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  1. #926


    I cold turkeyed also; 23 yrs ago. Still doing fine, if fatter.
    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    I quit cold-turkey. I was having an elective surgery and NO nicotine could be in my system so patches were a no-go. I rationalized my two-ciggarettes [[two ciggs - not packs) as I thought it was ok. I breathe better now.

    Most surgeons prefer you to be nicotine free for scheduled surgery these days.

  2. #927


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    Regardless of the candidates, if Bernie wins I will support him and hopefully so will everyone else. They have apparently all agreed to support each other, so hopefully no one goes back on that. Edit: not all. I don't know if Bloomberg was in on that agreement

    I would not count on them holding to any agreements.

    Push comes to shove it gets decided by a coin toss.

    In Iowa's Democratic caucuses - a contest between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders for the party's presidential nomination - the results in several precincts were decided by flipping a coin, according to the Des Moines Register.


    Gotta love politics where candidates are chosen by the flip of a coin,at least they have a 50/50 chance.

  3. #928
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    I was wondering why any local politicians were endorsing Bloomberg, here's the answer. [[Remember Bernie won the primary here last time.)


    Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg, who was endorsed last week by Wayne County Executive Warren Evans, hired Evans' wife to work on his Michigan campaign before that time, the Free Press confirmed Wednesday.

  4. #929


    More of the DNC making up new rules as they go. Just a few weeks ago it was last minute changes that allowed Bloomberg to buy his way into the debates, now changes to purposely exclude Tulsi Gabbard.



  5. #930

  6. #931
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    Mar 2009


    Just saw that Tulsi Gabbard dropped out and endorsed Biden. Just when you thought 2020 couldn't get any weirder.

  7. #932


    Yea I always viewed her as more leaning towards Bernie policies,but she is still a politician and she will back who gets the most votes which will translate into who she will target in her next local election.

    A politicians main goal is to get elected and remain in power,whether I agree with Bernies policies or not,he has remained consistent for his 40 years.

  8. #933


    "Obamagate" Investigation Continues


  9. #934


    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    "Obamagate" Investigation Continues

    Like anything a Trump stooge and birther supporter writes has any credibility.

  10. #935


    Republicans flipped a house seat in California after the Democrat stepped down after it was revealed she had an affair with her aid.

    First time the republicans took that seat in 22 years.

  11. #936
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    First time the republicans took that seat in 22 years.
    I don't know where you get your facts from, but prior to Katie Hill flipping that seat in 2018, it was held by Republicans since 1993.


    Republican Steve Knight represented that district from Jan 2015 - Jan 2019. Prior to him, Republican Mike McKeon represented that district dating back to 1993.

    Facts matter, Richard.

    Now respond with a personal attack on me for pointing our your lie.

  12. #937
    Join Date
    Dec 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post

    First time the republicans took that seat in 22 years.
    Repubs have pretty much swept all the recent special elections.

    But the thing that's really frightening the Dems is the primary results.

    When pres Obama ran for re-election in 2012 in Michigan;

    he got 174,000 votes

    Trump got 650,000 votes.

    Think about that! Pres Obama won re-election,.. and Pres Trump got 3.73 TIMES as many votes !

    I think on the evening of Nov 3rd,.. we're going to witness the biggest landslide in presidential politics since Reagan's re-election in 1984.

  13. #938


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    I don't know where you get your facts from, but prior to Katie Hill flipping that seat in 2018, it was held by Republicans since 1993.


    Republican Steve Knight represented that district from Jan 2015 - Jan 2019. Prior to him, Republican Mike McKeon represented that district dating back to 1993.

    Facts matter, Richard.

    Now respond with a personal attack on me for pointing our your lie.

    For the first time in more than two decades, Republicans have flipped a Democratic House seat in California.

    Garcia’s win marks the first time the GOP has wrested a House seat in California from the Democrats since 1998, when Republicans Doug Ose and Steven T. Kuykendall flipped open seat

    Still calling me a liar and referring to personal attacks,while providing them.

    and you still cannot handle the math.
    Last edited by Richard; May-14-20 at 03:21 PM.

  14. #939


    Quote Originally Posted by rb336 View Post
    Like anything a Trump stooge and birther supporter writes has any credibility.


  15. #940
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    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    For the first time in more than two decades, Republicans have flipped a Democratic House seat in California.

    Garcia’s win marks the first time the GOP has wrested a House seat in California from the Democrats since 1998, when Republicans Doug Ose and Steven T. Kuykendall flipped open seat

    Still calling me a liar and referring to personal attacks,while providing them.

    and you still cannot handle the math.
    I'm sorry, what in my post can be construed as a personal attack? I didn't say anything about you personally. I said you lied, which is true. You did lie, and you continue to lie. That's not a personal attack on you, that's a factual assessment of your posts.

