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  1. #4076


    “People can argue about what I should have said and what I should have done,” Bolton said at Vanderbilt University Wednesday night during a forum with his predecessor Susan Rice, according to ABC News. “I will bet you a dollar right here and now my testimony would have made no difference to the ultimate outcome.”


  2. #4077


    Duh. Moscow Mitch had already vowed to make a mockery of the "trial" and, by extension, the Constitution.

  3. #4078



    Maybe if the house had not twisted the constitution and tried to impeach a president with zero evidence,outside of what they created in their minds, while providing no proof the outcome may have been different.

    You saying that proves that it was a partisan witch hunt because you only view it as the senate twisting the constitution.

    What part of it was not the senates job to provide a trial or evidence for the house are you still confused on?

    The House was supposed to address the witnesses and build a case to present to the senate,they failed to do that and they do not get the privilege of handing it over to the senate ,while saying sit on this, while we continue to look for more witnesses and build our case.

    Let me guess the next time you go to court you are going to hire a lawyer in order to prove your guilt to the prosecutor ?

    Always placing blame on everybody else for ones own screw ups seems to be a standard for the Dems as of late.
    Last edited by Richard; February-24-20 at 01:59 PM.

  4. #4079


    Dems shout at each other - bedlam @ Tuesday's debate!

    • Right off the bat, the candidates began targeting Sanders, arguing he is backed by Vladimir Putin, is unelectable and is divisive
    • Moderators Gayle King and Norah O'Donnell quickly lost control with the candidates shouting over another
    • At various points, the crowd booed the notion of billionaires, which includes Bloomberg and Steyer
    • The blows went in all directions. Joe Biden, who said he intends to win in South Carolina, blasted Sanders for voting against the Brady bill gun control measure, and referenced the Charleston church shootings
    • Bloomberg was labelled a 'racist' and Warren blasted him for NDAs...


    Top moments from the CBS News Democratic debate in South Carolina

    Last edited by Zacha341; February-26-20 at 05:23 AM.

  5. #4080


    ^ they are entertaining to watch.

    Bloomberg said he released the women from the NDAs two days after the last debate,so no longer an issue but she keeps using it as a talking point.

    They also seem to out of touch with some of their programs,Warren says 2% tax on the “rich” to raise 50 billion and implement skilled trades training.

    Trump already did that 4 months ago,many states and cities have received federal funds to implement those programs and many are up and running.

    Without raising taxes.

    It is funny how all of the sudden when it comes to the south and trying to grab the African American vote by offering compensation for black sharecroppers and black collages.

    The south was the agricultural center,it did not matter what color you were,sharecropping was a way of life for millions,still is.

    I thought segregation in the education system was frowned on,but now there are candidates pushing to fund it.

    The pandering and false promises are crazy.

    It is nice to see them going after each other with the same vigor as they went after Trump,it just shows it is in their DNA.

    Which candidate do you guys actually view as a conservative Democrat?

  6. #4081


    ^^^ None. I thought Tulsi Gabbard was but she was vanquished early on. LOL!

  7. #4082


    ^ I actually liked her and thought she was a much stronger candidate as a woman then Hilliary.

    Until she started saying she agreed with a lot of Bernie’s polices and that is when you saw her support plummet,she switched to a female version of Bernie of sorts.

    If She would have maintained that conservative course instead of trying the progressive popularity route,I think she would have had a better chance.She got lost in the crowd as a result.

    Klobuchar Just comes across as weak in the debates as if though she is ready to break down in tears under pressure during the debates.

    Women in politics like Tulsi Gabbard,Condoleezza Rice,Nikki Haley etc all have shown the ability to remain composed under pressure and come across as strong women that would not be swayed by emotions when the chips are down,I am surprised that they have not gone further then they have in the arena.

    They say Trump is a threat to democracy but to me anyways the loss of the conservative Democratic Party is the bigger threat,it is needed in order to counter the republicans.

    Politics is 95% compromise,the progressives have hard line My way or the highway attitude at any cost which is going to create a future of butting heads.They have even said that in the town hall meetings.

