Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
On the same day that Biden said "poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids", he told a crowd that "We choose truth over facts". The crowd applauded. Maybe he meant it insofar as Democrats define truth and the meaning of words.
Clearly this misspeaking/a very poor choice of words.

He either should have used 'black/p.o.c. and white' or 'poor' and 'middle class/rich'.

I'm inclined to see the mistake as the foot-in-mouth disease for which Joe Biden has been known for more than a quarter century.

I would certainly hope a writer on this staff didn't put that together, and if they did, they should be looking for a new job.

Certainly was could choose to read the statement as racist; if the words were chosen intentionally or subconscious bias if not. But foot-in-mouth disease seems the most probably to me.

But again, I draw a distinction between purposefully targeting a group, and being purposefully insulting and non-factual; vs messing up your lines, fumbling for your words and saying something in an unfortunate/embarrassing way.

While I would unapologetically prefer Biden to Trump in a 2-way choice; I would rather support neither.

Both are well past their prime; and both have CVs that are somewhat suspect, dotted with apparent successes, that may be more the result of circumstance than ability.

There are better choices on both sides of the aisle and outside the 2-party system.

Though, at the moment, whoever the Dems put up is all but certain to be the only viable alternative in next year's election; and in that context, will, one would hope, be a vast improvement on the current occupant of the White House. Though that's a rather low bar for comparison.