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  1. #126


    I know this Corona pnuemonia is serious stuff. But this Doomsday Journalism is getting to be much too much.

  2. #127


    All I can add is...
    Ne, ut esset a plaga
    "Avoid, as you would the plague" in Latin

  3. #128


    Yeah, between the doomsday and nonchalance narrative lies the truth of basic precaution -- acknowledging how epidemics have historically moved thru unguarded communities. I suppose......

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Wesson View Post
    I know this Corona pnuemonia is serious stuff. But this Doomsday Journalism is getting to be much too much.

  4. #129


    Quote Originally Posted by Dumpling View Post
    In a previous career I used to do medical diagnostics manufacturing.
    This is kind of like having been in a galaxy far far away right now because it was before the advent of PCR technology. Even so there are still some insights that are still true to this day. One of them is that there are a wide variety of molecules that tests are designed to detect. One parameter of interest is stability. A stable molecule that is being detected makes for more reliable longer lasting test kits. The new coronavirus seems to be at the lower end of the stability spectrum.

    If a test kit generates a high number of false positives, and apparently one kit was doing this, the government wouldn't want it to be used for screening of the general population because it might cause more reaction than necessary.
    One would have figured that they already learned that lesson with all the people they jailed after roadside drug tests showed positive,when 80% of the testing kits were showing false positives.

  5. #130


    It doesn't seem to have slowed down the panic much.


  6. #131


    Como Governor If New York is introducing a product called NYS Clean and it is touting it is superior then the competition.

    Produced by an inmate company.If it becomes in demand they can always put more in jail in order to beef up production labor.

    So the state has gone into the production of hand sanitizers and undercutting the price of the competition,maybe they can get into the auto manufacturing business and undercut the current ones.

    He chastised Purell,Amazon,specifically Bezos and EBay for price gouging.

    They are not the ones price gouging,it is the second hand sellers,maybe if the state actually did the job they were supposed to be doing by going after price gouging instead of millions going into ramping up production for government run enterprises in order to force out free enterprise there would be no issues.

    BTW,I am now offering single squares of comfortably soft Charmin toilet paper for $1,please do not ask the trench coat sellers if you can squeeze them before purchase.

    Mr Whipple has agreed to come out of retirement in order to oversee security for me.
    Last edited by Richard; March-09-20 at 10:49 AM.

  7. #132


    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    It doesn't seem to have slowed down the panic much.

    Its like Lowell posted earlier,it shows how interconnected with the world we have become,I am glad that we had the administration in place that created a strong economy so we can Weather the storm,a lot of countries will not be able to hold in their without going into a recession.

    To me the market needed a correction,it was going through the roof for so long.

    We are self dependent on oil for the first time in over 70 years,I am thinking the oil wars are designed to drop the price to where it is cheaper for us to buy theirs and slow or halt our production,forcing us to get back on their teat.

    We do not use Saudi oil in our cars,70% of their production goes directly to the shipping industry as raw crude.

    If anything it drops the price of imports at a time when we have slowed them way down.

    I also agree that we should use this time in order to ramp up production and manufacturing in this country,we are strong enough now to weather the storm,might as well take advantage of it.

    Make lemonade out of lemons.
    Last edited by Richard; March-09-20 at 10:39 AM.

  8. #133


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post

    He chastised Purell,Amazon,specifically Bezos and EBay for price gouging.
    Ebay and Amazon profit from these sales and completely control the platform and algorithms that lead buyers to these sellers. While both have supposedly restricted sales of these goods, it takes just a few minutes to see that their enforcement efforts of those restrictions are a farce. On both platforms you can still find 100's of masks and bottles of hand sanitizer selling for 10X the normal price.
    Last edited by Johnnny5; March-09-20 at 10:51 AM.

  9. #134


    But yet I can drive 6 blocks to 7-11 and buy a ten pack of dust masks for $1.99.I was in HD Saturday and the shelf in the painting isle was well stocked with regular priced masks.

    No state as of yet has declared price controls on priority products.

    They do that when a hurricane is scheduled to hit Florida,anti price gouging on hurricane related supplies.

