Livonia city candidate Glenn Moon has God-fearing principles in the pulpit of his church. But not enough political principles to uphold city office. Religion and politics must be separate. We can't have too many different ethnic denominational animosities in conflict in American local, state and federal governments. It would cause the secular world to rebel and more people to reject any religion. Christianity is its own nation founded upon the Kingdom of God. Christianity has its own spiritual holy government much different from the secular world. Our mission is ambassadors of Christ is it SAVE THE LOST, not save the world. For the world will be judged in last days according to revelations. Same goes with other religions with their own paths to God.

So Rev. Moon will not win the election for Livonia City Council because if he does he be like the equivalent to Barbare-Rose Collins singing ' Onward Christian Soldiers'.


Any more preachers, rabbis and Imans running for political office?

for Neda Soltani, a great political revolutionary