In post #308, I raised the question of how Bernie was going to accomplish more 'progressive' things than Elizabeth Warren with a smaller wealth tax on rich people. Since then, Sen. Warren has been cornered in interviews about did she plan to increase taxes on middle class people as Bernie was honest enough to say he would. Warren always refuses to answer that question. However, Bernie has now straightened out his numbers and said he plans an 8% wealth tax on rich people to accomplish his 'progressive' agenda.

"Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders proposed an annual wealth tax topping out at 8% for the richest Americans, offering the farthest-reaching Democratic plan to pay for expanded government programs and break up concentrated fortunes. Mr. Sanders’s plan would hit more households and raise more money than the tax proposed by Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, his chief rival for progressive voters. According to an analysis by economists who consulted with both campaigns, Mr. Sanders’s plan would generate $4.35 trillion over a decade, compared with Ms. Warren’s $2.75 trillion. Mr. Sanders’s plan would increase federal revenue by about 10%."