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  1. #101


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    ... Trump has been going absolutely ape shit on Twitter these past two weeks looking to shift the blame for COVID to anyone and everyone but himself.
    The irony here is he wouldn't have had to get so defensive if he had just taken his responsibility seriously like leaders of other countries. I don't think anyone would hold Trump responsible for COVID itself. He is however responsible for his dismissively weak, late response to it. Trying to blame one's own behavior on others is just pathetic.

  2. #102


    ^ lol name one country where the leaders have had zero negative public response about how they reacted to the virus.

    You are acting like the United States is the only country in the world that has a divided political arena.

    Either you are that gullible or you think everybody else is.

  3. #103


    You indicated it; not me:
    when we were kids in public and screwed up,our mother did not have to say a word,all she had to do is give you,that look,and you knew your ass was grass when you got home.

    Watch Pelosi when party members do something that she does not like ,she gives them that look
    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    That is the problem with some,they like to create things in their mind that has zero to do with what was printed in the post.

    Let me guess you still check the bushes for Russians.

    If she reminded me of my mother she would be in the same place as my mother,6 feet under.

  4. #104


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    You indicated it; not me:
    no,you did what you always do,you took one word out of an entire post and created a whole narrative from that one word.

    Keyword in my post,was the word we, if what I posted did not apply to you then you're not part of we and you wouldn't understand, if I was referring to my mother personally,I would've stated it as such.
    Last edited by Richard; May-21-20 at 08:41 PM.

  5. #105


    You said “our” mother did not have to say a word. OUR mother, singular.
    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    no,you did what you always do,you took one word out of an entire post and created a whole narrative from that one word.

    Keyword in my post,was the word we, if what I posted did not apply to you then you're not part of we and you wouldn't understand, if I was referring to my mother personally,I would've stated it as such.

  6. #106


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    You said “our” mother did not have to say a word. OUR mother, singular.
    are you really that bored?

    I am not the only person in the world who had a mother like that,ever see a Italian or Hispanic mother,get out of line and they can knock a fly off of your nose with their slipper at 1000 yards.

    The reference was about the type of look Pelosi uses when she chastises fellow party members who get out of line.

    You take out of the whole thing,deflection wise,as me comparing my mother to Pelosi.

    And you guys are still confused as to why you cannot win elections,or impeachment’s,or hundreds of anti Trump hearings costing taxpayers millions in the process,or proof of Russian collusion,or or or or

    Thats why you guys pick at words and try to create something out of nothing,or act like you are shocked about everything Trumps says,because that is really all you have left.

  7. #107
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    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Bigdd View Post
    Most pundits expected the judge was going to rule right then and there, but she didn't.

    Presumably the judge will rule against the governor soon
    LOL!!! Don't quit your day job to become a legal analyst, Bigdd, you're bad at this.


    Michigan Court of Claims Judge Cynthia Diane Stephens ruled in Whitmer’s favor in a lawsuit brought by legislative Republicans in an order released Thursday afternoon, calling arguments that Whitmer doesn’t have the authority to extend a state of emergency if the legislature doesn’t agree “meritless.”
    Literally used the word "meritless" to describe the Legislature's case. "Meritless." But she was going to rule against Whitmer "right then and there" last Friday, right Bigdd?

    I love it when reality just lands on you guys like an anvil in a Road Runner cartoon.

  8. #108


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    LOL!!! Don't quit your day job to become a legal analyst, Bigdd, you're bad at this.


    Literally used the word "meritless" to describe the Legislature's case. "Meritless." But she was going to rule against Whitmer "right then and there" last Friday, right Bigdd?

    I love it when reality just lands on you guys like an anvil in a Road Runner cartoon.
    Don't worry AJ, there's a part you missed in the article:

    "Although it kept the Governor’s emergency orders in place, the Court of Claims agreed with the Legislature that the Governor broke the law in unilaterally declaring a state of emergency without legislative consent,"

    The challenge to Whitmer will continue in court.

  9. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by GMan View Post
    Don't worry AJ, there's a part you missed in the article:

    "Although it kept the Governor’s emergency orders in place, the Court of Claims agreed with the Legislature that the Governor broke the law in unilaterally declaring a state of emergency without legislative consent,"

    The challenge to Whitmer will continue in court.
    And? I'm being serious here, what does that even matter from a legal perspective? She broke the '76 law but followed the '45 law and the former does not invalidate the latter. Obviously that doesn't matter one iota for anything, since the Judge ruled in favor of Whitmer, which I will point out was her SECOND victory in Michigan courts this week. So I guess if that bolded statement makes you or anyone else feel better about this ruling, then I'm happy for you.