    In order for things to work each side has to sit down and come to a meeting of the minds where each side gets at least a little of what they are asking for.

    It is not perfect and takes a long time for results but when all one party does is force its agenda down everybody’s throat and call them names if they do not agree with you,that’s when the Trumps are created.

    He has done a lot for the country and has followed through with what he promised,that creates a lot of support that is hard to beat.

    If the Democrats had just sat down instead of creating a path of resistance they could have accomplished a lot more,but all they did was take a sledgehammer and continue to drive a wedge,which in turn forced them to run a campaign on get Trump instead of this is what we can do for the future of the country and in the best interests of the its citizens.

    They could have said,look we helped do this now elect me so we can take it to the next level and this is how I propose to do it.

    This whole attitude of we are going to do this weather you like it or not or forced dramatic change is going to get a predictable response.

    Bernie knows he will never be elected as president,all he is doing is the same thing he has been doing for the last 40 years,pushing the socialist agenda in America and building support for it.
    Last edited by Richard; February-26-20 at 11:32 AM.

  8. #4083


    It is a threat. I quite agree.

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    ...the loss of the conservative Democratic Party is the bigger threat, it is needed in order to counter the republicans.
    However, his ideology [[which he learned) has many followers to succeed him. They've been well trained - younger and steeped in the belief that socialism/ communism [[um, this time) will be the RIGHT system to provide perfected equality and assured progress.

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Bernie knows he will never be elected as president, all he is doing is the same thing he has been doing for the last 40 years, pushing the socialist agenda...
    Last edited by Zacha341; February-27-20 at 06:25 AM.

  9. #4084


    Trump and the Taliban have come to terms on beginning to end the Afghanistan War. Subject to the Taliban behaving itself, the U.S. will immediately begin drawing down its 13,000 troops in Afghanistan to 8,600. We've been there since 2001. This is good news, in the right direction, but falls short of setting a date to bring all U.S. troop home. Tulsi Gabbard[[D) is the only presidential candidate I've heard mention suggesting bringing troops home faster.

    "According to the US Department of Defense, the total military expenditure in Afghanistan [[from October 2001 until September 2019) was $778bn.
    In addition, the US State Department - along with the US Agency for International Development [[USAID) and other government agencies - spent $44bn on reconstruction projects."

    "Since the war against the Taliban began in 2001, US forces have suffered more than 2,300 deaths and around 20,660 soldiers injured in action."

    Last edited by oladub; February-29-20 at 01:05 PM.

  10. #4085

  11. #4086


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    Trump and the Taliban have come to terms on beginning to end the Afghanistan War. Subject to the Taliban behaving itself, the U.S. will immediately begin drawing down its 13,000 troops in Afghanistan to 8,600. We've been there since 2001. This is good news, in the right direction, but falls short of setting a date to bring all U.S. troop home. Tulsi Gabbard[[D) is the only presidential candidate I've heard mention suggesting bringing troops home faster.

    "According to the US Department of Defense, the total military expenditure in Afghanistan [[from October 2001 until September 2019) was $778bn.
    In addition, the US State Department - along with the US Agency for International Development [[USAID) and other government agencies - spent $44bn on reconstruction projects."

    "Since the war against the Taliban began in 2001, US forces have suffered more than 2,300 deaths and around 20,660 soldiers injured in action."

    I believe the timeline was 1 year withdrawal,Tulsi should know better then to think you can just send planes over tomorrow and bring everybody back.

    We have been there almost 20 years,bases have to be disassembled,tons of equipment sent back,places for those to go when they come back,environmental remediation to make sure no contamination is left,the logistics is a bit more complex.

    It also gives time to see if the Afghans are going to stick to their word in the drawdown process,you cannot just pull everybody and everything out,then if TSHTF you have to react starting from zero.

    There are also a lot of tribes and villages that have benefited from our revenue stream,immediately pulling out troops would give them little time to adjust.

    Then they get pissed off and join forces with people that are not so friendly to us.

