Michigan Central Restored and Opening

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  1. #76


    The media is also pushing Stacey Abrams,she is a woman of color and a woman.

    Of course all she ever did in her political career so far is nothing,outside of pushing for scary weapon bans.

    At least she is honest and says the only way she runs IS on identity politics,that is her whole platform.

    Kinda pointless though because everybody knows Trump will win again,the others just refuse to bend the knee,then wonder why they are in a unshakable loosing streak.

    Why would it be at Michigan’s expense if Biden does not win?

    Has Michigan suffered economically under the current president?

    Seems to me the state has done pretty well in the last 3.5 years,every state slips once in awhile and makes a bad choice in governors once in awhile.
    Last edited by Richard; May-20-20 at 06:02 PM.

  2. #77


    They are also saying that he's considering Kamela who is probably his best bet

  3. #78


    ^ she may play the game better then your Governor but she is definitely more whacked out,if it went down to that I would rather see Whitner.

    She is learning but at least has not be tainted to bad by the commie progressives,so she can at least be trained.

    She would probably be alright if she dropped the whole party line of explaining to everybody how much they hate trump on a daily basis.

    I think if she went with gut instinct and just do the right thing,she would be better off,as it stands,it seems like she is a party puppet with no identity.That is what is hurting the state,lack of genuine guidance in the learning process.

    What makes a great politician is one that can pick the battles and know when to reach across to the other side in order to gain your objective.

    Nobody gets what they want 100% and most know if you wake up everyday punching somebody in the mouth,it makes it all that much harder to come to terms.

    Trump was a democrat,he does not hate democrats and want to punish them,he lashes out against those who lash out against him,nobody has to like him,they just have to play the game they were elected to play.
    Last edited by Richard; May-20-20 at 06:26 PM.

  4. #79


    Quote Originally Posted by Johnnny5 View Post
    but honestly I think she's doing a pretty good job
    She's a traitor to freedom. I don't tolerate that.

  5. #80


    People showed they were willing to trade their freedom for safety,many were happy to oblige.

    There has to be some serious dust storms somewhere caused by the founding fathers rolling around in their graves.

    We are re-opening our state,but the problem is none of the workers will come back to work until the stimulus runs out in July.

    Now they are pushing for everybody to collect $2000 a month to stay home until January next year,that will literally wipe out the 35 million small business and at that time we will be at war for change.
    Last edited by Richard; May-20-20 at 07:21 PM.

  6. #81


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post

    Why would it be at Michigan’s expense if Biden does not win?
    I was referring to Whitmer's continued public sparring with President Trump, and the repercussions Michigan might endure because of it. Like the guy or not, we need Trump's help and it's not exactly a secret that he takes things like this personally.

  7. #82


    ^ meh it’s a game and as of yet he has not followed through.

    During the previous administration they came up with a neighborhood diversity program,the goal was to create neighborhoods that were racially equal.

    One of the recommendations by HUD was the use of code enforcement to encourage those to leave that were needed to create a more diverse neighborhood.

    If they did not comply then HUD would withhold funding to the city.

    3rd day in office Trump had HUD remove that from the books,I have not seen any evidence where he carries the retribution to where it hurts the people.

    But political leverage is nothing new,if you notice his attacks are geared towards getting the public riled up enough to think about their choice of elected official.

    At the end of the day,for us,we want those in office to do what is best for we the people,we do not care if they screw each other.

    His main objectives are really in the best interests of the country,immigration,bringing manufacturing back,skills training etc.

    Thats all stuff we know,Democrat or Republican it is what we all need to do in this country.

    We do not need to like who is in office,we the people need to figure out how to use them for our benefit.

    I think there are certain things that effect us all and can make a better life for everybody,we should support those who are ready to help us.

    What I do not get is Michigan and a few other states have somebody in a position,the president,that 100% supports manufacturing and jobs and you guys have let the nasty politics of it all slip by when the window of opportunity was right there.

    People just have to like their neighbors and country more then they care about somebody sitting in a chair in Washington.

    If we as the people do not start putting this politics evilness aside and demanding what we know is right for the country,we are only screwing ourselves and our children.