    Anyways, yes, I'm sure the case will continue. And as it stretches out into June and July and Michigan continues to gradually open up, the case will become increasingly moot. That being said, I'm happy to entertain any more expert legal predictions on how the case will turn out from Bigdd or anyone else here who wishes to make one.

  10. #110


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    And? I'm being serious here, what does that even matter from a legal perspective? She broke the '76 law but followed the '45 law and the former does not invalidate the latter. Obviously that doesn't matter one iota for anything, since the Judge ruled in favor of Whitmer, which I will point out was her SECOND victory in Michigan courts this week. So I guess if that bolded statement makes you or anyone else feel better about this ruling, then I'm happy for you.

    Anyways, yes, I'm sure the case will continue. And as it stretches out into June and July and Michigan continues to gradually open up, the case will become increasingly moot. That being said, I'm happy to entertain any more expert legal predictions on how the case will turn out from Bigdd or anyone else here who wishes to make one.
    AJ, it demonstrated that she did over reach in her power and also the flaw in the two laws that somehow have to co-exist and seemingly allow the governor to unilaterally make laws for an indefinite period of time defined as a "state of emergency." The judge did pose that question to the governor's attorney, asking if she could simply keep extending the emergency for the entirety of her term rendering the legislative branch moot.
    Also it leaves in uncertainty a provision of her order;
    [[from the DetNews article")

    The extension under the Emergency Management Act provided liability protections for health care workers during the pandemic, and it's not clear whether those protections stand after the judge ruled Whitmer exceeded her authority. The Legislature is considering bills extending those liability protections that could perhaps take the place of the protections afforded under the Emergency Management Act.

    So it could be argued that case was not filed frivolously and provided a much needed check on the governor. Now it's time for the legislatures to step up to the plate.

  11. #111


    And if you paid more attention to words and spelling we wouldn't be having this conversation at all. On simple "s" at the end of Mother would have precluded this. Same goes for Trump; if he was either more careful or allowed people to edit his statements, there would be a lot less misunderstandings. Spelling matters, words matter, punctuation matters.
    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    are you really that bored?

    I am not the only person in the world who had a mother like that,ever see a Italian or Hispanic mother,get out of line and they can knock a fly off of your nose with their slipper at 1000 yards.

    The reference was about the type of look Pelosi uses when she chastises fellow party members who get out of line.

    You take out of the whole thing,deflection wise,as me comparing my mother to Pelosi.

    And you guys are still confused as to why you cannot win elections,or impeachment’s,or hundreds of anti Trump hearings costing taxpayers millions in the process,or proof of Russian collusion,or or or or

    Thats why you guys pick at words and try to create something out of nothing,or act like you are shocked about everything Trumps says,because that is really all you have left.

  12. #112


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    And? I'm being serious here, what does that even matter from a legal perspective? She broke the '76 law but followed the '45 law and the former does not invalidate the latter. Obviously that doesn't matter one iota for anything, since the Judge ruled in favor of Whitmer, which I will point out was her SECOND victory in Michigan courts this week. So I guess if that bolded statement makes you or anyone else feel better about this ruling, then I'm happy for you.

    Anyways, yes, I'm sure the case will continue. And as it stretches out into June and July and Michigan continues to gradually open up, the case will become increasingly moot. That being said, I'm happy to entertain any more expert legal predictions on how the case will turn out from Bigdd or anyone else here who wishes to make one.

    According to the "The Peter Principle" she'll be promoted to VP.
    Last edited by Honky Tonk; May-22-20 at 09:41 AM.

  13. #113


    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    According to the "The Peter Principle" she'll be promoted to VP.
    That would be the opposite of the "Peter Principle" - which is literally THE guiding principle behind virtually every Trump appointment.

  14. #114
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    Dec 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    LOL!!! Don't quit your day job to become a legal analyst, Bigdd, you're bad at this.


    Literally used the word "meritless" to describe the Legislature's case.
    Yes, you are hate filled, we all get that. But that probably has more to do with your personal and professional failures than it does with me.

