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  1. #4026


    Quote Originally Posted by Maof View Post
    ^^^so because his days are numbered, he deserved that medal? And let's not bring up who Obama awarded that medal to because that's comparing apples to oranges. Limbaugh has called woman sluts, referred to a sitting president as a cartoon monkey, tries to debunk anything when it comes to slavery and native americans, makes fun of people with disabilities...sound familiar? That medal should have been awarded to Charles McKee, the 100 year old Tuskegee Airman sitting in the same row. Much more deserving than a former opioid addicted, talk radio host, golf buddy of DT.
    I didn't say Limbaugh deserved it. As for Charles McKee, I agree with you 100%, but the Presidential Freedom Medal is generally a civilian honor that turned into a political popularity contest several administrations ago. Mr. McKee has a long list of medals and military honors that without a doubt he earned and I would have much rather seen him with this one as well.
    Last edited by Johnnny5; February-05-20 at 09:09 PM.

  2. #4027


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    I agree with that!

    • President George W. Bush presented the Congressional Gold Medal, the highest civilian award given by Congress, to the Tuskegee Airmen as a group in 2007, entitling individual members to receive bronze replicas.


    Military service recipients receive different recognition then civilian,he already received the the highest form of recognition,more so then the civilian aspect.

    Maof just provided an example of when we make things up in our heads so it must be true.

    They have received military honors and civilian.

    They were a part of a team and not individuals.

  3. #4028


    What did I make up? LMAO. I made a statement as to who was more deserving of that medal.

  4. #4029


    Quote Originally Posted by Maof View Post
    What did I make up? LMAO. I made a statement as to who was more deserving of that medal.
    He has already received the highest level of award and recognition,two hours after the state of the Union he was at a NASA again receiving recognition.

    Its a moot statement because once you receive the highest award,to keep piling them on top distills the intent,or to put it bluntly,he got his already and it was time for somebody else,they are not like candy handed out.

    Just as you disagree as to the current recipient there are others who disagree with the past recipients.

    It is referenced to two completely different circumstances,civilian contributions and military contributions.

    His contributions were because of circumstances at the time military related,if he had been attached to the African American truck convoy drivers that were crucial,and drove on 20 hour shifts through all kinds of weather,he probably would have never been noticed.

    The award given was for civilian contributions.

    No disrespect to the airwing that broke boundaries in the military but there were already 1000s of African Americans that were already dying in service to their country at the time,everybody that was involved deserves the same attention because they all played their part to achieve a goal as a team.

    I have a friend that is 105 and still walking around with shrapnel from the landings on Anzio,he was like everybody else,he went there and did his part.
    Last edited by Richard; February-06-20 at 11:04 AM.

  5. #4030


    Yeah but to ceremoniously crown a political hack in the middle of the SOTU is a new low in politics only Donald Trump can create.

    Richard, a draft of Bolton's book was leaked to the press with this insight. Not perfect evidence but more reason to call him to testify. How many witnesses have spoken out in favor of Trump? How many leaks in favor of Trump? None. He doesn't have them. But he's got his Ukrainian thugs signing like birds with video of him willy nilly firing the Ukrainian ambassador for an investigation of Biden. How do you refute that video?

    Can you speak at all about Trump and Ukraine?
    Were all these people who testified wrong on the intent? You won't speak of the actions in question because frankly there is no defense but
    1. An attempt at a technical problem. A misinterpretation of "high crimes and misdemeanors"
    2. Just say its politics.

    Quote Originally Posted by Johnnny5 View Post
    I didn't say Limbaugh deserved it. As for Charles McKee, I agree with you 100%, but the Presidential Freedom Medal is generally a civilian honor that turned into a political popularity contest several administrations ago. Mr. McKee has a long list of medals and military honors that without a doubt he earned and I would have much rather seen him with this one as well.

  6. #4031


    Quote Originally Posted by DeLemur View Post
    Yeah but to ceremoniously crown a political hack in the middle of the SOTU is a new low in politics only Donald Trump can create.