    The politicians if we notice end up millionaires while we are shopping at the dollar store.

    Detroit and Michigan is a city and state within the country,the better Detroit and Michigan do the better we are as a country,that is what binds is as Americans.

    That is why they call us deplorable,they want to divide us and separate us into fighting groups.

    Personally I prefer another 4 years of Trump because it is hard to get somebody in office that we can use as a nation.

    The dams broke and right away he sends FEMA and Army Corp of engineers despite his and the governors back and forth.That was an immediate response to the people when the chips were down.

    The virus has exposed our weaknesses when we choose to look to other countries in order to save a dime,our neighbors suffer because we choose to save a dime,our children and grandchildren will pay the price because we choose to save a dime.

    We need to stop that,we need to stop giving them the reaction they are looking for in these spats.

    If he takes 2020,It will be time for phase 2 and we all need to pull together,they all like to pump their chests and say I did that,who cares who takes credit for anything.

    You guys are not alone,you have 49 states behind you,Democrats and Republicans,I am in Florida,when Michigan bleeds,Florida bleeds,we need to come together and stop the bleeding.

  8. #83
    Join Date
    Dec 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Johnnny5 View Post
    ..........., it's beyond obvious that she's running for the VP spot now. Not that I hold that against her, but it could end up being at Michigan's expense if Biden doesn't end up in the White House next year.

    Not only is Biden trailing badly in the polls to Trump, Biden may well not even end up on the ballot.

    The Spokeswoman for the DNC made it fairly clear that they don't yet know who their candidate will be.

    She said the DNC is not nominating Biden. And the convention IS happening because there is business that HAS to happen.

  9. #84


    Quote Originally Posted by Ray1936 View Post
    I think this is needed, and I would ask all respondents to keep their thoughts and replies short.....one or two paragraphs, be then positive or negative. [[I hate it when someone responds with forty paragraphs just to say "yes" or "no".)

    I truly believe we are faced with a particularly nasty virus this spring, but just one of those we face every year. However, I think the governmental response has been totally excessive and unconstitutional. I grant you, I'm 83 and gonna die in a few years anyway, so I don't really much give a care.

    So how say you, fellow DYes'ers? Am I the wacko, or has big government gone way over the borders? Fire away.
    They cain't read none too good Ray!!

  10. #85


    Quote Originally Posted by Meddle View Post
    They cain't read none too good Ray!!
    You seem to be upset that everybody refuses to tow the line,do you want to punish us and make us stay in lock down?

    If everybody stepped in line,the thread would be pointless.

    65% of the population agrees with the stay at home and thinks it should continue.

    That would leave a thread where 4 people would believe there was overreach.

    That would leave a thread survival rate of 6 minutes.

  11. #86


    Quote Originally Posted by Bigdd View Post
    Not only is Biden trailing badly in the polls to Trump, Biden may well not even end up on the ballot.

    The Spokeswoman for the DNC made it fairly clear that they don't yet know who their candidate will be.

    She said the DNC is not nominating Biden. And the convention IS happening because there is business that HAS to happen.

    I can't help but have this creepy feeling they might run Pelosi.

  12. #87


    ^ when we were kids in public and screwed up,our mother did not have to say a word,all she had to do is give you,that look,and you knew your ass was grass when you got home.

    Watch Pelosi when party members do something that she does not like ,she gives them that look or hisses at them,at least Trump says what is on his mind right then and there,Pelosi is dangerous like a rattlesnake hiding in the grass waiting to strike.

    The spokeswomen for the DNC said they were going to have a surprise at the National convention and it was not Biden.

  13. #88


    Oh, that's so nice; Nancy reminds you of your mom....
    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    ^ when we were kids in public and screwed up,our mother did not have to say a word,all she had to do is give you,that look,and you knew your ass was grass when you got home.

    Watch Pelosi when party members do something that she does not like ,she gives them that look or hisses at them,at least Trump says what is on his mind right then and there,Pelosi is dangerous like a rattlesnake hiding in the grass waiting to strike.

    The spokeswomen for the DNC said they were going to have a surprise at the National convention and it was not Biden.

