Quote Originally Posted by Johnnny5 View Post
I've expressed my grievances with Amazon's business practices before, but it's WAY past time that they be forcefully broken up, and not is a way that's just for show.
The leading left candidates have already vowed to be as Roosevelt was to Standard oil.

Amazon has already done what Standard Oil and Ma Bell was forced to do and created many different entities,so it sounds good but there is nothing to really “break up” legal wise.

So the face is Amazon but each division is legally a separate company protected by the corporate veil,so really the only way to “break them up”
would be to totally change how the corporate structure is established in the United States,effecting every corporation in the United States no matter what size.

The only way Chavez did it in Venezuela,which was structured much like in the US ,was to just appropriate every private corporation,foreign and domestic as state property.

During the Bush and Obama administration there was talk of turning over government logistics over to Wal-Mart military and civilian,Wal-Mart already has the largest logistics company in the country if not the world.

But Halliburton already controlled natural disaster logistics and political wise they still had more power then Wal-Mart or then president Obama.

So there is history of the privatization of government,look at the trillion dollar security industry form after 9-11.

We live in an information is power world now,when it comes to voting that gives Amazon excess to every voters information including a copy of everybody’s signature.

Weather I agree with the whole process or not my concern is that it is already done and begs to question on what path we should be on now.

The energy and scope is directed on they are to powerful break them up and not boundaries on what they are allowed to do with the information they are collecting or how it is secured.

Is it possible for a radical left or right person within the company to use the information in a nefarious way?

We know there was attempts to meddle in the voting processes from outside sources,which will continue but we also know that the extent was only based on a local level attacks and not enough to alter the course of the election.

Was this system in place at that time and did it prevent a large scale attack from occurring?

The whole trade wars thing is much more then what is on the surface,Alibaba is the Chinese governments clearing house for Chinese products and the market,they could literally crush the likes of Amazon because their government would cover any losses while creating tariffs against American products.

What is happening now is an American will develop a product,patent it,and place it on the market place of Amazon.

China will purchase that product,copy it and then it will be placed back on the market within months at half the price and crush the original inventor.

We as consumers have already given China full rein over our pocket books and Standard of life,the trade wars are about taking those reins back.

Back to Amazon and I guess that is our choice,continue to use the energy in order to break them up or use our energy in order to find out exactly what it entails and how it does and can effect our voting process.

We talk about gerrymandering and the voting process but comparatively none of that matters when all of the information is stored in one place.