^ different states have thier pluses and minuses,Michigan has a lot to offer to the outdoors type.

During the boom a lot of Fl Middle class sold out and moved up to the Carolinas,Tennessee and North Atlanta.

From the middle of the state and up it gets brisk and downright cold,November to February or March are the best months the rest are spent going from an A/C house to an A/C car to an A/C job,last week it was 110 with heat index,so walk from your house to the mailbox and you are covered in sweat.

It is also different because the houses are not built for the cold and your blood thins,I grew up in -50 winters and now when it gets in the 50s here you see people bring out the winter gear.

It is really only about 4 months that are bearable,then there are little tiny mosquitos that eat you alive,at least up there you can hit them with a bat,every creepy crawly critter and bug loves it here also without the cold to kill them off.

It is expensive in most parts,Miami,middle to lower income survive with lower expendable incomes,multiple families will pool together to rent or buy a house,so you have several families living in one house.

The same anti transit,sprawl loving people that live up there and move down here,bring the same attitude with them,inner city schools and roads are no different then up there.

Because it is tourist state most everything you do is about money,you cannot even throw a fishing line in the water without a license,Disney World and most of the attractions have become so expensive that most residents cannot afford to go anymore.

Given the choice of Miami or Detroit,in spite of the cold I would take Detroit,a lot also move here then move away after a year or so,you do not really associate with people until they have lived here at least 5 years,I have been here 40 years and outside of my kids know nobody else outside of a friend from and in the UK in all of that time,it is extremely transient.

Outside of the rural towns people can live in a house for ten years and never even know thier neighbors and most stay broke because they have to look good to others,have to have a new car every year,designer clothes,lots of gold chains etc then complain because they stay broke.

Outside of the beaches the cities and towns are no different then any city in the rest of the country,granted no snow but the grass is not always greener and every state has its good and bad.

Besides have the millions moving here not heard it will be under water in another 10 years anyways?