Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
Yeah... I had nearly forgotten about the great earthquake of 1811 on the New Madrid fault in Missouri. It's possible that it may have been one of the worst in North America. Fortunately there were not many folks living in the Mississippi or Ohio valleys at that time... and the Mississippi River changed directions... but what is worrisome is that it was such a bad series of tremors that it sent church bells in New England ringing. If they have another one like the 1811 quake, St. Louis and Memphis may be severely damaged.
Someone was just telling me about that 1811 quake. I was openly scoffing at it and then they gave the same anecdote you did, complete with the church bells ringing in New England 😁
Let’s pray to God that fault line is dormant and there’s no tectonic shifts in our lifetimes, or many to come for that matter.