Quote Originally Posted by Meddle View Post
I remember when a thunderstorm was just that, A storm. Fairly nice days, storm moves through during a few afternoon hours [[maybe a few overnight hours), then it's gone, until the next one some days later. Quarter, half inch rain totals.

What I've been seeing in that last fifteen years or so is quite different. Day One is OK, then begins to degrade. Day Two begins the event, heavier clouds, winds pick up, rain trains begin to form. Day Three can be the main event, heavy rains to the point of flooding, strong winds, damaging winds. Day Four may be the wind up, usually windy, but clearing, maybe with a major temperature change. Two, three or more inch rain totals. I had one event in July a few years back with something like five inches of rain in about twelve hours.

The day count may change, three, five, sometimes more. I've seen week long events.
Yep. And then instead of another afternoon thunderstorm a few days later, you go weeks without a drop before the next deluge.