Quote Originally Posted by Maof View Post
He used the word "phony". Same difference.

What Trump said:“You people with this phony emoluments clause”.
What rb wrote:
"Trump called THE CONSTITUTION fake".

For starters, Trump didn't call "the Constitution" either 'fake' or 'phony'. Of course there is an emoluments clause but the the theater of caring about the emoluments clause is phony, bogus, and fake in light of the indifference Democrats, "you people" as he put it, had toward e.g. the hundreds of millions of dollars that poured into the Clinton Family Foundation from would be beneficiaries of the Clinton's government largess including generous gifts from Russia. That's precedent.

To me, this is just another page in the endless coup; the only thing Democrats have to show for the last three years. No borders, a refusal to even discuss infrastructure projects, and not even one House Democrat voted to end our unconstitutional occupation Of Syria last week.