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  1. #476


    Quote Originally Posted by Canadian Visitor View Post
    Condescending? Sure, but only towards inveterate racist, misogynist, under-educated, reactionary bigots.
    Well heck,I guess I have to give you some credit now,understanding your denial stage or self reflection is the first step.

    I guess that is just SOP for the progressives.

    You are kinda leaving Canuck with no back up there.

  2. #477


    Quote Originally Posted by Canadian Visitor View Post
    Condescending? Sure, but only towards inveterate racist, misogynist, under-educated, reactionary bigots.

    But mostly anyone who doesn't acknowledge your greatness and superiority. Which also begs the question, why would anyone spend their days, posting on a website with people they don't care for?

  3. #478


    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    But mostly anyone who doesn't acknowledge your greatness and superiority.
    Not remotely accurate. I have never asked for anyone's sycophancy. Nor do I wish it.

    I do wish to be treated with respect, politely, as I endeavour to with others who aren't insulting, racist pricks.

    Which also begs the question, why would anyone spend their days, posting on a website with people they don't care for?
    Was it not you who insulted me not so long ago in part w/the term 'monthly visitor'? I don't spend my days here, I spend 5 minutes here most days. Periodically, I spend 15 minutes.

    Be that as it may.

    There are plenty of posters here who I respect and whose comments I enjoy; many of whom seem to appreciate my posts as well.

    In no particular order, Pam, Jimaz, Maof, Jcole, Ihearted, Lowell, A Better Detroit, Canuck and doubtless many more I'm forgetting just at the moment.

    Despite our sharp disagreements, I find I can have a thoughtful chat w/Oladub.

    There are only a few here, who seem to insist on being insulting and then act like snowflakes when its thrown back in their face.

    No dishing out what you can't take.

  4. #479


    No guns for ”Fredo”!?

    I doubt we’ll never get a clearer example of the need to apply the Red Flag Law - it’s on video for all to see.[[it might even set a world record for the most “F” words ever used by an “opinion reader” in less than 2 mins.

    But all is not lost; cnn backs him up completely!

  5. #480


    Quote Originally Posted by Canadian Visitor View Post
    Not remotely accurate. I have never asked for anyone's sycophancy. Nor do I wish it.

    I do wish to be treated with respect, politely, as I endeavour to with others who aren't insulting, racist pricks.

    Was it not you who insulted me not so long ago in part w/the term 'monthly visitor'? I don't spend my days here, I spend 5 minutes here most days. Periodically, I spend 15 minutes.

    Be that as it may.

    There are plenty of posters here who I respect and whose comments I enjoy; many of whom seem to appreciate my posts as well.

    In no particular order, Pam, Jimaz, Maof, Jcole, Ihearted, Lowell, A Better Detroit, Canuck and doubtless many more I'm forgetting just at the moment.

    Despite our sharp disagreements, I find I can have a thoughtful chat w/Oladub.

    There are only a few here, who seem to insist on being insulting and then act like snowflakes when its thrown back in their face.

    No dishing out what you can't take.
    Nice spin on your posting manners. Divide and conquer? You're becoming blatantly obvious.
    Last edited by Honky Tonk; August-13-19 at 11:31 AM.

  6. #481


    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    Nice spin on your posting manners. Divide and conquer? You're becoming blatantly obvious.
    There is no 'divide and conquer'.

    I'm not conquering anyone.

    I have cordial exchanges with many posters now.

    The three people I consider to be incessant trolls are welcome to continue doing what they do, as if I could change them.

  7. #482


    Quote Originally Posted by Canadian Visitor View Post
    There is no 'divide and conquer'.

    I'm not conquering anyone.

    I have cordial exchanges with many posters now.

    The three people I consider to be incessant trolls are welcome to continue doing what they do, as if I could change them.

    Yes, incessant, insulting, snowflake trolls. One can't help wondering why they make return visits.

  8. #483


    Quote Originally Posted by Canadian Visitor View Post
    There is no 'divide and conquer'.

