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Results 451 to 475 of 952
  1. #451


    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    Might be worth your time to go see what parliament is up to.
    He’s been reading their web sites for days/weeks don’t ya know. Now he’s ready to condescendingly explain to them how to run Canada, because he’s such an intelligent, responsible, well informed citizen.

    Actually he comes across to me as someone that can walk into a bar and clear it in no time flat if they know him!

  2. #452


    Your opinion of course CV, but I feel a bit of push-back is in order:

    First off, who determines the 'mind' and motive of those choosing to fly, wear or otherwise appropriately display an American flag? And patriotism is not just a US construct.

    You see flags of many countries flown for various events - flown here!

    I'll not assume intention or state of mind.

    Crosses? Yes, for example, some entertainers, musicians wear them big and bold, etc. having no relation to the cause of Christ/ Christianity.

    There are also devoted Christians [[including entertainers and musicians) who choose the option, withstanding the secular or decorative use of crosses.

    I'd not assume that the wearing a cross means a person is NOT a Christian, or 'just' based on some poll!

    Quote Originally Posted by Canadian Visitor View Post
    ...Because they understand that that is theatrical BS for the weak minded.

    Just like wearing a cross does not make you a Christian.

    It just means you polled to see if it would be popular or not.
    Last edited by Zacha341; August-04-19 at 09:49 AM.

  3. #453


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    ^ what is it with you Canadians and your hatred towards any American that wears or displays the flag of thier country or is proud of thier country?
    At no point did I express hatred for anyone.

    I expressed that conflating meaningless symbolism with substance is a sin.

    You clearly disrespect many of your fellow Americans. You do so here on a regular basis. But you believe that saying the oath at the beginning of a school day or standing for anthem makes you intelligent, honest, loyal, capable? Really? Its not a hatred of an oath or an anthem or a flag on a lapel.

    Its a distaste for confusing wearing a suit with being a professional.

    Reading a book with being well read.

    Or holding a baseball with being Mr. October.

    Not the same thing.

    One is superficial, one is meaningful.

    Respect someone for what they have done for their country, or what they promise to do; not for a meaningless gesture that doesn't establish they've done anything or would do anything useful.

    Let me guess, placing the flag on veterans graves or flying the American flag out in front of homes is also theatrical BS to you also?
    I have no issue w/honouring military vets, but the flag is not what made them honorable, its a way of honouring them. Notice the difference?

    As for flying a flag outside your home, I confess to not getting that. I don't fly a Canadian flag outside mine, nor do i recall ever having seen that actually, though I'm sure some people do, its fairly uncommon here.

    It is theatre in the sense that it doesn't make you a good citizen, it doesn't mean you obey the law or pay your taxes or that you served in the military. It means you went to Walmart, bought your ass a flag and hoisted it, cause well that's what you do on Tuesdays.

    Which is fine.......not by personal decorating taste, but to each their own.

    Let me guess,the flag that you guys display on your ships is not an actual maple leaf but the international symbol for,prick.
    You notice once again, how I didn't insult the United States or Americans, but yet you insult Canada?

    That's cause you're an asshole, but that's not true of all Americans, not most Americans either, hell, not even all that many Americans.......but it is of you.

    ...even lower while disrespecting our flag and what it stands for.
    At no point did I denigrate the U.S. flag in anyway.

    I suggested that wearing one is not indicative of your quality as an American or a politician.
    Last edited by Canadian Visitor; August-04-19 at 08:52 AM.

  4. #454


    ^ the comment was,representatives of the people of the United States on one side of the isle choose to wear the flag of the country of the people that they represent on thier lapels while the other side chooses not to.

    Your response was that it was just theatrical BS for those to display the flag.

    The more you write the more it shows that in this country you would be a part of the progressives that wish to promote hatred for the country that they hide behind while enjoying the libertys that were paid for by the generations that came before them.

    I do realize that you are also representative of that ilk in your own country and I do not judge all Canadians based solely on your shortcomings.

    As evidenced here there are Canadians that “ get it” something that you apparently never will,or choose not to.


  5. #455


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    ^ the comment was,representatives of the people of the United States on one side of the isle choose to wear the flag of the country of the people that they represent on thier lapels while the other side chooses not to.
    No, that was not the statement. As usual, you're lying again.

    The statement was that not wearing a flag on their lapel was indicative of their politics and their quality as human being.

    As evidenced by the fast that you wear the flag but are a slime ball, a flag doesn't make you a good person, nor does its absence make you a bad one.

    Your response was that it was just theatrical BS for those to display the flag.
    If you wear something because its expected of you, a part of your uniform as it were, then its presence is symbolic and theatrical by definition.

    Wearing a tool belt doesn't make you a handyman, never mind a carpenter. It makes you a person wearing a tool belt.

    Get it? Ergo, judging people by superficial symbolism, instead of their substance as a person is wrong.

    The more you write the more it shows that in this country you would be a part of the progressives that wish to promote hatred for the country that they hide behind while enjoying the libertys that were paid for by the generations that came before them.
    I neither hate your country, nor my own, or for that matter, anyone else's.