    Every time we pull out of the Middle East we completely disassemble the bases so they cannot be used in the future by potential enemies.

    Imagine disassembling ,What amounts to a small city, back to the sand that has been established for 20 years.

  12. #4087


    Well that did not last long,the Taliban dropped the agreement and went back on the attack.

    The Afghanistan government had stated that the United States had no right to implement any agreements.

    I guess if the Afghanistan government felt it was not a valid agreement it would stand to reason the Taliban would say screw this.

    I think we need to pull out of everything Middle East,shortly they will be throwing nukes at each other,problem solved.

  13. #4088
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Alex Jones arrested for DUI in Texas:


    Now taking bets on whether he accepts responsibility for his actions like a man, or whether he comes up with a conspiracy theory about how this isn't his fault and everyone is out to get him.

    Or maybe he'll blame it on "eating a big bowl of chili" for lunch, like that time he forgot what grade his own kids were in in school.

    I'm sure this fat alcoholic piece of shit will be the next Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient. Thankfully these are state-level charges and Trump can't pardon him...

  14. #4089


    Stormy issued a statement Tuesday, saying she and Trump denied the affair multiple times since it allegedly went down in 2006 ... and nothing's changed. She says, "I am not denying this affair because I was paid 'hush money' as has been reported in overseas owned tabloids. I am denying this affair because it never happened."

  15. #4090


    So is the corona virus a “Hoax” or a pandemic that the President “knew was a pandemic long before they were calling it a pandemic?”

    It can’t be both. They directly contradict each other. One of the answers is a lie. Does he lie to his supporters at his rallies because they are so infatuated with him they are gullible or just to dumb to know when they are lied to?

    Trumps total lack of leadership and the mixed messages of bullshit directly caused the country to lose the initiative at containing the virus like South Korea did with enough test kits. Now we pay the price for his god awful leadership with dead Americans while cratering our whole economy. Not to mention more stratospheric government spending in the Trillions of dollars.

    Trump is Tremendous at being a Great fuckup.

    Last edited by ABetterDetroit; March-21-20 at 11:24 PM.

  16. #4091


    ^ you guys could not pull off a simple Russian narrative let alone an impeachment,not really in a position to be calling others out.

    The corona virus thread was posted here January 26th,your governor received $15 million in fed dollars in order to prepare the state for the virus before even the first death in the state.

    How many dead Americans are because of that,take the money but did nothing.

    Must be tough to fight out of a wet paper bag while blaming Trump on crashing the economy.

    Interesting how posters knew were things were headed before even the state government did when it was actually their job to begin with.

    You are forgetting the house already held accountability hearings on how it was handled,it went nowhere as usual but maybe they could have used that time to be a bit more productive and actually helped their states prepare?

    But yep,Trump is your daddy so it is all his fault.

    You can bet when the time is right,there will be senate hearings about when the governors of states spent their time playing politics and placing inaction claims against the federal government.

    After receiving federal funds in order to prepare their states and failing to do so.

    I would have preferred he had just declared a martial law and took control of the states from the start.

    O he could not have done that because by law and procedures he had no authority to do so.

    With all of the Internet experts on an unknown virus and how to react to it while sitting in the cheap seats should have this cleared up by next week,they could have had it solved two weeks ago but they were to busy hoarding toilet paper.

    Or maybe they figured they needed extra in order to wipe the massive amounts of BS coming out of their mouths.
    Last edited by Richard; March-22-20 at 12:57 AM.

  17. #4092


    Quote Originally Posted by ABetterDetroit View Post
    So is the corona virus a “Hoax” or a pandemic that the President “knew was a pandemic long before they were calling it a pandemic?”

    It can’t be both. They directly contradict each other. One of the answers is a lie. Does he lie to his supporters at his rallies because they are so infatuated with him they are gullible or just to dumb to know when they are lied to?

    Trumps total lack of leadership and the mixed messages of bullshit directly caused the country to lose the initiative at containing the virus like South Korea did with enough test kits. Now we pay the price for his god awful leadership with dead Americans while cratering our whole economy. Not to mention more stratospheric government spending in the Trillions of dollars.