    I'm not conquering anyone.

    I have cordial exchanges with many posters now.

    The three people I consider to be incessant trolls are welcome to continue doing what they do, as if I could change them.
    Just out of amusement,why do you feel the need to change people?

    Its a discussion offering differing view points in order to see where others are coming from and why they feel that way,a way to further understand each other towards a variety of topics.

    After that it is up to the individual to make thier own decisions and further research if they are so inclined.

    Only in certain countries are individuals expected to think as they are told,in case you have not noticed in the US with 325 million people,not everybody thinks the same and will have 325 million different views and opinions,shocking enough they will not always agree with each other.

    I realize that your commy lefist agenda dictates that you try and berate or call names to those who you disagree with in order to bolster your agenda,but if you are receiving backlash from it,just maybe your methods are at the core and some self reflection may be in order?

    This is common sense adult stuff,for the most part anyways,if it has to be explained to you then either you are the one with the issues or you are pushing a biased agenda.

    Which one is it?

    Just like your whole thing with gun control in Canada and how well it works and more specifically Toronto is such a safe place.

    You do realize in the age of the Internet it creates what is called the Information Age,there is also a YouTube site that people upload videos,even local news agencies,there are lots on there with gun violence in Toronto and how it is out of control.

    They even have videos of shoot em ups in the market place and city parks where children are ducking for cover.

    Its okay to call for gun control if that is what you believe in,just do not try and convince others that your system is better based on your form of gun control,when it is not.
    Last edited by Richard; August-13-19 at 03:59 PM.

  9. #484


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Just out of amusement,why do you feel the need to change people?
    Where your concerned, I think you're beyond hope or change.

    In general though, I have had 2 major careers, post-uni.

    The first was running a charity, which oversaw environmental restoration.

    In other words, fixing something someone else damaged and making it better.

    The second career I've had, and currently have is being a consultant to very large retailers, advising them on how to lean their management practices, adopt new technology and make better use of business analytics.

    I make a very comfortable living fixing other people's messes and improving what they do.

    Only in certain countries are individuals expected to think as they are told,in case you have not noticed in the US with 325 million people,not everybody thinks the same and will have 325 million different views and opinions,shocking enough they will not always agree with each other.
    I agree with this, to a point. I don't believe you have the 'right' to believe that 2+2 = 7, seeing as that isn't true.

    I also don't accept your right to believe you can facilitate harm to me, by polluting the air I breathe or water I drink any more than absolutely necessary, seeing as if you do, it might make me sick or kill me.

    In other words, your right to believe as you wish is fine; but predicated on you using the same set of facts to inform your opinions; and being able to differentiate between those opinions which cause no harm [[your favourite colour) vs those that do [[let's hand out fully automatic weapons like candy and just assume everyone will be responsible with them) when we know that isn't going to happen and it will result in thousands of deaths.

    I realize that your commy lefist agenda
    Really? Aside from that being name-calling. I'm the one whose in the 10%, not you. That by the way doesn't make me a better person; and oddly, unlike you, I'm happy to pay taxes to give a good chunk of it back every year, so other people can have the same opportunities I did.

    I'm anti-deficit, anti-prohibition, pro-efficiency, pro-business, pro-free market, anti-monopoly, and dislike virtue-signalling.

    How exactly does that fit with 'communist' Richard, do tell?

    As to name calling, I only label in three clear cases; racism/misogyny/homophobia [[ie. bigotry). I don't use that term frivolously, and have named exactly one poster here for that; and there is zero doubt it fits.

    The second time I apply a label is for trolling, this means answering a post not to add to a discussion, or present or correct facts for others; but instead joining in simply to insult others and to deflect and defend positions which have been disproven; and doing so with either no evidence or made-up BS. I have applied that label to you, correctly.

    Finally, I call out rudeness, if you swear, use racial slurs, objectify women or stoop to insulting people unprovoked, I will call you out. Otherwise I have never slagged someone here for being conservative, or liberal, for being republican or democrat, or for any other arbitrary reason. That's more your speed.