    Richard, a draft of Bolton's book was leaked to the press with this insight. Not perfect evidence but more reason to call him to testify. How many witnesses have spoken out in favor of Trump? How many leaks in favor of Trump? None. He doesn't have them. But he's got his Ukrainian thugs signing like birds with video of him willy nilly firing the Ukrainian ambassador for an investigation of Biden. How do you refute that video?

    Can you speak at all about Trump and Ukraine?
    Were all these people who testified wrong on the intent? You won't speak of the actions in question because frankly there is no defense but
    1. An attempt at a technical problem. A misinterpretation of "high crimes and misdemeanors"
    2. Just say its politics.

    You should be charging Trump rent for the amount of time he resides in your head.

    This is a discussion,if every reply that you make is nothing but questions and speculation while you refuse to answer any questions directed to you it is not a discussion.

    You are also making stuff up,Show the proof that a draft was released to the press,Everybody involved with it has denied it was released.

    But you read it in the press so it must be true.

    The timing of it was designed by the publisher in order to drive the book sales,you cannot continue to make an argument based on what you think.

    In case you have not noticed the Dems have been trying to do that for over 3 years and have failed every time,they cannot even get a caucus vote right,would you put your freedom in their hands?

    I watched every hearing and testimony,if you missed them the copies are on you-tube,I suggest you watch them.

    Here is just 5 minutes with the Democrats star bombshell witness.


    You can even find the one where Schiff claims that Ukraine soldiers were dying because of the aid hold up,which was a blatant lie because the aid was for the 2020 year and had nothing to do with current events.

    Watch the hearings and the testimony’s that were allowed in the public and your questions will be answered.

    The bombshell evidence that they supposedly had was a snowball effect of 6 different people that had zero contact with the original person that said he started it with zero evidence,he just said it to look good.

    You do realize that if you donate a million dollars to your favorite party you can be an ambassador,the ambassadors selected by the state department are not professional ambassadors by trade.

    They are just people like you and me,running around handing billions out in taxpayer money to foreign countries because of thier personal policies and beliefs.

    That is like sticking you in Cuba and you reporting back to the president,Yea,things are tough here let’s send them $500 million to embrace democracy.

    That is why each president is given unilateral powers to set foreign policy,he can also replace anybody at will.

    He did not know who was doing what over there during the previous administration,it was his responsibility to make sure of exactly what was going on before money was spent.

    My money and your money.

    Notice no caravans as of late?

    $500 million went to Honduras to help secure their border and deal with the gangs.

    $500 million was sent to Mexico in order to reinforce their southern border and prevent the caravans from crossing.

    That is 1 billion of our money.

    But you know something?

    We have been giving them that money every year for over 15 years,for nothing,billions just because.

    Trump says hey,this is not happening as his policy,so every country including the Ukraine had a freeze and review of funds.

    It was not just the Ukraine it was also 7 other countries up for review,nobody had a problem with any of the aid held up to the other countries.

    Only the Ukraine because it was juicy and had that whole Russian element involved.

    It should have zero relevance that Biden is a political opponent,any country that is receiving hundreds of millions of our taxpayer dollars had damn well better inform us of US corruption involvement in their country.

    If it takes withholding the funds then so be it,it happens all of the time in foreign policy.

    Trumps objective in the Ukraine was to find out if any US citizens were involved or profited in corruption related to taxpayer dollars and for the European Union to get more involved so we are not footing the bill for all of these countries.

    If you use the argument that being a political opponent absolves you of any investigation about corruption then sign me up I could use a few million and complete immunity because I am somebody’s political opponent.

    You hear all of these progressives pushing programs that need to be funded and when asked how do you expect to pay for it,not one has ever said anything about curbing the billions on foreign aid and useing that money to fund things here.

    How come Trump has been the only president that has not only reviewed the policy of handing over billions to foreign governments with zero accountability but demanded other nations help bear the burden?

    Sounds reasonable enough,but notice how all hell breaks loose when he does that?

    Do you wonder why?