    Until then it is supply and demand and nobody is forced to buy those products.

    Its like Ford can sell a truck for $78,000 because people are paying that.

    All the states have to do is declare a public health emergency and declare price controls.

    Notice states have declared public heath emergency’s but yet none have declared anti price gouging in relation to?

    Maybe the emergency is actually in ones own mind creating the demand that really is not there.

    Somebody posted that she bought a bottle of alcohol and alo Vera and made her own hand sanitizer,she took control of her situation without panic so nobody else could take that control.

    That is what we do in life anyways,if you do not take control of your situations there are plenty that have no qualms about handling it for you at a price.
    Last edited by Richard; March-09-20 at 11:35 AM.

  10. #135
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    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Wesson View Post
    I know this Corona pnuemonia is serious stuff. But this Doomsday Journalism is getting to be much too much.
    FOUR Republican members of Congress are in self-quarantine right now after coming into contact with a confirmed infected person at CPAC: Senator Ted Cruz, Paul Gosar, Matt Gaetz [[the chode who wore a gas mask in a photo as a joke to mock the seriousness of COVID-19, karma really bit that bastard in his ass), and Trump's future Chief of Staff Mark Meadows.

    But hey, I guess they're overreacting and contributing to the panic, right? After all, Rush Limbaugh said COVID-19 was no worse than the common cold and we've heard time and time and time again from Republican politicos and Right Wing talking heads that the hype is all a "Democrat and liberal media hoax" designed to hurt Trump, so these four GOP members of Congress must be part of the hoax then if they are self-quarantined and thus contributing to the unnecessary public dread and hysteria over coronavirus.

  11. #136


    What's up with the cruise ship docked outside Oakland, CA? It should have been made into a medical ship, with passengers treated on-board. No, that makes too much sense!

    Instead they are being transferred to our military hospitals etc? What a stupid world we're living in!!

    Remember, microbes don't care about your politics or righteousness therein!
    Last edited by Zacha341; March-10-20 at 07:23 PM.

  12. #137


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    FOUR Republican members of Congress are in self-quarantine right now after coming into contact with a confirmed infected person at CPAC: Senator Ted Cruz, Paul Gosar, Matt Gaetz [[the chode who wore a gas mask in a photo as a joke to mock the seriousness of COVID-19, karma really bit that bastard in his ass), and Trump's future Chief of Staff Mark Meadows.

    But hey, I guess they're overreacting and contributing to the panic, right? After all, Rush Limbaugh said COVID-19 was no worse than the common cold and we've heard time and time and time again from Republican politicos and Right Wing talking heads that the hype is all a "Democrat and liberal media hoax" designed to hurt Trump, so these four GOP members of Congress must be part of the hoax then if they are self-quarantined and thus contributing to the unnecessary public dread and hysteria over coronavirus.
    I congratulate Senator Ted Cruz, Paul Gosar, Matt Gaetz and Trump's future Chief of Staff Mark Meadows for setting a good example by voluntarily going into self-quarantine. It's the responsible thing to do. It is surprising that more politicians of both parties haven't been to venues where attendees had corona virus.

    Some Democrats have called for President Trump to stop having rallies because of the pandemic. One Democratic politician even threatened to attend Republican gatherings if she came down with coronavirus symptoms. Other prominent Democrats wished a recession on our country if that's what it would take to remove Trump. Not all Democrats are so crass, evil or anti-American of course. For instance, billionaire Democrat Bill Gates is spending money to begin manufacturing coronavirus testing kits. His Seattle, like some other blue cities, have unfortunately borne the bulk of coronavirus cases. Kudos to Bill Gates' humanitarian and capitalistic response.

    Trump's support lies more in flyover country where corona virus hasn't taken such a hold yet. Now that Biden's handlers have limited Biden to eight or twelve minutes of reading teleprompters at his under attended rallies, it is no wonder Democratic strategists want to discourage Trump and his supporters from having rallies by raising fears of coronavirus.

