Quote Originally Posted by renf View Post
There is a change in city/suburban demographic trends by race. From Census 2010 to July 2018, according to Census Bureau estimates, the
city's substantial African-American population declined by 14 percent while the city's rather small non-Hispanic white population grew by 31 percent.
In the three county suburban ring, the white population fell by 5% while
the African American population grew by 16%.

The African American population of the ring grew by 57,000 while the
city's African American population fell by 83,000. For whites, there
was a growth of 17,000 in the city of Detroit and a decline of 127,000 in the ring.

Racial attitudes have change and there is a substantial movement of African-Americans from the city to the suburbs. For the most part, the
patterns of extreme white black residential segregation that once
characterized Detroit are not being repeated in the suburbs,
Where did the 110,000 whites go?