    You're the hateful jerk. I'm the nice guy.

    I just don't confuse fake, superficial BS with substance. I also understand that a flag is not a symbol of a person, but of a government [[ie. nation-state). You are not the United States. I don't confuse them, neither should you.

    You can be proud to be American [[though if you were born there you had little choice), you can be proud of your constitution, or the rule of law or whatever you'd like.

    But that doesn't make you qualified to be the leader of a scout troop. It also doesn't make you a good American.

    Those are different things. Just like going to Church on Sunday doesn't make you a good Christian.

  6. #456


    ^ if your definition of a nice guy is what the standard is set by,we are phucked as a society.

    Once again you,lost the context of the discussion that was in play.

    You made the decision that US representatives wearing the US flag on thier lapels was symbolic BS.

    Those were your words.

    You do not know those individuals,you have not spoken to those individuals,you just cannot stand the fact that some Americans still take pride in that flag and what it stands for while others choose to tread on it.

  7. #457


    Quirks of the new green deal

    The elimination of all personal modes of transportation to be replaced by government run trains and busses.

    Along with airplanes,nuclear power plants and any other power plant that is not wholly run on solar.

    Funny thing is while AOC was campaigning she raked up over $2500 in Uber costs,sometimes to attend a meeting 6 blocks from her headquarters.

    She also campaigned against Uber because it placed more fossil burning fuel cars on the road.

    My guess when we are all riding along on our government train to work,we will be passed by the politicians riding in thier limos.

  8. #458


    “.......poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids....”

    Spoken by the idiot that was obama’s choice - twice!, and now wants to be our President.

    He’s just another DAMN DEMOCRAT RACIST HYPOCRITE supported by other DEMOCRAT RACISTS who HATE white people because of they’re color, and loves “poor” people because of their color.

    [[He probably likes the “Green New Deal” because it ain’t white and will make us all “poor”).

  9. #459


    On the same day that Biden said "poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids", he told a crowd that "We choose truth over facts". The crowd applauded. Maybe he meant it insofar as Democrats define truth and the meaning of words.

  10. #460


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    On the same day that Biden said "poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids", he told a crowd that "We choose truth over facts". The crowd applauded. Maybe he meant it insofar as Democrats define truth and the meaning of words.
    Clearly this misspeaking/a very poor choice of words.

    He either should have used 'black/p.o.c. and white' or 'poor' and 'middle class/rich'.

    I'm inclined to see the mistake as the foot-in-mouth disease for which Joe Biden has been known for more than a quarter century.

    I would certainly hope a writer on this staff didn't put that together, and if they did, they should be looking for a new job.

    Certainly was could choose to read the statement as racist; if the words were chosen intentionally or subconscious bias if not. But foot-in-mouth disease seems the most probably to me.

    But again, I draw a distinction between purposefully targeting a group, and being purposefully insulting and non-factual; vs messing up your lines, fumbling for your words and saying something in an unfortunate/embarrassing way.

    While I would unapologetically prefer Biden to Trump in a 2-way choice; I would rather support neither.

    Both are well past their prime; and both have CVs that are somewhat suspect, dotted with apparent successes, that may be more the result of circumstance than ability.

    There are better choices on both sides of the aisle and outside the 2-party system.

    Though, at the moment, whoever the Dems put up is all but certain to be the only viable alternative in next year's election; and in that context, will, one would hope, be a vast improvement on the current occupant of the White House. Though that's a rather low bar for comparison.

  11. #461


    you just posted the beginning of what was said. try completing the sentence....

    "Wealthy kids, black kids, Asian kids, no I really mean it, but think how we think about it.”

    but we have a nitwit for a president who brags about crowd size while visiting victims of a mass shooting.....


    by the way, no one wanted to see him with the exception of two, one being a newborn who's parents died in the shooting.
    Last edited by Maof; August-09-19 at 08:34 AM.

  12. #462


    God! Fucking lefties “go through hoops” to excuse THEIR RACISM while labeling everybody else based on their color. Even Trump is “orange” to them. They’re incapable of thinking about anybody in any terms other than their color. DEMOCRATS ARE THE RACISTS.

  13. #463


    Quote Originally Posted by Maof View Post
    you just posted the beginning of what was said. try completing the sentence....

    "Wealthy kids, black kids, Asian kids, no I really mean it, but think how we think about it.”

    but we have a nitwit for a president who brags about crowd size while visiting victims of a mass shooting.....


    by the way, no one wanted to see him with the exception of two, one being a newborn who's parents died in the shooting.

    If Trump had any sense, he would have hired a slick photographer to take and post photos of him coddling the new born. That would have given him carte blanche to bomb the crap out of another country, murder 650,000 people, and displace hundreds of thousands of others. But then everybody would then say "awww, what a guy..."
    Last edited by Honky Tonk; August-09-19 at 08:52 AM.