    NBC covered Taiwan's successful response to coronavirus. One line I was impressed with was, “More than 95 percent of our parents take their child’s temperature at home and report it to the school before the children arrive,” Tu said. “Regardless of what the government does, people have to take responsibility for their own health.”
    Last edited by oladub; March-10-20 at 12:58 PM.

  13. #138
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    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    Trump's support lies more in flyover country where corona virus hasn't taken such a hold yet. Now that Biden's handlers have limited Biden to eight or twelve minutes of reading teleprompters at his under attended rallies, it is no wonder Democratic strategists want to discourage Trump and his supporters from having rallies by raising fears of coronavirus.
    Confirmed cases in 36 states, including much of "flyover country", but hey I'm sure it will continue to obey imaginary lines on a map so that you cheer about it killing blue staters. Not that all Trump supporters are so vile, crass, and evil as to view infections and deaths along party lines, but you certainly are.

  14. #139


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    What's up with the cruise ship docked outside Oakland, CA? It should have been made into a medical ship, with passengers treated on-board. No, that makes too much sense!

    Instead they are being transferred to our military hospitals etc? What a stupid world we're living in!!

    Remember, microbes don't care about your politics or righteousness therein!
    Actually, that was already tried elsewhere, and it resulted in far more infections, which is why that strategy is not being pursued.

    People can't isolate on a cruise ship, most rooms lack fridges and cooking facilities etc.

    Where passengers were confined cases multiplied.

    In this case, people were tested, and evacuated appropriate to their condition.

    Canadians on board were rapatriated to Canadian military bases, if they came up clean [[for quarantine); while those were ill were shifted to local hospitals with appropriate precautions.


  15. #140


    If this gets bad I'm seriously contemplating becoming a shut in until it passes. I have about 400lbs of beans, Quinoa and rice in long term storage and a freezer full of venison, wild pig and fish. I'll pick up a dozen laying hens, triple the size of the garden this Spring and maybe I'll leave my house by the end of the year.

  16. #141


    Don't forget to buy toilet paper...


  17. #142

  18. #143


    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    Don't forget to buy toilet paper...


    I don't quite understand the logic behind hoarding years supplies of water and TP. Water comes out of my faucet and out of the toilet. Seems like one of those $20 Japanese bidets would be a better investment if one was worried about the TP apocalypse.

  19. #144


    The call is to think twice about cruise time,but yet 6 cruise ships left port of Miami the other day filled with people heading out to their next adventure.

    The call is to not politicizing this but yet here we are with the House wasting taxpayers money and experts time holding hearings over the current presidents response.

    Italy is on lock down in order to try and slow the spread,I do not get people,it’s a new and unknown strain of a virus and they act like everybody should know everything about it in a matter of days.

    In Fl anyways those on food assistance received an extra $500 in order to stock up in case of a lock down of sorts is enacted.

    If Anybody is that desperate for Tp,I have 4 12 packs I will trade for a 3 bedroom house.

    This all creates an echo in my mind of my mother constantly saying,did you wash your hands?

    Maybe after we convince the country of proper handwashing we can start on proper armpit washing.
    Last edited by Richard; March-11-20 at 10:06 AM.

  20. #145


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    Confirmed cases in 36 states, including much of "flyover country", but hey I'm sure it will continue to obey imaginary lines on a map so that you cheer about it killing blue staters. Not that all Trump supporters are so vile, crass, and evil as to view infections and deaths along party lines, but you certainly are.
    Well, I've never accused you of treating imaginary lines like borders too seriously. My statement, that you tried to spin only said, "Trump's support lies more in flyover country where corona virus hasn't taken such a hold yet. "That is hardly cheering "about it killing blue staters".

    Fact: Here is a list of the ten states with the most cases; 8 blue states, 1 purple state and 1 red state.

    Last updated: 3/11/20 this morning SOURCE Johns Hopkins University; WHO; CDC; USA TODAY
    Washington 273
    New York 176
    California 157
    Massachusetts 92
    Illinois 19
    Florida 20
    Georgia 22
    Colorado 18
    Oregon 15
    New Jersey 15

    Eleven states still have no known cases of cv. They are ID, MT, ND, WY, AR, AK,MS, AL, NM, and ME; roughly 7 red, 3 purple, and 1 blue state.
    I was correct about clusters of cv being most common in blue states.

