
Then President Roseavelt won the re-election based on he would not bring the US into WW2,80% of the population did not want to enter.
Maybe you're thinking of Woodrow Wilson? His slogan was "He kept us out of war."

Useing back channels he reassured the brits that they would be supported by the US,there was a clerk at the US embassy in London that was secretly making copies of all the communications in order to turn over to the Republicans back in the states.

8 hours before his flight back to the states word got out and he was picked up by M6 along with 60,000 documents.

If he had made that flight,Roseavelt would had been immediately removed from office and history would have changed.

When we look at what is happening in the realm of politics,if one really delves into history,everything that can happen,has already happened in the past but they lead you to believe that everything happening is unprecedented.

When we see the economy impacts elections it is because in spite of serving 3 terms in the White House and with full democratic house and senate,Roseavelts tenure was considered by many a failure because he could never pull the working class out of the throws of the depression.
Are you talking about The Lend/Lease Act? First, if it was a secret between Great Britain and the US, there wouldn't be 60,000 documents on the matter. Just out of curiosity, had there been 60,000 documents showing how Roosevelt circumvented congress, how would they make copies?

Seriously, Lend/Lease wasn't a secret. Roosevelt told the country about it in a Fire Side Chat. He likened it to "helping to put out the fire in your neighbor's house before your own house caught fire and burned down."

The Lend-Lease Act was passed by Congress on March 11, 1941. It provided that the US could ship weapons, food, or equipment to any country whose struggle against the Axis assisted U.S. defense.