    Foreign policy and the practice of handing billions out in taxpayer monies with zero accountability has been in the shadows for decades,why did it piss people off when it was brought to light by President Trump?

    In comes the Democrats,watch what my right hand is doing so you do not see what my left hand is doing.

    It is not just the Dems though,it is the spoils of politics much more palatable then the spoils of war.

    We see these games that they allow us to see,you and I,we are just the ones at the bottom of thousands of layers.
    Last edited by Richard; February-06-20 at 06:09 PM.

  7. #4032


    Chalk up another failure on the part of some Democrats in the house that feel they can make up the rules as they go along.

    What happened was some decided to sue Trump under the emoluments clause,stating that foreign dignitaries visiting the US and staying at Trump properties is in essence allowing the president to profit from his position.

    On appeal the court ruled that members of the House cannot individually represent the house as a whole.

    With thier combined experience and access to house attorneys why are they pushing things and wasting time and taxpayers money pushing individual agendas?

    The unanimous ruling from an ideologically diverse three-judge panel suggested that if the House or Senate had formally authorized the suit, it may have been allowed to proceed, but the lawmakers acting as plaintiffs in the case did not have standing to pursue it on their own.


    They also have two other cases in the pipeline that will most likely end of with the same results.

    Seems like the real intent is to flood the courts with things they know will go nowhere as an attempt to bog the system down.

    Instead of using the system to attempt to bring Trump down they used the nuclear option of impeachment,which kinda killed their other options.
    Last edited by Richard; February-12-20 at 10:20 AM.

  8. #4033


    Chalk up more criminal behavior and more racism to the Trump effect.


  9. #4034


    Quote Originally Posted by Canadian Visitor View Post
    Chalk up more criminal behavior and more racism to the Trump effect.

    Chalk up more racism and hypocrisy in Canada while they complain about racism in the United States.

    Just because you come from Canada it does automatically make you a nice person not intent on harm.

    We have a right to provide heightened security at our borders if a crisis is brewing,do not like it do not cross the border.

    Iranians accuse Ottawa of discrimination as permanent-residency applications face delays


    The Canadian immigration system is meant to be fair to all people. However, in recent months, some people have noticed that their permanent resident applications are taking much longer than the processing times estimated by immigration officials. Many Iranian students and graduates in Canada are living in uncertainty because of how long their applications are taking.


    The 40-year-old is among a growing number of Iranian applicants — many with postgraduate degrees earned in Canada — who say they face unreasonable delays in getting security clearance due to their nationality.


    Washington [[CNSNews.com) – The U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency has apprehended more suspected terrorists on the nation’s northern border than along its southern counterpart, CBP Commissioner Alan Bersin said Tuesday.
    “In terms of the terrorist threat, it’s commonly accepted that the more significant threat” comes from the U.S.-Canada border, Bersin told a hearing of the Senate Judiciary subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees, and Border Security.
    Bersin attributed the situation, in part, to the fact that the U.S. and Canada do not share information about people placed on their respective “no-fly” lists. As a result, individuals deemed a threat who fly into one country may then cross the land border into the other.
    “Because of the fact that we do not share no-fly
    [list] information and the Canadians will not, we are more than we would like confronted with the fact where a [person designated as a] no-fly has entered Canada and then is arrested coming across one of our bridges into the United States,” he said.


    Maybe if Canada stopped becoming a sanctuary country for terrorists the United States would not have to resort to triggering the whiners.

    Canadas soft spot for terrorists is endangering the security of the United States,If you want to breast feed them,keep them in your country.

    Notice how the first cry is racism? It was not a bunch of midgets from Singapore that ran the planes into the towers,it was middle eastern terrorists,if you are from the Middle East and cannot figure out why we would be a little gun shy when it comes to middle easterners at the border,then that is your problem.

    If you cannot have a little thought towards that then maybe it is best to just stay north of the border.

    I think the border patrol had zero to apologize for and thank them for doing thier part in helping to keep this country safe so we can sleep at night.