  14. #89


    Could [[this thread) have been an actual 'POLL Thread' format with percentage check boxes from questions with yes or no, or not-interested options!

    Such surveys/ polls have been created on various topics before....
    Instead we have......... and the complaints therein!

    Quote Originally Posted by Meddle View Post
    They cain't read none too good Ray!!
    Last edited by Zacha341; May-21-20 at 01:56 PM.

  15. #90


    Quote Originally Posted by Bigdd View Post
    Not only is Biden trailing badly in the polls to Trump, Biden may well not even end up on the ballot.

    The Spokeswoman for the DNC made it fairly clear that they don't yet know who their candidate will be.

    She said the DNC is not nominating Biden. And the convention IS happening because there is business that HAS to happen.

    Depends on which polls one chooses, but as far as I can tell it's still basically a toss up between Biden and Trump come November [[Assuming they're the nominees). Will the Democrats choose someone else? Maybe, but at this point that's basically like throwing away 2 pair and hoping to pick up trips. There's a small chance it works, but the odds are good that it will backfire.

    IMO it's too late in the game to drop Biden. Now of course if something major comes out like a health scare or a video of him with his hand up some former employees skirt, then all bets are off. The problem then is that Democrats are almost 100% certain to pick from among the other failed contenders from the primaries, or God forbid fall back to Hillary. Then Trump is almost guaranteed a win because a sizable portion of Democrats will simply throw up their hands and spend November 3rd day drinking instead of voting.

  16. #91


    Quote Originally Posted by Bigdd View Post
    Not only is Biden trailing badly in the polls to Trump, Biden may well not even end up on the ballot.
    Please provide a link to ANY poll where Biden is "trailing badly."

    Most polls show Biden 52/Trump 48. Some polls show Biden leading by 11 points. THAT is a large lead. [[Recent Quinnipiac University poll). Show me one showing Trump with anything near that lead.

  17. #92


    Quote Originally Posted by rb336 View Post
    Please provide a link to ANY poll where Biden is "trailing badly."

    Most polls show Biden 52/Trump 48. Some polls show Biden leading by 11 points. THAT is a large lead. [[Recent Quinnipiac University poll). Show me one showing Trump with anything near that lead.
    Yeah, I googled it and the first 1/2 dozen polls shows Biden in the lead. I can copy and paste any of them but, so could others.
    Last edited by Maof; May-21-20 at 12:35 PM.

  18. #93
    Join Date
    Dec 2014


    The law is a bit vague,.. [[2 laws actually, one from 1947 and the other from the '70's).

    The judge pretty much laughed the governor' attorneys out of the room in regards to the 70's law,. but it remains to be seen what she will rule in regards to the 1947 law.

    It's fairly clear that the state of emergency can only be extended once without the legislature,.. and it HAD already been extended once.

    I just wish Biden would pick Harris or Hillary or whomever soon, so our gov can stop playing these games.

  19. #94
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    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Maof View Post
    Yeah, I googled it and the first 1/2 dozen polls shows Biden in the lead. I can copy and paste any of them but, so could others.
    RealClearPolitics, which aggregates all the major polls to give a running average with far larger statistical power, has Biden leading nationally by 5.1 points.


    For the doubters, notice that Rasmussen [[which is a Republican polling firm and by far the most pro-Trump of all the polling agencies) even has Biden up by 5 points.

    I'd imagine whatever internal polling that the Trump Campaign is doing probably doesn't look good either, considering that Trump has been going absolutely ape shit on Twitter these past two weeks looking to shift the blame for COVID to anyone and everyone but himself.

  20. #95


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    RealClearPolitics, which aggregates all the major polls to give a running average with far larger statistical power, has Biden leading nationally by 5.1 points.


    For the doubters, notice that Rasmussen [[which is a Republican polling firm and by far the most pro-Trump of all the polling agencies) even has Biden up by 5 points.

    I'd imagine whatever internal polling that the Trump Campaign is doing probably doesn't look good either, considering that Trump has been going absolutely ape shit on Twitter these past two weeks looking to shift the blame for COVID to anyone and everyone but himself.