    Just like your whole thing with gun control in Canada and how well it works and more specifically Toronto is such a safe place.
    Actually, while Toronto has had too many shootings the last couple of weeks, including a couple of brazen ones...

    The stats are that we've had 39 homicides so far this year, in a City of 3,000,000, in a region of 8,000,000.

    Toronto's homicide rate is roughly 2.0/100,000 which makes it the safest large city in North America.

    PS, in light of what has happened the last couple of weeks, more gun control is coming.

    Statistics link for you here, from Toronto Police.


    Could we now get back on topic please? TY
    Last edited by Canadian Visitor; August-13-19 at 04:58 PM.

  10. #485


    ^ actually it is on the topic of the radical left Dems and thier insanity,thank you for providing an example.

    Let me guess you,like Campus Reform,also find the little white stick figure used in crosswalk signals offensive and oppressive?

  11. #486


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    ^ actually it is on the topic of the radical left Dems and thier insanity,thank you for providing an example.

    Let me guess you,like Campus Reform,also find the little white stick figure used in crosswalk signals offensive and oppressive?
    I have never heard of 'campus reform'; and while I've been to the U.S. on may occasions, I must have overlooked how crosswalks are noted, as there are no 'stick figures' in Canada, we have a black 'x' that marks the spot.

    So I have no opinion on the semiotic expression of U.S. crosswalks.

  12. #487


    Dems in Demland are all aflutter.
    - Racism is not a new charge against Trump but its been ramped up since the wheels fell off the coup and chanting 'Russians' lost its cachet.
    - Bill Maher, whom I often respect for being a Democrat with an independent streak, said that he hoped the economy would crash "Because I think one way you get rid of Trump is a crashing economy. So, please, bring on the recession. Sorry if that hurts people, but it's either root for a recession or you lose your democracy," Maher said on the Friday broadcast of his HBO show
    Real Time". I didn't hear any Democrats refute or play down Maher's masochistic wish. Of course, Maher won't lose his job in a recession.
    - The Castro brothers are letting it all hang out. Julián Castro said he was very proud of his evil twin brother Joaquin for outing [[intimidating and endangering) Republican campaign contributors. Having otherwise slim hopes of being noticed, Julián is doing an ad calling Trump a racist tonight. Maybe it will help this Julián be considered for the VP spot.
    - Senators Whitehouse, Blumenthal, Gilibrand, Hirono and Durban "warned that if the justices proceed to issue a pro-Second Amendment ruling, and if Democrats win the White House and the Senate in 2020, then they will fundamentally remake the High Court." That's to say pack the Court with extra members to have an instant majority. It is thought to be Constitutionally legal but I can't help think it smells like coup and wonder if that won't cause a reaction.

    -Antifa is acting like the Portland, OR Mayor's brown shirted Praetorian Guard.

    -ICE had bullets shot through its windows and the head of a company building some wall had his family threatened.

    -Universal films "The Hunt" portrays "
    blue-collar rural characters awakening to an organized hunt by “liberal elites.” "A draft of the script referenced a “ratfucker-in-chief” and referred to its protagonists as racist or pro-life “deplorables.” It has been temporarily shelved but seems to suggest more violence than anything Trump said.

    -An MSNBC talk show guest said that Trump supporters "Should be destroyed".

    -Threatening mobs are allowed to form outside the home of Rand Paul when just his wife and children are present. Rand, by the way, just had part of his lung removed because of his liberal neighbor's attack. He was also at a Congressional baseball warmup when another liberal shot at Republican Members of Congress wounding one.

    I could go on but where is the concern over left wing terrorism? So far, I don't think we are on the verge of a civil war. The divisions in the 60's were worse and we shook them off.

  13. #488


    ^The impression from your list of happenings in Dem Land is that ALL democrats are ”Fredo” nut cases waiting to happen [[including their voters).