    If they have to be scared of stepping on peoples toes or hurting their feelings in the process then they will not be able to do the job that we ask them to do.
    Last edited by Richard; February-12-20 at 03:39 PM.

  10. #4035


    WTF does Canada have to do with Trump?
    OH! I get it! I can't defend the vileness of my hero/deity, so I'll deflect with some BS from one of the least reliable sources available!

  11. #4036


    Richard does nothing better than deflect, like his boss.
    Don't fall for it [[and you don't!).
    I stopped reading his posts a while ago. Unless I'm reeally procrastinating, but I always regret it when I do.
    Last edited by bust; February-13-20 at 01:40 PM.

  12. #4037


    Quote Originally Posted by bust View Post
    Richard does nothing better than deflect, like his boss.
    Don't fall for it [[and you don't!).
    I stopped reading his posts a while ago. Unless I'm reeally procrastinating, but I always regret it when I do.
    The subject was hypocrisy,thank you for submitting another example.

    CV brought up Trump,so you need to direct your questions towards him or her or whatever they identify as,apparently like him you cannot even broaden you horizons enough to see that there are not many countries on the earth that do not give middle easterners a second glance at the borders,it is not racist it is common sense.

    There are also border restrictions on the Chinese,you do not hear them crying racist,maybe they are just more understanding of the situation,which actually does put them in a higher class.
    Last edited by Richard; February-13-20 at 02:06 PM.

  13. #4038


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    .... I'm all for getting the U.S. out of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria ASAP. Sunnis and Shiites have been at it for 1,300 years....
    As long as you like what Trump says it does not matter what he actually does... Right oladub? It fits. You guys seem to love his salesman bullshit.

    Withdrawing allowing others to fill the vacuum in the AO and then turning around and going back in? Is he crazy or just plain stupid?

    Hell of picture here with the Syrian, Russian and American Flags all flying together. To bad we are the ones getting shot at. Go figure.

    Spare me more of the ‘Chile 1950s’ irrelevant to the situation under discussion crap. You are clueless on how wars can start in the 21st century.

    A impulsive President with zero strategy lying to the American public about what he is really doing just to score temporary political victories with the extremely gullible people at his rallies is a real fucking problem.

    He will get back around to your ‘1300 year war’ sooner or later. He is to much of a vindictive hot head not to. Only the idiots in the red ball caps are stupid enough to think Iran is vanquished now. I will take a wild guess at the Iranians will make their next play a little closer to November.

    Last edited by ABetterDetroit; February-13-20 at 11:15 PM.

  14. #4039


    Quote Originally Posted by ABetterDetroit View Post
    As long as you like what Trump says it does not matter what he actually does... Right oladub? It fits. You guys seem to love his salesman bullshit.

    Withdrawing allowing others to fill the vacuum in the AO and then turning around and going back in? Is he crazy or just plain stupid?

    Hell of picture here with the Syrian, Russian and American Flags all flying together. To bad we are the ones getting shot at. Go figure.

    Spare me more of the ‘Chile 1950s’ irrelevant to the situation under discussion crap. You are clueless on how wars can start in the 21st century.

    A impulsive President with zero strategy lying to the American public about what he is really doing just to score temporary political victories with the extremely gullible people at his rallies is a real fucking problem.

    He will get back around to your ‘1300 year war’ sooner or later. He is to much of a vindictive hot head not to. Only the idiots in the red ball caps are stupid enough to think Iran is vanquished now. I will take a wild guess at the Iranians will make their next play a little closer to November.

    Regarding your link: The U.S. has no business in Syria. Obama the Idiot and SofS Hillary put us into Syria. When Trump moves some 400 U.S. troops out of the way of Turkey's announced invasion of Syria, Democrats were screaming about how the Turks would massacre Kurds. There would be a genocide. No genocide occurred.