    Here, let me walk you through the facts, slowly, so you can comprehend better. Let's start with what you said.

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    First time the republicans took that seat in 22 years.
    THAT seat, which you are referring to, is CA-25. As I already pointed out, that seat has been consistently in GOP hands since 1993, so your statement that this is the "first time the Republicans took that seat in 22 years" is wrong. It is. Here's what the MSN article says, which you clearly misread and misunderstood.

    Garcia’s win marks the first time the GOP has wrested a House seat in California from the Democrats since 1998, when Republicans Doug Ose and Steven T. Kuykendall flipped open seats.
    First time since 1998 that the GOP flipped a California House seat from the Democrats. A seat. As in any seat. Not CA-25 specifically, as you falsely claimed, and which I already proved was not the case if you bothered to look at my link. If you did even the slightest bit of homework, you would have discovered that Republican Doug Ose flipped CA-03 in 1998, which is a different district. Weird! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doug_Ose

    And Republican Steve T. Kuykendall? He flipped CA-36 in 1998. Again, a completely different district.

    So you're wrong, but hey, instead of just being a man and admitting your mistake, double down on it and insist that you're right!

  16. #941


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    I'm sorry, what in my post can be construed as a personal attack? I didn't say anything about you personally. I said you lied, which is true. You did lie, and you continue to lie. That's not a personal attack on you, that's a factual assessment of your posts.

    Here, let me walk you through the facts, slowly, so you can comprehend better. Let's start with what you said.

    THAT seat, which you are referring to, is CA-25. As I already pointed out, that seat has been consistently in GOP hands since 1993, so your statement that this is the "first time the Republicans took that seat in 22 years" is wrong. It is. Here's what the MSN article says, which you clearly misread and misunderstood.

    First time since 1998 that the GOP flipped a California House seat from the Democrats. A seat. As in any seat. Not CA-25 specifically, as you falsely claimed, and which I already proved was not the case if you bothered to look at my link. If you did even the slightest bit of homework, you would have discovered that Republican Doug Ose flipped CA-03 in 1998, which is a different district. Weird! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doug_Ose

    And Republican Steve T. Kuykendall? He flipped CA-36 in 1998. Again, a completely different district.

    So you're wrong, but hey, instead of just being a man and admitting your mistake, double down on it and insist that you're right!
    So you saying that Wikipedia is correct and MSN as reporting is wrong?

    For the first time in more than two decades, Republicans have flipped a Democratic House seat in California.
    Democrat Christy Smith conceded Wednesday afternoon that GOP Navy veteran Mike Garcia “is the likely victor” in the special election to replace former Democratic Rep. Katie Hill in California’s 25th District.

    What part of that is confusing to you?

    CBS NBC Both reported the exact same thing.

    I tried picking the most liberal site I could find.

    You what you are saying is MSN is posting fake news ?

    For the first time in more than two decades, Republicans have flipped a Democratic House seat in California.

    Democrat Christy Smith conceded Wednesday afternoon that GOP Navy veteran Mike Garcia “is the likely victor” in the special election to replace former Democratic Rep. Katie Hill in California’s 25th District.

    There i repeated it for you.

    Garcia’s win marks the first time the GOP has wrested a House seat in California from the Democrats since 1998, when Republicans Doug Ose and Steven T. Kuykendall flipped open seats.

    To refresh your memory this is my original post

    Republicans flipped a house seat in California after the Democrat stepped down after it was revealed she had an affair with her aid.

    First time the republicans took that seat in 22 year

    Did the republicans flip the seat as I posted ?

    As backed up with a link and as I posted the first time in 2 decades?

    You just added things as you thought them up and called me a liar.

    Now read my original post and show me where I falsely claimed that they took any specific seat other then a Democratic house seat.

    Now how about you start being a man and instead of accusing others being a liar while you make crap up in your head,put that masters to work and actually read and comprehend what people post.

    Sorry I forgot,common sense need not apply.
    Last edited by Richard; May-14-20 at 10:04 PM.

  17. #942


    Hmm, other information coming forth may 'stick' even if this is spurious.

    The appearance of such renders the former POTUS a little less mobile in regards to who he'll be backing in November it can be argued.

    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    "Obamagate" Investigation Continues

    Last edited by Zacha341; May-15-20 at 08:44 AM.

  18. #943


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    Hmm, other information coming forth may 'stick' even if this is spurious.

    The appearance of such renders the former POTUS a little less mobile in regards to who he'll be backing in November it can be argued.
    I agree. Nobody is perfect.

  19. #944


    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    "Obamagate" Investigation Continues

    Remember during the impeachment hearings a star
    witness that was the ambassador to the UKRAINE was crying and saying Trump was wrong to fire her.