  14. #489


    Quote Originally Posted by coracle View Post
    ^The impression from your list of happenings in Dem Land is that ALL democrats are ”Fredo” nut cases waiting to happen [[including their voters).
    Fredo was also in the news this week. He gets a pass too. But no I don't mean to suggest all Democrats are nut cases. Tulsi Gabbard supports peace and Steve Bullock seems to be moderate; the kind of Democrat our parents might have voted for. About 10 years ago, I happened into a bar in the UP in Delta County I think. The County Democratic Party was having its meeting there and the attendees seemed to be regular people. Some people probably vote the way they do because of momentum and habit. So I didn't mean to imply that all Democrats are nut cases. I roll my eyes at Trump quite a bit and think about what a predicament we are in as a nation when that guy is about all there is between this country and the blue tsunami hinted at in my previous post.

  15. #490


    ^Apologies! It was not my intention to infer that it was your opinion - because I know it isn’t.

  16. #491


    That is the battle within the Democratic Party,the progressive socialist against the conservative Democrats who have always maintained the balance between the republicans and the democrats.

    If the progressive socialists unseat the conservative aspect the only thing left will be the Republicans and socialists who are itching to revamp the constitution already.

    It may be easier in the future to just refer to the socialists as the socialist party and the conservative Democrats as that.Even the borderline liberals do not seem to exist and just blended in with the socialists.
    Last edited by Richard; August-14-19 at 10:55 PM.

  17. #492
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    There are plenty of posters here who I respect and whose comments I enjoy; many of whom seem to appreciate my posts as well.

    In no particular order, Pam

    Thanks CV. I have several people here on ignore, you aren't one of them.

  18. #493


    Quote Originally Posted by Canadian Visitor View Post
    There are plenty of posters here who I respect and whose comments I enjoy; many of whom seem to appreciate my posts as well.
    In no particular order, Pam, Jimaz, Maof, Jcole, Ihearted, Lowell, A Better Detroit, Canuck and doubtless many more I'm forgetting just at the moment.


  19. #494


    someone get a screen shot of coracle's apology!

  20. #495


    That’s got to be rich,go on a public forum and post a list of those who you agree with because they support your agenda.

    Kinda like a politician that gets votes of support but never makes it into office.

    I would think everybody is entitled to thier opinion and then you have dictators in the world that like to divide and conquer and stifle opposition,it just goes to show what kind of person who they really are.

    Personaly I think it is kinda anal to publicly create a list of supporters when it has little meaning or relevance,it’s not a game of ego pump.

    I do not always agree with CV but never have publicly announced that I was blocking him and then still responded to him,even though they do exactly what they are accusing others of doing.

    I think there is a name for that,and it does not involve the pumping of ones chest in a public forum like it’s something commendable.
    Last edited by Richard; August-15-19 at 09:04 AM.

  21. #496


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    That’s got to be rich,go on a public forum and post a list of those who you agree with because they support your agenda.
    This clearly shows that you don't read posts before replying to them.

    I had something nice to say about Oladub, whose politics I most certainly don't overlap with my own very much.

    But he can be polite when disagreeing, something you've never managed.

  22. #497


    Quote Originally Posted by Canadian Visitor View Post
    This clearly shows that you don't read posts before replying to them.

    I had something nice to say about Oladub, whose politics I most certainly don't overlap with my own very much.

    But he can be polite when disagreeing, something you've never managed.

    Name:  Internet Police.JPG
Views: 482
Size:  31.4 KB

  23. #498


    Mr Tonk!

    I am going to report your post above to the authorities...


  24. #499


    ^^^ LOL! I say we show up at his house, scout him out at restaurants he eats at and yell mean things.......

    That seems to be the way now [[justified)!

    Last edited by Zacha341; August-16-19 at 08:14 AM.

  25. #500


    According to this article, Tulsi Gabbard isn't being allowed into the next debate for reasons that aren't clear. Her numbers are better than Klobuchar's and she has 160,000 contributors. Tulsi has left the campaign trail for two weeks to serve in in in the National Guard in Indonesia. An opinion article:
    Payback: Democrats rig Tulsi Gabbard right out of their next debate

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