    A month later, Democrats warned that Trump was going to get us into WWIII in Iran. That didn't happen either. Instead, Trump kept his cool even after Iran shot missiles into a U.S. air base in Iraq from Iran. Trump kept his cool while Iranians were trampling each other to death in street protests and shooting down a Ukrainian passenger plane. Trump kept his cool while Democrats were still flapping their wings about Trump getting us into WWII and claiming Iran didn't actually shoot missiles to hurt Americans despite photos to the contrary. Iran and Democrats looked bad after that. Trump won that exchange.

    When Trump kept our troops out of harm's way in Iraq, Democrats were outraged. When Iran attacked U.S. forces from Iran, Democrats were outraged because Trump was, in their imaginations, going to start WWIII. No matter what Trump does or doesn't do, Democrats go nuts.

    Although your post was less then coherent, it sounds like you support a more interventionist foreign policy more like that of Cheney, Obama, McCain, Biden, Kerry, W. Bush, Hillary and Bolton - the gang that encouraged and perpetrated acts of war. Who mentioned Iran as being "vanquished"? Are you imagining things? I don't even care if Iran is vanquished. Live and let live. I'm just for packing up and going home unless Congress declared war. I would probably oppose that too. Tulsi Gabbard and maybe Bernie are the only Democratic candidates who seem to be more opposed to all this interventionism than Trump.
    Last edited by oladub; February-14-20 at 08:31 AM.

  15. #4040


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    Regarding your link: The U.S. has no business in Syria. Obama the Idiot and SofS Hillary put us into Syria.
    Aww that is so cute, calling Obama an idiot when you support/worship the stupidest thing to ever occupy 1600.

    Of course, you also clearly have no idea what a Marxist or neo-Marxist is, let alone what a social democrat is.

  16. #4041


    Quote Originally Posted by rb336 View Post
    Aww that is so cute, calling Obama an idiot when you support/worship the stupidest thing to ever occupy 1600.

    Of course, you also clearly have no idea what a Marxist or neo-Marxist is, let alone what a social democrat is.
    Allow me to rephrase that. Obama's idiotic foreign policies included the Libyan, Syrian, and Ukraine debacles that contributed to hundreds of thousands of deaths, massive destruction, failed economies and millions of refugees. His domestic policies included doubling the national debt saddling the average American family of four with servicing an additional $120,000 of federal debt. All of that to create the most insipid economic recovery since the depression.

    Maybe Trump is stupid or at least says a lot of stupid things. but at least our country has near record low unemployment, has the lowest ever unemployment among some groups, has not overthrown any countries, is trying to achieve having our border back and 61% of Americans say they are better off than they were three years ago. Peace and prosperity has a nice ring to it.

    I am quite aware of the implementation of neo-Marxist thoughts and practices as well as how social democracies fare from Venezuela to Sweden. However, I'm not sold on the viability, for instance, of proposing to have de facto open borders, looking at tearing down border walls, and simultaneously proposing to build 10M affordable homes. The same candidate who suggested that combination "in 1980 instead aligned himself with the Socialist Workers Party [[SWP), the self-proclaimed Trotskyist revolutionary party, became its presidential elector in Vermont, and campaigned for its candidates and platform that defended the Iranian hostage seizure." Are Trotskyites and the Socialist Workers Party not somehow Marxist? The Democratic option, of course, is to go with an oligarch who is determined to counter Bernie and friends.

  17. #4042


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    Allow me to rephrase that. Obama's idiotic foreign policies included the Libyan, Syrian, and Ukraine debacles that contributed to hundreds of thousands of deaths, massive destruction, failed economies and millions of refugees.
    If you are going to state that, you must know which Obama policies included those debacles. Please enumerate and source.

    Oh - and social democracy has little to do with tearing down boarder walls. they are ineffective, expensive to maintain, and hazardous to the environment - not to mention individual property rights.

  18. #4043


    This is the Obama administrations policy on the Ukraine.

    The second administration official said the U.S. would remain focused on Ukraine, but that resolving the crisis could be impossible so long as its parliament looks like a fight club.
    "Our message is, you have to have a government that functions. You can’t have disarray" the official said. "Otherwise, support from the international community is going to evaporate. So that’s the main point: 'You guys have got to figure this out.'"