    The judge ruled in favor of the legislature on 2 of the 3 points.

    The first was standing, where she ruled in favor of the legislature.

    The second was on the 1976 law, which she also ruled in favor of the legislature, writing;

    “… The court rejects any contention that these terms are too ambiguous to provide meaningful standards.”
    But the governor’s authority under the Emergency Management Act is finite without an extension from the Legislature, Stephens said. She noted the “limitation of 28 days is repeated multiple times.”
    “The language employed here is mandatory: The governor ‘shall’ terminate the state of emergency or disaster unless the Legislature grants a request to extend it,” Stephens wrote.

    And then the judge ruled against the legislature regarding the 1947 law. This was the one that was a 50/50 deal,.. and is what will be taken up to the supreme court.

    There's a fair chance that the Supreme court will rule in favor of the legislature when they take this up. They'll not be wanting to allow Gov Whitmer to start a destructive precedent of monarchy. There's nothing in the current data to suggest a state of emergency should currently exist.
    Last edited by Bigdd; May-22-20 at 12:09 PM.

  15. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigdd View Post
    Yes, you are hate filled, we all get that. But that probably has more to do with your personal and professional failures than it does with me.

    The judge ruled in favor of the legislature on 2 of the 3 points.
    I'm not hate-filled, I just get a kick out of laughing at people who don't know what they're talking about. But anyways, you can spin this loss [[from your perspective) however you like. Tell yourself whatever you need to to make the LOSS feel less painful. "Won on two of three counts, lol, they didn't win on the one that actually MATTERED now did they? Take those "wins on two of three counts" and $2.50 and go buy yourself a cup of coffee.

    Whitmer won, the Legislature lost, and you were WRONG. Those are three indisputable facts. Feel free to make some more "predictions" though, I like laughing when Reality proves you wrong. Have a good day, friend!

  16. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    Whitmer won, the Legislature lost, and you were WRONG.

    Nothing was going to change upon Judge Stephen's ruling.

    Even if all three counts had gone the legislature's way,.. the governor would have been granted a stay until it was decided by the MI. State Supreme court.

    And the legislature having lost on one of the three,.. it's ALSO going to the MI. State Supreme court.

    This was mostly expected,.. and most legal pundits DID expect a quick decision by Judge Stephens,.. as everyone knew it was going up the chain the minute after. The judge even made a joke to that effect at the end of her ruling, stating that hers wasn't likely to be the last voice on the matter.

    Not sure how I was so WRONG about "Most pundits" thought there may be a decision that day,.. and that we'll know the decision soon.

    I think you mean the pundits were WRONG ? And 2 more calendar days is not soon?

    We'll know how this shakes out in a couple of weeks.
    Last edited by Bigdd; May-22-20 at 01:22 PM.

  17. #117


    United States Attorney William M. McSwain announced on Thursday that Domenick J. DeMuro, a Judge of Elections in Philadelphia, has been charged with and pleaded guilty to stuffing ballot boxes over the course of several years with fraudulent votes for Democrat candidates in federal, state, and local elections.

    Tyrannical Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed an executive order that banned regular Michiganders from traveling between residences in the state.
    Whitmer extended the ban on traveling to summer homes thru April 30th. The ban was lifted but Governor Whitmer begged Michiganders not to travel up north.
    Gretchen and Marc were at their summer home today.
    Gretchen doesn’t want you to visit your summer home but she will.

    Ahead of his much-publicized presidential visit to a Michigan Ford Motor plant repurposed to produce personal protective equipment on Thursday, the state’s Democratic attorney general posted an open letter to President Trump insisting that he wear a facemask and reminding him that it is “currently the law of this State” to do so. When President Trump defied her instructions, Attorney General Dana Nessel appeared on CNN to declare that she is “ashamed” that he is the President of the United States and accuse Trump of not caring about Michiganders’ “safety.” Nessel also suggested that Ford might be punished for allowing the president to take off his mask.


    So to sum it all up

    Democrats stuffing ballot boxes while claiming mail in voting has no fraud.

    Democrat governor that orders everybody to stay at hone and not travel,while she is exempt and in direct disobedience of her law.

    Democrat AG threatens the president and ford motor company for disobeying a state order while completely ignoring the governor breaking the law that she herself implemented.

    In other news Trump said something that offended somebody.