  14. #464


    Quote Originally Posted by coracle View Post
    God! Fucking lefties “go through hoops” to excuse THEIR RACISM while labeling everybody else based on their color. Even Trump is “orange” to them. They’re incapable of thinking about anybody in any terms other than their color. DEMOCRATS ARE THE RACISTS.
    No one here accused all Republicans or Conservatives of anything; but you turn around and label all Democrats and Lefties.

    As a further point of correction. Biden is a conservative in most of the world in the way the English language is correctly used.

    No one outside the fringes of the US right wing would term him a lefty.

    Hell most of the world wouldn't consider him a centrist, they would call him right-wing.

    Every single nation in the OECD....every one, except the United States, guarantees Health Insurance to every last citizen.

    That would include Japan, Australia, the UK, Italy, France, Canada etc.

    Biden's proposals in this campaign still wouldn't achieve that.

    Biden is not lefty

  15. #465


    I feel better now. My Carer’s just arrived and I’ve taken my meds [[three white, one blue and a huge green one).[[and a baby aspirin).
    Last edited by coracle; August-09-19 at 08:54 AM.

  16. #466


    Quote Originally Posted by Canadian Visitor View Post
    No one here accused all Republicans or Conservatives of anything; but you turn around and label all Democrats and Lefties.

    As a further point of correction. Biden is a conservative in most of the world in the way the English language is correctly used.

    No one outside the fringes of the US right wing would term him a lefty.

    Hell most of the world wouldn't consider him a centrist, they would call him right-wing.

    Every single nation in the OECD....every one, except the United States, guarantees Health Insurance to every last citizen.

    That would include Japan, Australia, the UK, Italy, France, Canada etc.

    Biden's proposals in this campaign still wouldn't achieve that.

    Biden is not lefty
    That has to be the most insane justification,the UK also drives on the wrong side of the road so we should also?

    All of the countries that you listed also has a school lunch program,except Canada,so how come you guys do not follow the same advice that you put on others?

    In case that you are not paying attention the conservative Dems are being replaced to the point of non existence,how many conservative Dems are actually in the running out of 20 ? 1

    The conservative aspect of the Democratic Party are being forced to decide,either switch to progressive or republican or form an independent party.

    If you cannot read the writing on the wall even if it is in 20’ tall letters then you are blind.
    Last edited by Richard; August-09-19 at 09:03 AM.

  17. #467


    You’ve missed all the “ehs” out 464.

  18. #468


    Canadian Visitor, I agree that Biden probably misspoke twice in one day. Maybe that's the best he can still do. Bernie does better at his age which is too old to be President. I also agree that more moderate candidates should represent both parties. I will vote for Gabbard or Bullock in the primary for the following reasons. Gabbard served in two wars, has the strongest anti-war position of anyone running in either party, has attacked Google for censorship, and effectively smacked Kamala Harris on Harris' record. Bullock is a center of the road Democrat who outpolled Trump in Montana a Republican state. He is like Democrats, the ones our parents voted for, used to be before Democrats became nutty. My third choice is Trump.

  19. #469


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    That has to be the most insane justification,the UK also drives on the wrong side of the road so we should also?

    All of the countries that you listed also has a school lunch program,except Canada,so how come you guys do not follow the same advice that you put on others?

    In case that you are not paying attention the conservative Dems are being replaced to the point of non existence,how many conservative Dems are actually in the running out of 20 ? 1

    The conservative aspect of the Democratic Party are being forced to decide,either switch to progressive or republican or form an independent party.

    If you cannot read the writing on the wall even if it is in 20’ tall letters then you are blind.
    There is no justification anywhere.

    There is an accurate description of how to describe the political spectrum.

    Which, I hate to let you in on this, is not an American invention.

    I wonder if you even know what right-wing and left-wing mean?

    I bet you don't.

    Which is why you should be quiet. I know you won't, you like to speak so as to remove all doubt as to your ignorance.

    So be it.

    But the political spectrum describes ideas from right-to-left in a global context.

    The spectrum is not about merit. One can debate individual ideas/policy proposals for merit.

    The spectrum is not good-to-bad.

    Its right-to-left.

    In that context, Biden is right-wing. That's it. That's all. There is no debate.

  20. #470


    ^ they are trying to ban straws,my guess is when they do you will be at a loss for words.

  21. #471


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    ^ they are trying to ban straws,my guess is when they do you will be at a loss for words.
    If you mean Canada is moving to ban single-use plastics........sure.....

    But ya know most restaurants here are already converting to paper straws.

    None of which is on topic for this thread, but we can never stay on topic with you around.

  22. #472


    ^ refer to my post about you needing to stand on a 100’ ladder.

    Maybe they do not have the saying in Canada ... Grasping at straws.

  23. #473


    God! This cv guy is soooo boooring and CONDESCENDING, eh?
    Last edited by coracle; August-09-19 at 10:46 AM.

  24. #474


    Quote Originally Posted by coracle View Post
    God! This cv guy is soooo boooring and CONDESCENDING, eh?
    Condescending? Sure, but only towards inveterate racist, misogynist, under-educated, reactionary bigots.

  25. #475


    You’ve forgotten “soooo boooring”, Eh?
    Last edited by coracle; August-09-19 at 11:16 AM.

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