    Obama did not supply defensive weapons to the Ukraine out of fear of Russian escalation.

    So the Obama administration did not supply defensive weapons and threatened to withhold support unless the Ukraine got their political act together.

    The Trump administration provided defensive weapons to the Ukraine and delayed funding until he was sure that the Ukraine had thier politics in order.

    One policy receives a pass while the same policy under the next administration received impeachment.

    The Obama administration feared Russia escalating if they provided defensive weapons,the Trump administration provided those defensive weapons with no escalation from Russia.

    Obama was Putin’s little bitch while everybody points fingers at Trump.

    When it came to the Trump administration the cry’s were,the Ukraine is our partner we need to support them,what is wrong with this Trump guy.

    Where were all the talking heads when Russia killed over 10,000 Ukraine with thier aggression and the Ukraine was begging for our help.

    As regards the two-year-old conflict between Ukraine and Russia, the president said Ukraine is a core interest for Moscow, in a way that it is not for the United States. He noted that, since Ukraine does not belong to NATO, it is vulnerable to Russian military domination, and that “we have to be very clear about what our core interests are and what we are willing to go to war for.”
    It is hard to dispute these points…except that the president set up a straw man. The United States could have done more to help Kyiv resist the Kremlin’s aggression without a war with Russia.


    Moreover, in 1994, the leaders of the United States, Britain and Russia signed the Budapest Memorandum, in which they committed to respect Ukraine’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity and pledged not to use force against that country. That memorandum was key to Kyiv’s decision to give up nearly two thousand strategic nuclear warheads and the associated strategic missiles and bombers. This was a major victory for U.S. policy, and for nonproliferation. Moscow’s violation of this agreement is a strong disincentive for future nations to give up weapons of mass destruction. The Obama administration rarely mentions the Budapest Memorandum, but that memorandum answers the “why should we care?” question that Obama implied in his interview with Goldberg.

    The Ukraine gave up the nukes because they thought we as their ally would have their backs if Russia became aggressive,we took their means of protection away and the Obama Administration screwed them over because Obama was scared of Putin.

    President Barack Obama has called on Congress to authorize US military action in Syria. The move has provoked sharp, multifaceted debate in the US Capitol as a resolution moves through the legislative process.

    Barack Obama for the first time portrayed his plans for US military action [in Syria] as part of a
    broader strategy to topple [Syrian President] Bashar al-Assad, as the White House’s campaign to win over skeptics in Congress gained momentum.

    The resolution would allow a “a 90 day window” for U.S. military attack in Syria, where both ISIS and the Syrian government would be targeted; with regime change in Syria being the ultimate objective.


    Who received Obama’s trafficked guns? The New York Times reported in October 2012 — before Obama’s role in the weapons pipeline was discovered– that the regional “flow” of weapons was going to jihadist groups in Syria.

    And a recent U.S. Department of Defense report shows that the Obama Administration was fully aware that weapons were being shipped to Syrian groups such as al-Qaeda linked rebels and those that later joined ISIS.

    As a result, these groups are the the only real players among the rebels attacking the Syrian government today. And these are the groups that will take power if the Syrian government falls, as Obama intends to achieve.

    To this day Obama has pushed zero peace initiatives in Syria. Diplomacy has been off the table. Regime change remains the official position of the Obama Administration, which his new resolution finally makes official. The war on ISIS was always a distraction to pursue regime change in Syria, and most media pundits took the bait.

    Interesting how when as president of the United States Obama supplied weapons to the very groups that would kill US military.

    They died from the weapons that their president provided to the enemy.

    And he got a Nobel Peace Prize for it.
    Last edited by Richard; February-14-20 at 02:02 PM.

