Quote Originally Posted by Canadian Visitor View Post
Did you note that no Detroit-based hospital made the list?

Windsor does have a large hospital, it has level-2 Trauma Care, Neo-Natal ICU, Cancer Care, Regional Stroke Centre, CT/MRI/PET Scanners.

There are no procedures for which you cross the border routinely.

Level 1 Trauma care may, though, there is level 1 Trauma care in London, ON and in Hamilton, ON as well as Toronto, so you would only be sent to Detroit, by land ambulance, if it were life/death; and there wasn't time to get you to London/Toronto by chopper.

If, you need a procedure for which you get an appointment, and that care isn't in Windsor, you would be sent to London or Toronto.

That's how the system works.

And by your estimates, how long is that wait? If your medical coverage is in the US, as in the cases of the nurses, you just drive over the border. It also makes it convenient for subsequent follow-up visits. You also may have noticed there are 5 hospitals listed in the US, 3 rated higher than the 3 in Toronto. I'm going on go with Wheels post. Because the nurses are making better wages, and do have more of a choice in their medical coverage, it is a "win-win" for them. Thanx for their being here and their service.