Frankly its a joke to say Obama is at fault for rising student debt in the United States. Student debt and who owns or sells it is a convoluted business. The point about Trump University is Trump runs corrupt organizations and with the Foundation, they both had to be shut. That's someone you don't interview to run any organization, especially not the United States of America. He's a corrupt person, bottom line.

That's why he's doing Russia's bidding.

For a President to say Putin might be right, in the face of all our intelligence agencies saything Russia is guilty. Well that's an upside world of a Russian ass kisser in the White House. Ronald Reagan would be rolling in his grave.

What's amazing to me is all you Trump supporters seem to think he's just as bad as other Presidents, but you obviously can't discriminate between shale and granite. This is a President who helps Russia, runs corrupt organizations, thinks he can shoot people and get away with it and boasts all sorts of lies. This is a reality TV star hack who smiled his way into office. He is not comparable to a bad political system. He is the bastard son that it birthed.

Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
-Nationalizing businesses almost defines socialism. The Constitution does not "delegate" nationalizing most student debt although there in no reasons states can't do it. Obama must not have realized that behavior that is subsidized encourages more such behavior. Democrats, in general, do not acknowledge supply/demand. In short. Obama's changes to student loans not only drove up the demand for loans, it discouraged repayment and drove up tuition costs.

-When Trump tried to set a timetable for bringing our occupying troops home from Syria all Dem presidential candidates except Gabbard opposed that initiative or were silent. They sided with Republican neocons. Trump did propose removing 5,000 troops from Afghanistan. Republicans and most Democrats opposed Trump. However, my point was that Trump had not started any new wars as had his two predecessors. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. If you think that Obama's killing of hundreds of thousands of Arabs with unconstitutional executive wars he started in is less of a "character fault" than what Trump was penalized for, we have a disagreement. I would have preferred that Nixon has ended Johnson's Vietnam War sooner but Johnson started it and Nixon ended it. Obama got us into the Syria, Libya, and Ukraine messes and now Democrats are trying to get us to stay in Syria.

We provided Kurds with weapons to take back territory ISIS took with weapons we provided ISIS' allies. The Kurds took their land back. Mission accomplished. We have no treaty with the Kurds. Our treaty is with Turkey a NATO ally. We only had 50-150 troops in the 15 mile wide border. That's something like 1 troop/40 square miles. Trump was right to pull them back. That land belongs to Syria which never permitted or encouraged the U.S. to occupy it. Once Turkey invaded Syria, Syria moved its troops north to reoccupy some of that border area. That's between Syria and Turkey. It is not our affair. Widespread "genocide" predicted by Democrats and neocons did not occur.

-Again, I view the financial burdens Obama imposed on students to be statistically hundreds of times more serious than Trump's school. I measure damage. You measure "character".

"Putin's lapdog"? Are you channelling Joe McCarthy? Obama's screw-ups in Syria and Ukraine opened the doors in both places for Putin to bring in his military.

I'm for raising taxes and cutting spending enough to cover more than our trillion dollar a year deficit using the formula proposed by the Simpson-Bowles Committee. Which Democrats support doing the same? I advocate import taxes which hurt the rich and benefit American labor. Going back to Woodrow Wilson's income tax of up to 6% on the rich, it was introduced in a Democratic bill to cut import taxes so the rich had to pay a small income tax in return for being able to profit from cheaper overseas foreign labor. It was a trade off. Eventually, middle class Americans had to pay most of the income taxes. The middle class, not the 1%, were the ultimate victims of Wilson's income tax. Warren's unconstitutional 2% wealth tax will no doubt also spread to the middle class when it fails to pay for all her plans just like Wilson's income tax on the rich. I love how the Trump tax cut reduced deductions for the rich in wealthy states so those of us in flyover country don't have to subsidize rich people in CA, Long Island, and CT. Democrats, of course, are fighting to resume those tax deductions for the rich.