Prime Minister Trudeau said that ""I think if there were no tensions, if there was no escalation recently in the region, those Canadians would be right now home with their families."

I agree but there are an infinite number of "ifs". For example-
If the U.S. was not in Iraq.
If the Ukrainian airline has grounded it flights.
If Trump would have remained ok with Hizbollah picking off Americans.
If the Iranian army hadn't shot down the airliner.
If Soleimani had remained in Iran.
If the rocket would have missed the target.
If Trudeau hadn't opened Canada's door to so many Iranian immigrants.
If weather wouldn't have grounded the plane.

I think Trudeau's remark was a low blow directed at Trump and could have been extended to all the other U.S. politicians who sent and have kept American troops in Iraq for almost 17 years. The CEO of a Canadian corporation took it a step further a couple of days ago when he accused "a narcissist in Washington" of "collateral damage" that killed 63 Canadians'. CEO Michael McCain said that "Canadians needlessly lost their lives in the crossfire" which is amazing since the U.S. didn't fire shots into Iran.

Trudeau's new beard works though.