    Just for kicks I went back to May 21st 2016 to see the poll results at RealClearPolitics.com . In a two way race in Michigan they had Hillary Clinton leading with 46.7% of the vote and Donald Trump at 38%. Nationally their chart doesn't go back to May of 2016, but in June of 2016 they gave Clinton a 4.7% lead over Trump, almost exactly the same as Biden's today.

  21. #96
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    Dec 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by rb336 View Post
    Please provide a link to ANY poll where Biden is "trailing badly."

    Most polls show Biden 52/Trump 48.
    ^ That is correct,.. But those are the general numbers. The only thing that matters in a national election is how they're doing in the swing states. And in those same polls you're referring to,.. Pres. Trump leads by 7% in the swing states.

    Digging further,.. we need to look at how off polls are. If November '16 taught us anything, it's that you can't take them on face value.

    What you'll see when you dig into the poll data is that they WAY over-sample Democrats. The polls that showed Hillary as having been in the lead by as much at 8 points in Nov '16, were sampling Dems at a rate of 64% - 68%.

    So,... if we use a correction factor of just 5%,.. to account for the oversampling of Democrats in polls,.. that +2% in general and -7% in swing ends up looking more like Biden being behind 3% generally, and behind double digits in the all-important swing states.

    I.E. A Landslide for the current president.

    In '16 Trump won 304 to 227 in the electoral collage. If the DNC allows Biden to run,... it will be more like 350 to 200 this Nov.

    The DNC MUST find a way to exit him stage left.
    Last edited by Bigdd; May-21-20 at 04:29 PM.

  22. #97
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    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Johnnny5 View Post
    Just for kicks I went back to May 21st 2016 to see the poll results at RealClearPolitics.com . In a two way race in Michigan they had Hillary Clinton leading with 46.7% of the vote and Donald Trump at 38%. Nationally their chart doesn't go back to May of 2016, but in June of 2016 they gave Clinton a 4.7% lead over Trump, almost exactly the same as Biden's today.
    Some of the state-level polling was off, but the national polling data was spot on. RCP on the day of the election had Clinton over Trump by 3.2 points nationally. Clinton ended up winning the national popular vote by 2.1 points, with that 1.1 point difference well within the margin of error of the polling data. So the national polling data was correct.

    But there's really no point making comparisons to 2016. Trump wasn't the incumbent then [[he is now), he had no record to run on [[he most certainly does now). Biden is not Hillary. And we weren't in a viral pandemic then causing a full-on economic depression. It's not even remotely the same environment as 2016.

    As far as the polls, after 2016, methodology got revamped to address the failures with some of the state-level polling. If you want to make comparisons, look at the accuracy of polling data for the 2018 and 2019 elections for a barometer of how accurate they are now.

  23. #98


    The Governor won in court today over the Legislature.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigdd View Post
    The law is a bit vague,.. [[2 laws actually, one from 1947 and the other from the '70's).

    The judge pretty much laughed the governor' attorneys out of the room in regards to the 70's law,. but it remains to be seen what she will rule in regards to the 1947 law.

    It's fairly clear that the state of emergency can only be extended once without the legislature,.. and it HAD already been extended once.

    I just wish Biden would pick Harris or Hillary or whomever soon, so our gov can stop playing these games.

  24. #99


    Quote Originally Posted by Bigdd View Post
    ^ TAnd in those same polls you're referring to,.. Pres. Trump leads by 7% in the swing states.
    That is actually not true.

    Name:  shift.jpg
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    As you can see, his favorability in swing states has declined steeply in the last month

    Name:  Margin.jpg
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    The margins in the swing states are usually not as high as 7%. For most of those polls, the margins are 2-3%. There are a couple of outlier "swing states" where the margin was significantly higher in earlier polls - namely Florida and NC. But now even very very red[[neck) NC is trending Biden.
    Last edited by rb336; May-21-20 at 05:08 PM.

  25. #100


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    Oh, that's so nice; Nancy reminds you of your mom....
    That is the problem with some,they like to create things in their mind that has zero to do with what was printed in the post.

    Let me guess you still check the bushes for Russians.

    If she reminded me of my mother she would be in the same place as my mother,6 feet under.

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