  19. #4044


    Here's the fun thing...
    1) US trust of Saudi Arabia and its satellites is idiotic - they are the #1 financiers of terrorism on a global scale. I disagreed with Obama's Syrian policy.
    2) Prior to the Crimean Annexation, there was little but little border skirmishes on occasion. The Russians weren't threatening anything serious. AFTER the annexation, Obama moved quickly to supply the Ukrainians with UAVs, Humvees, and anti-mortar weapons.
    3) anything published by Judicial Watch is a joke. They claimed they had documents that claimed the US new weeks ahead of time that the Benghazi attacks were being planned, but EVERY DOCUMENT THEY CITE is dated AFTER the attack. They do not even try to hide the fact, they assume the stupidity of their readers.
    Last edited by rb336; February-17-20 at 12:33 PM.

  20. #4045


    As a U.S. senator, Barack Obama won $48 million in federal funding to help Ukraine destroy thousands of tons of guns and ammunition – weapons which are now unavailable to the Ukrainian army as it faces down Russian President Vladimir Putin during his invasion of Crimea.
    In August 2005, just seven months after his swearing-in, Obama traveled to Donetsk in Eastern Ukraine with then-Indiana Republican Senator Dick Lugar, touring a conventional weapons site.
    The two met in Kiev with President Victor Yushchenko, making the case that an existing Cooperative Threat Reduction Program covering the destruction of nuclear weapons should be expanded to include artillery, small arms, anti-aircraft weapons, and conventional ammunition of all kinds.
    After a stopover in London, the senators returned to Washington and declared that the U.S. should devote funds to speed up the destruction of more than 400,000 small arms, 1,000 anti-aircraft missiles, and more than 15,000 tons of ammunition.
    While some of those weapons were sent to the U.S., some were sent to Libya [[and one has to wonder what happened with those!) Most were destroyed.


    Obama laid the ground work for Russia to invade the Ukraine,like any good little dictator he took away the Ukraine’s ability to defend itself by removing thier weapons.

    Sounds familiar?

    Instead of attacking the link,maybe try providing links to where Obama provided defensive weapons to the Ukraine.

    I already posted that because the Ukraine was not a part of NATO Obama’s policy was to stay out of it.

    You do not get 10,000 Ukrainians dead from a skirmish.

    Doctrine: “Obama’s theory here is simple: Ukraine is a core Russian interest but not an American one, so Russia will always be able to maintain escalatory dominance there.” Indeed, Obama told Jeff: “The fact is that Ukraine, which is a non-NATO country, is going to be vulnerable to military domination by Russia no matter what we do.” Despite their criticism of Obama, the Republican platform ahead of the 2016 presidential election didn’t call for U.S. weapons to be sent to Ukraine to fight Russian-backed rebels.

    What part of that is confusing?

    Why would Obama send weapons to the Ukraine in order to fight Russian aggression when he viewed it as Russia’s right to the the Ukraine.

    Every person involved in Ukraine that testified in the impeachment hearings,weather they liked Trump or not,agreed that without Trumps support in providing the javelin missiles that Obama would not,directly changed the ability of the Ukraine to remain free of Russian aggression.

    Weather you agree with the links provided or not has no bearing on anything,it is well documented.

    Please provide the links that back up your claim that Obama provided the Ukraine with the ability to protect itself.

    So he threw a few humves their way,you wanna go up against a Russian tank in a humvee ?

    Let me know how it went.

    Notice how when Trump evened the playing field the Russians backed down and went home.

    So not only did Obama’s weak ass foreign policies help 10,000 Ukrainians die in the Ukraine his same polices got Americans killed and set the path of 100s of thousands of refugees in Syria.

    The CIA already had Syria handled,all Obama had to do was keep his nose out of it,but no,he had to supply weapons to the terrorists and make deals with Russia and send Americans home in boxes.

    If he had been anything but a United States President,the rest of the world would have had him up for war crimes and we should have had him up as a traitor.

    He used to call ISIS and tell them the time and date where we would do a missile strike,ISIS would then get out and fill the building with civilians in order to gain international support against the US for targeting civilians with air strikes.

    ISIS directly manipulated him like silly putty.

    Providing military intelligence to the enemy is treason.

    There are over 200 factions fighting in Syria,ever wonder why Obama choose the Taliban and ISIS to provide weapons to?