    “Burisma wasn’t a big issue in the fall … of 2016, when I arrived,” she said, noting that the investigation and details surrounding its closure “happened before I arrived.”
    "It was not a focus of what I was doing in that six-month period," she said.
    But through a Citizens United Freedom of Information Act request for emails related to Burisma sent by former deputy assistant secretary of state for Europe and Eastern Europe George Kent, the organization obtained more than 160 pages of emails and memos sent during the fall of 2016, including communications between Yovanovitch and U.S. Embassy officials about Burisma Holdings and documents indicating that she met with a representative of the firm at the embassy in December 2016.


    I wonder if they are going to charge her with providing false testimony.

    When the facts keep coming out it just proves the impeachment process just like the Russian Collusion was all built on lies and false testimonies.

    I still think all Ukraine was one big money laundering machine for US businesses and politicians and the whole impeachment scam was about punishing Trump for daring to bring it to light.

    Its a big money making scam,the ambassadors are the middle men directing billions of dollars in aid and military hardware to all of these foreign countries,Trump says,hold on a minute,we need to be reviewing all of this and look at exactly where the billions are going.

    The response,impeach the mfr,he is getting too close.

    Then they convinced millions in the country to support them,when at the end of the day it was all about the money and protecting it and thier golden taxpayer funded parachutes.

    The democrat power elites used the supporters like a Las Vegas hooker on nickel night,and they felt good about it afterwards because we impeached him,lol that has to sting.

    Biden says he like governor Witmers hair.
    Last edited by Richard; May-15-20 at 12:45 PM.

  20. #945
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    Dec 2014


    Abusing power to investigate your rivals

    Biden's sons dealings in Russia [[after Joe was made the WH point man to Russia)

    Withholding foreign aid to get Russia to fire the AG who was looking into he corrupt company the son worked. The very thing they falsely accused the president of doing, Joe ACTUALLY DID, then ADMITTED IT,.. then BRAGGED ABOUT IT.

    Biden's son getting 1.5 billion in investment money from the Chinese. [[after Joe was made the WH point man to China)

    These are just the start of the Biden corruption.

    Things get even worse when you start looking into the rest of his family. Like his brother.

    A long time family friend of Joe's sets up a new legal entity called Hillstone International Company. Then he meets Joe Biden in the WH. He then hires Joe's brother James,.. and a few months later the company gets a $1.5 BILLION contract to build 100,000 houses in Iraq [[with no such experience). Of course the project failed.

    The list goes on.

    Biden has been sucking on the public teat for his entire adult life. Deftly maneuvering through DC politics and corruption are pretty much all he knows.

  21. #946


    Yes, but in the 'either/ or' narrative of things to criticize the Biden's is to adore and Trump... sigh..........

    I guess so considering they're the only two at the presidential finishing line in a country neatly divided in half.

    SO get you're mind right [[smile) and follow the flow!
    Last edited by Zacha341; May-15-20 at 05:30 PM.

  22. #947


    Sometimes when I try to understand a persons motives,I play a little game,I assume the worst,what is the worst reason somebody has to benefit or gain?What are the motives?

    Game of Thrones

  23. #948


    ^^^ Hunger Games is coming soon at this rate......

  24. #949


    New York tried to eliminate the democratic primary based on Biden is the only candidate,they did that by wiping out everybody else’s names,then said Biden is the only one on the ticket,done deal.

    Talk about subverting democracy,let’s just dreaded those who we do not want in the ticket.

    There other presidential candidates are actually still in the race,they suspended their campaigns and not ended them.

    So they sued the state and won,forcing the state to hold the primary's.

    Even Bernie Sanders can show up at the last second and still get on the ticket in the primary’s,that could be why they are pushing on Biden so hard,if they got him out of the way at the primary’s then it would leave the progressive party heading the ticket.

    Biden also spoke with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as she was named to a unity task force aimed at bridging the gap between Biden and Sanders supporters.

    Also the Supreme Court is hearing arguments concerning the electoral vote process.

    What some are try to do is make it so if the ones in a state do not support the candidate that has the popular vote,then they can be punished.

    Or basically trying to neuter the process without actually eliminating it.
    Last edited by Richard; May-21-20 at 11:13 PM.

  25. #950
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Talk about subverting democracy,let’s just dreaded those who we do not want in the ticket.
    People in glass houses...

    State Republican parties in Kansas, Nevada, South Carolina, Arizona, Alaska, New York, Virginia, and Hawaii all CANCELLED their Republicans primaries and pledged all their delegates to Trump by fiat rather than let a single vote be cast.

    In the following states, Trump's name was the only one to appear on the ballot for the GOP primaries: Washington, Ohio, Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota.


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