the two occupants through the windshield.

  19. #69
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Imagine being this bloodthirsty, that you salivate at the idea of killing American citizens rather than viewing lethal force as a regrettable last resort only to be used in the most extreme of circumstances. And even then, it shouldn't be something that you would brag about unless you were a soulless monster.

    Michigan police chief on leave, asks forgiveness for tweets calling protesters ‘barbarians’


    “Wild savages,” said a tweet about looters in New York City. “I wish to God I would have been there. Body bags for these vicious subhumans. Oh, on another note, I dare you to try and drag me out of my vehicle.”

  20. #70


    Unless people are talking about reforming the concept of qualified immunity, nothing will change. As long as officers are shielded by qualified immunity, there will be very little pressure for them to act any differently. I don't think it needs to be removed altogether, as there are absolutely cases where it needs to come into play. But, there needs to be a reasonableness factor that a jury should be able to weigh in on. For instance, last year an officer in Pennsylvania successfully defended himself after slamming a suspects head inside a metal filing cabinet - that is, opening the cabinet, shoving his head in and repeatedly closing it. No reasonable person would call that an acceptable tactic. But, because that action was not specifically categorized as unconstitutional, the misconduct case was dismissed.

  21. #71


    Antifa is nothing but a Mansonesque cult that promotes terrorism and anarchism. When they see BLACK LIVES MATTER planning protests. It their change to do their power and chaos.

  22. #72


    Quote Originally Posted by JBMcB View Post
    Unless people are talking about reforming the concept of qualified immunity, nothing will change. As long as officers are shielded by qualified immunity, there will be very little pressure for them to act any differently. I don't think it needs to be removed altogether, as there are absolutely cases where it needs to come into play. But, there needs to be a reasonableness factor that a jury should be able to weigh in on. For instance, last year an officer in Pennsylvania successfully defended himself after slamming a suspects head inside a metal filing cabinet - that is, opening the cabinet, shoving his head in and repeatedly closing it. No reasonable person would call that an acceptable tactic. But, because that action was not specifically categorized as unconstitutional, the misconduct case was dismissed.
    As we go through life we learn to avoid those who would do us wrong or choose not to run “with that crowd”

    That is a luxury that we have,the police deal with on a daily basis everybody that we do not want to,they do that so we do not have to.

    There are a lot of really bad people out there and force is needed to deal with them,if the police do not take an aggressive approach then their life is also in danger.

    We know that so it is acceptable that the police have a leeway in their use of restraint,nobody wants to go to jail and some will do anything not to make that trip.

    If they have that disrespect towards law enforcement,why does one think they will be immune to that disrespect should they encounter them?

    We are a strange bunch,when crime is out of control we look to the police for blame,when the police use the methods necessary to control the crime and it goes sideways we look to the police for blame.

    Then add decreased budgets which creates lower hiring standards which an increase in violence along with a decrease in respect in general and it creates a toxic situation.

    This has been going on with the same message sense the 1960s,1970s,1980s,1990s,2000s and nothing has changed.

    Not everybody in the hoods are bad,it’s probably 20% making life hard for everybody and we spend more time on how the police interact with the bad we forget about how should we be interacting with the bad.

    Most are enabled,the groups that run into a store and grab merchandise and run back out are a direct result of lawsuits where shoplifters sued the store because they got hurt while shoplifting.

    Guy today walked out of Wal-Mart with $2000 in electronics while giving the camera the bird.Because he knew he could.

    The irony of watching a Nike store being looted with the words “Just Do It” painted on the wall.

    Nobody has been able to figure it out in 60 years and thinking hugs and kisses is the solution is not going to work.

  23. #73


    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    Coleman Young basically disbanded any resemblance of law and order under his rule. Pounds of drugs disappeared from evidence lockup only to be resold on the street again. Krack sales were rampant. Multiple times the DPD was under Federal investigation. The City was emptied of residents under his command. Everyone, black and white, were moving to the 'burbs because of Detroit's crime.


    Law and order pre CAY consisted of police commissioner John Nichols, the most vicious redneck thug in town. He basically "commissioned" the police to beat the heads of black detroiters on the smallest pretext; and beat they did [[STRESS...who were so outta control they killed a couple of black, off-duty Wayne county deputies who were playing cards...and were unapologetic about it I might add).....this is the law and order CAY disbanded under his rule.

    The white establishment tabbed thug Nichols to run against Coleman in '74 and he nearly won. It was the white establishment pre CAY that polluted the river, tore neighborhoods down to build freeways...engineered the HUD scandals that finished off what the freeways started.

    Big part of Reganomics was the defunding of urban safety nets...in Detroit, federal funding of job programs, education for skilled trades and the like were heavily slashed...combine that with a shrinking tax base; let's just say Coleman had his hands full, or tied.

  24. #74


    Quote Originally Posted by Eastside... View Post

    The white establishment tabbed thug Nichols to run against Coleman in '74 and he nearly won.
    Actually, Young won by 16,000 votes. It wasn't close at all.

  25. #75


    Quote Originally Posted by Ray1936 View Post
    Actually, Young won by 16,000 votes. It wasn't close at all.

    If you want to nit-pick... where in my quoted text is the word "close"..go take your nap

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