    The CIA was working and finishing up on an internal coup which would have not displaced millions of refugees and cost countless lives and that would have not involved the US military.

    Today we are in exactly the same place as where it all started.

    Assad in power but now with the full support of Russia.

    The cost ?

    Millions of refugees.
    Billions in damages to pretty much every city in the country.
    Dead Americans
    Dead Sryian men women and children.
    Terror groups fully weaponized by a United States President.

    $275 Billion in United States taxpayer dollars.

    $6.5 billion spent in the United States alone with the Syrian refugee program.

    It does not stop there,those same terrorists took those weapons to Africa and it is now costing the French military lives fighting them in Mali.

    Obama gave them the support that they needed in order to expand and wage war in Africa which is now costing the lives of every other NATO country.

    All they had to do was take out one guy.

    The irony of the Ukraine

    As a United States Senator Obama spent $48 million dollars in US taxpayer money in order to disarm the Ukraine which left it open for Russia to take.

    Now it has cost the United States taxpayers billions to prevent the exact scenario that was clear as day at the time of what was going to happen.

    We have all of this anti Russian sentiment but yet lay the ground work for them to occupy any country of their choosing.

    Obama was colluding with the Russians even way back when he was a state senator.
    Last edited by Richard; February-17-20 at 02:21 PM.

  21. #4046

  22. #4047


    Bought this last night:
    Name:  someone literate.png
Views: 2611
Size:  45.3 KB

  23. #4048


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    As a U.S. senator, Barack Obama won $48 million in federal funding to help Ukraine destroy thousands of tons of guns and ammunition

    Find a source for that that isn't an extremist right-wing site.
    Thank you.

  24. #4049


    Quote Originally Posted by rb336 View Post
    Find a source for that that isn't an extremist right-wing site.
    Thank you.[/INDENT]
    How about contributing to the discussion and disprove what I posted ?

    It does not matter who posted it and your little leftest news sources were not in the habit of discrediting thier Star child lest the reporters be jailed.

    A picture is worth 1000 words as they say and no matter who reported it facts are still facts.


    Next you will say they photoshopped him in there.

    and yes your little star had reporters followed by government agencies

    But the investigation into Rosen has sparked a rare thing in Washington: bipartisan outrage over what some are calling "Obama's war on journalism."
    Just last week, the Justice Department came under fire for seizing two months of phone records from the Associated Press -- action the president defended on national security grounds. President Obama said at a press conference last week, "I don't think the American people would expect me as commander-in-chief not to be concerned about information that might compromise their missions or might get them killed."


    Do you classify CBS news a far right web site?

    REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque
    President Barack Obama came into office in 2009 promising a new era of unprecedented transparency in his administration. But when he leaves office, reporters may remember him for an effort that has largely turned out to be the opposite — and for being what one affected reporter has called the "greatest enemy to press freedom in a generation."


    Do you consider Reuters a far right site?

    It is weak to discredit a site by simply discrediting while ignoring the facts.

    I am still waiting for the links that identify the 17 intelligence agencies that had proof of Russian collusion,but that is the way it works,everybody else is supposed to back things up with facts and links,but the ones closing everything is false.
    Last edited by Richard; February-18-20 at 01:16 PM.

  25. #4050


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    How about contributing to the discussion and disprove what I posted ?
    Postings from those sites are not proof of anything but your gullibility. What you are asking is akin to asking me prove the earth is round because a foil hat flat earther posted that it's not.

    Of course you know that. Otherwise you wouldn't have tried so hard to deflect.

    Regarding the Rosen issue, I agreed that the Administration was way out of line. Hell, I don't agree with a lot of Obama policies, but at least he was intelligent and a fundamentally decent guy, just as I think Dubya was an idiot but a fundamentally decent guy.

    A picture is worth 1000 words as they say and no matter who reported it facts are still facts.

    maybe in the days before Photoshop and deep fakes. I sure as hell wouldn't trust a photo from any of the bizarro world sites where you get your "information.:
    Last edited by rb336; February-19-20 at 12:07 PM.

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