    Trump is Tremendous at being a Great fuckup.

    Did you see who's sitting to the left of him? Diamond and Silk...LOL. And then you have Richard, who will come up with anything to defend this guy, even though there's multiple video's and his own twitter page as evidence of his lack of leadership.
    Last edited by Maof; March-22-20 at 07:21 AM.

  18. #4093


    Trump poses, while these governors actually lead
    Last week, the President told reporters, "I don't take responsibility at all," when confronted with his administration's failure to provide widespread testing.
    That he said that isn't news anymore but just let it sink in.

    Trump's toadies can't unring that bell.

  19. #4094


    Not sure if Dr. Fauci can take it much longer. Have to give him a tremendous amount of respect for holding back......https://twitter.com/bryangreenberg/s...44681657470976

  20. #4095


    There are several bells rang that cannot be un-rung. Including some from Pelosi, Hannity and others. The presidents premature tweetings alone were careless.

    It's all so very tiresome. Just remove him now I suppose and lets get on with focusing on the Covid-19 process and recovery.

    VP Pense would be the second in command to move forward.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post
    Trump poses, while these governors actually leadThat he said that isn't news anymore but just let it sink in.

    Trump's toadies can't unring that bell.
    Last edited by Zacha341; March-22-20 at 08:30 AM.

  21. #4096


    That was the 'look' for sure...... Hah!

    Quote Originally Posted by Maof View Post
    Not sure if Dr. Fauci can take it much longer...
    Last edited by Zacha341; March-22-20 at 07:53 AM.

  22. #4097


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    VP Pense would be the second in command to move forward.
    At least he could answer a sincere question, as oppose to DT who became defense and blew a gasket.....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=th1k8_aZwK8

  23. #4098


    Quote Originally Posted by Maof View Post
    Did you see who's sitting to the left of him? Diamond and Silk...LOL. And then you have Richard, who will come up with anything to defend this guy, even though there's multiple video's and his own twitter page as evidence of his lack of leadership.
    You may view it as defending but I do not take little cherry picked sound bites and use them to create a narrative where one does not exist.

    Have you ever watched the pressers ?

    There are some,as witnessed here,that make every waking moment a orange guy bad mission,if you watch you can see them try and bait him with leading questions.

    He calls them out and people get triggered,like he told them,thier job is to report the facts to the public without creating panic in the streets.

    Have they done that?

    You missed where the reporter actually asked him to nail down an exact date of when this would end.

    Just like the whole triggering over calling it racist by calling it the Chinese virus,while giving zero thought towards every virus in history has been named after its point of origin.

    I do not have to defend him,just use a little common sense.

    Ever watch Como and his daily press conference?

    He is up there every day having to explain things to everybody like sitting your 6 year old child down,90% of this stuff is just plain old common sense,but being he has to operate like that just shows the state of mind of some.

    Some times you guys spend a lot of time looking for reasons to be triggered.

  24. #4099
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Maof View Post
    Not sure if Dr. Fauci can take it much longer. Have to give him a tremendous amount of respect for holding back......https://twitter.com/bryangreenberg/s...44681657470976
    Anthony Fauci on Trump's coronavirus "misstatement" [[lies):
    "I can't jump in front of the microphone and push him down"


    The fact that he felt the need to phrase it that way should speak volumes, not that I expect the cultists to do anything except call for Fauci to be fired for "disloyalty."

  25. #4100


    Quote Originally Posted by Maof View Post
    Not sure if Dr. Fauci can take it much longer. Have to give him a tremendous amount of respect for holding back......https://twitter.com/bryangreenberg/s...44681657470976
    ”Deep State Department” - Donald Trump

    Here he is undermining our/his own government in a crisis.

    I guess he couldn’t find “the best people” after all. He appointed 3 different Secretary of States in three years and still couldn't get it to his satisfaction?

    When does he take responsibility for his own government he appointed and was made the President of? Never?

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