    Your equating my casual notice of the prevalence of cv and voting patterns with my mention of Democrats who expressed their hope of sharing coronavirus in Republican gatherings and for a recession is over the edge. Wishing ill on Americans is evil. I didn't do that. I mentioned some Democrats who did. Take heart though, your corrupt and senile deep state candidate who loses his temper disagreeing with deplorables looks like he is on his way to the nomination. Maybe you never needed to promote the coup.

    It would be interesting to discuss why Democratic states are having more problems with cv than red states. Much of it could be that, early on, there was more travel between China and Chinese-American communities that are more prevalent on the west coast. CA and NY are heavily populated states so they could be expected to have a higher number just because they have more residents than WY or AK. East coast cv seems to have been brought in by American tourists who spent time in Italy. Rich people have more money to vacation abroad. I don't know if rich Americans who hang out in trendy foreign places are more Republican or Democratic. Those are my speculations. They aren't particularly partisan.

    Cv might be good for Democrats in November. Trump is already being blamed for not doing enough even though the E.U. has much higher rates of infection and the production of our medicine and medical supplies was off shored long before Trump. We could also have the first tv sound bite campaign if candidates can't mix with people or have rallies because of cv. That's ideal for Biden who fumbles every time he wanders from the teleprompter in front of lackluster rallies. All Joe will have to do is offer reassuring smiles in his ads. Uncle Joe can be cast as Big Brother.

  21. #146

  22. #147


    ^ well heck,now what am I going to do with the 600 rolls of toilet paper I stocked up.

    Read that link then after the write up they have 10 more headlines below that counterdict.

    People do not understand,we have a federal government but by design they are limited in their powers as to forcing individual states to act on their whims.

    When a state issues an emergency declaration only then can the federal government step in and assist,it mostly frees up resources from the federal level,but the federal government cannot still force the states to do what they say.

    It is and was from the start the individual states responsibility to deal with this and prepare the citizens of that state for what ever may happen.

    The president did what he could do at the federal level,this whole blame game is on the states,and solves nothing.

  23. #148


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    ^ well heck,now what am I going to do with the 600 rolls of toilet paper I stocked up.

    Read that link then after the write up they have 10 more headlines below that counterdict.

    People do not understand,we have a federal government but by design they are limited in their powers as to forcing individual states to act on their whims.

    When a state issues an emergency declaration only then can the federal government step in and assist,it mostly frees up resources from the federal level,but the federal government cannot still force the states to do what they say.

    It is and was from the start the individual states responsibility to deal with this and prepare the citizens of that state for what ever may happen.

    The president did what he could do at the federal level,this whole blame game is on the states,and solves nothing
    Says blaming the President [[and the federal level) solves nothing, then promptly lays the "whole blame game" on the states.

    So only blaming the president solves nothing?

  24. #149
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    Sep 2011


    Well the 11 year bull run of the stock market is officially over, with today's loss of over 1400 points [[6%), the stock market has now officially lost 20% of its value from last month's high. We are now officially in a bear market.


    In the past three weeks, the stock market completely wiped out all the gains made in 2018, 2019, and 2020. Market is now back to where it was in 2017 and those gains are now starting to get clawed back as well.

    It seems when it comes to the one metric that truly tells you how people are feeling [[money), they don't really have much faith in Trump's ability to handle this crisis.

  25. #150


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    What's up with the cruise ship docked outside Oakland, CA? It should have been made into a medical ship, with passengers treated on-board. No, that makes too much sense!

    Instead they are being transferred to our military hospitals etc? What a stupid world we're living in!!

    Remember, microbes don't care about your politics or righteousness therein!
    them cruise ships are more of an incubator for an aerosolized virus. Them cabins use recycled air.

    Another take I see as of now is so far this virus spread is among the affluent. I'm sure this will change.

    East coast and west coast then spread inward.

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