    The DNC has announced that after his release from prison the Democrat party in the state of Michigan has shown interest in placing X Detroit mayor Kilpatrick on ticket for President of the United States.

    A high ranking source that wishes to remain anonymous within the DNC was quoted as saying,

    We really wanted somebody on the ticket that best represents our party and the direction we want it to go in.

    We feel Kilpatrick is the best we can put forward based in our current track record.

    Last edited by Richard; May-22-20 at 05:37 PM.

  18. #118
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    Lol, Richard not even bothering to pretend to stay on the topic of this thread anymore. Just a mishmash of inane ramblings where he weaves together about half a dozen completely disparate issues into one unhinged and entirely OFF-TOPIC rant.

  19. #119


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    Lol, Richard not even bothering to pretend to stay on the topic of this thread anymore. Just a mishmash of inane ramblings where he weaves together about half a dozen completely disparate issues into one unhinged and entirely OFF-TOPIC rant.
    LMAO go back and read post 1 and show me where you have stayed on topic,while you are accusing other of being off topic.

    Opps sorry that is how the dems roll as of late,do as I say and not as I do.

    THAT right there was the original topic.

    You are so far out in space you would not know topic was unless it was dropped on you.

    Topic was government overreach,I posted latest examples.

    I knew there was going to be drawbacks of legalizing weed,people getting so stoned they are losing touch with reality.
    Last edited by Richard; May-22-20 at 06:17 PM.

  20. #120


    The governor lifted that second home thing weeks ago, and what she asks is that if you are going up north, please take everything you will need with you instead of having to go to the grocery store. I mean, I didn't go over and check her trunk to make sure she had enough supplies, but I'm pretty sure she would, just for people like Richard.
    Last edited by jcole; May-22-20 at 07:29 PM.

  21. #121


    ^ you know what they say about making assumptions.

    How come she did not listen to the experts?

    A University of Oxford professor who produced a competing model to the apocalyptic Imperial College model said there’s a chance that doing nothing would’ve been a more effective COVID-19 response than the various lockdowns implemented around the world.

    And she is still holding press conferences with her interpreter that stands within arms length and not practicing safe social distancing like she is telling others to do.

    They ordered us to listen to the experts of their own choosing,totally removing our individual rights.


    She and others picked the experts that suited their own agendas and totally ignored the experts that had a different opinion based on their level of expertise.
    Last edited by Richard; May-22-20 at 06:39 PM.

  22. #122
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    Just what we don't need- another virus thread. I don't think this is a normal virus. Do they have to make mass graves in a "normal" year? This is what is happening in Brazil.


  23. #123


    Put this in the main thread. I agree - There is nothing normal about C-19!

  24. #124


    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    Just what we don't need- another virus thread. I don't think this is a normal virus. Do they have to make mass graves in a "normal" year? This is what is happening in Brazil
    Yes that is normal in Brazil where people live in cemeteries,they do not actually bury the dead in cemeteries,there are stacked crypts,when your family member passes,you get a crypt,have the funeral,place the body in the crypt,6 months later the body gets rotated out for the next family.

    6 months if you continue to pay the monthly crypt rental,miss a payment and they get evicted sooner.

    Unless you have big bucks and can afford a proper cemetery and burial.

    Proper in our sense,the way it is in their world.

    We live in a sheltered first world country,what shocks us is normal daily life in a lot of poor countries,even more so if you do not have a dime.

    It is no different from when they were showing the mass graves in New York.

    Mass burials across the world,where there is poverty is pretty common,they just did not use it as an agenda in the past.

    Think that is bad try Honduras,family member passes in the house,wrap the body in plastic,place it at the curb,within a week or two the government comes around with a big truck and collects them and buries them in a mass grave.

    Outside of that,carry the body a couple of miles,or find somebody with a pickup truck or mule to help,dig a hole and bury them yourself.

    That’s the irony of it all,people complain about our president golfing or spelling or sentence structure,while across the world you get to watch your loved one rot at the curb for a couple of weeks while waiting pickup.

    First world problems.
    Last edited by Richard; May-24-20 at 11:09 AM.

  25. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    Do they have to make mass graves in a "normal" year?
    Quite possibly.

    In New York for instance,.. some 1,500 people are buried in mass graves every year on Hart Island. Unclaimed bodies.

    Lots of unclaimed bodies in Detroit too.

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