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  1. #51



    Thank you meddle for making me shorten my posts.

  2. #52


    Canadian Visitor, Trump was blamed because the El Paso shooter's manifesto was more in alignment with Trump than open border Democrats. You forget that under Obama, black wealth, home ownership rates, and employment decreased more than those of whites and that racial relations measurably decreased as measured by polls. Sometimes, out of despair, people do violent things. The El Paso shooter's manifesto mentioned his dashed hopes and despair. Its probably a good guess that people floundering in poverty also suffer from dashed hopes and despair. Also, the El Paso shooter was characterizes as being pro Trump but the same press has not come down on the Dayton shooter because of his Democratic proclivities. Chicago and Illinois are run by Democrats whose educational, health policies and establish gun control policies there. I see a leadership and philosophic failure that is being ignored. Regarding gun homicides, Detroit, Baltimore, and East St. Louis are worse. Washington. D.C. with its Democratic voting base has a higher gun homicide than any state.

    I'm thinking that the El Paso and Dayton shooters had loose screws. The full enforcement of murder law should be applied to them anyway. Not enforcing laws leads to problems whether murder laws or immigration laws. The Prince in Romeo and Juliet blamed himself for not being firm enough and thereby contributing to consequent tragedies.
    Last edited by oladub; August-05-19 at 01:31 PM.

  3. #53


    <<<Which may go a long in explaining why the Democratic Party is not too enthused by arms reduction scenarios. Bigvor small. On a micro level, Chicago's ban of gun sales on its territory is a sham. Both parties arevserving major interests, well above the people's needs.

  4. #54


    Quote Originally Posted by Canadian Visitor View Post
    Why do you hate Canada and Canadians?

    Is it for the same reason you hate anyone who isn't white? Just wondering.

    You never fail to bark that no one can speak about or for you country but you; yet in the decades of your life past thousands of your fellow Americans have lost their lives because you said nothing or nothing intelligent, and did even less.

    Where was your intervention to end Gerrymandering? Take the money out of politics? Enact sensible gun laws? Improve the quality of public schools? Or ensure every American had health insurance?

    You are capable of voting in Michigan elections and on ballot initiatives. Your capable of starting one of the latter. Your capable making so there is no Flint water crisis, no shooters, as in Dayton with 100-round magazines, no American who lacks health insurance, and politicians are less likely to be corrupt and more likely to represent the will of the people.

    I speak up on behalf of my American friends to try to make their communities safer, cleaner, better places to live.

    What do you do again? Just go on an international forum and bitch that there are internationals there..........sigh.

    Not once have you lifted a finger to make your country better.

    Hell you can be bothered informing yourself on how you might do that, instead you insult anyone w/suggestions and put your fingers in your ears while yelling 'la la la' at the top of your lungs like a 10 year old brat.

    If you think I or Canuck are saying something factually wrong......by all means PROVE it! Do some research. I will be the first to stand up, retract a wrong statement and apologize.

    Otherwise your only problem seems to be with people who want to make the world a better place; because you want to be left alone in your suffering. Have no fear Honky, I will fully support gun control, except on your street, a clean environment, except on your street, a good education, except on your street and healthcare for all, except on your street.

    Now let your neighbours build a better world in peace will you.

    What I do and support in my personal life, is none of your business, Monthly Canadian Visitor. Who appointed, asked, or elected you to speak for anyone? I don't recall anyone asking for your pseudo intellectual analysis. When I address you, then feel free to reply or not. Such a transparent child.
    Last edited by Honky Tonk; August-05-19 at 01:39 PM.

  5. #55


    C.V. wrote

    Had he been limited to a 10-round magazine, one would reasonable infer a pro-rated reduction in people shot and killed; meaning six more people would still be alive.

    Can you please show the facts of how you arrived at that conclusion?

    Or was that your personal opinion presented as a fact?

    I will help you,it takes 2 to 3 seconds to replace a magazine,so a 100 round magazine verses a 30 round magazine verses a 15 round magazine has no relevance.

    You really need to learn about weapons before commenting on how they should function.

    What saved lives was the rapid response from the police with guns,if somebody in the crowd had been carrying more lives could have also possibility been saved.

    Why did the guy shoot his sister,he knew who she was ?

    Is it normal to shoot your own family members?

    Last edited by Richard; August-05-19 at 02:09 PM.

  6. #56


    History will judge those of you advocate some supposed right to own weapons that can kill a dozen in fewer than as many seconds little better than today it judges those who advocated other atrocious ideas like the supposed right to own another human being. That future can't come soon enough.
    Last edited by bust; August-05-19 at 02:09 PM.

  7. #57


    How out of step some are with reality. Get yours while you still can, I guess... It's all the kids' fault anyway, right?

    Drill baby drill!
    Kill baby kill!

  8. #58


    Quote Originally Posted by bust View Post
    History will judge those of you advocate some supposed right to own weapons that can kill a dozen in fewer than as many seconds little better than today it judges those who advocated other atrocious ideas like the supposed right to own another human being. That future can't come soon enough.
    Just as history has judged and buried those who laid down arms in fear.

    The constitution is a part of America,you enjoy all of the rights that it provides,Sorry that you do not get the right to change it how it suits you,well not really.

    People are killed by cars,planes,trains and just about anything else that exists,got no problems there?

  9. #59


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    People are killed by cars,planes,trains and just about anything else that exists,got no problems there?
    Vehicles are designed to transport, to and reduce any accidental harms they cause.
    Weapons are designed to harm. Period.
    Big difference.

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    The constitution is a part of America,you enjoy all of the rights that it provides,Sorry that you do not get the right to change it how it suits you,well not really.
    Your interpretation of our constitution is only an opinion. There is far from any consensus what rights the 2nd amendment guarantees. Besides, the constitution is a living document. The 2nd amendment is an amendment after all.

    How long would it have taken to kill a dozen with a gun like those that existed in 1791, when it was written? That was years before even the bicycle was invented.

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Just as history has judged and buried those who laid down arms in fear.
    Just look at this Bushmaster ad. Who is the coward?

    Name:  bushmaster-man-card-banner.jpg
Views: 1225
Size:  29.4 KB
    Last edited by bust; August-05-19 at 06:58 PM.

  10. #60


    The August issue of National Geographic contains several authoritative articles about human migration.

    The one titled "The first Europeans weren't who you might think" concludes that Europe was initially populated by three major waves of immigrants from Africa, Turkey and Russia.
    The idea that there were once “pure” populations of ancestral Europeans, there since the days of woolly mammoths, has inspired ideologues since well before the Nazis. It has long nourished white racism, and in recent years it has stoked fears about the impact of immigrants: fears that have threatened to rip apart the European Union and roiled politics in the United States.

    Now scientists are delivering new answers to the question of who Europeans really are and where they came from. Their findings suggest that the continent has been a melting pot since the Ice Age. Europeans living today, in whatever country, are a varying mix of ancient bloodlines hailing from Africa, the Middle East, and the Russian steppe.

    The evidence comes from archaeological artifacts, from the analysis of ancient teeth and bones, and from linguistics. But above all it comes from the new field of paleogenetics. During the past decade it has become possible to sequence the entire genome of humans who lived tens of millennia ago. Technical advances in just the past few years have made it cheap and efficient to do so; a well-preserved bit of skeleton can now be sequenced for around $500...

    In an era of debate over migration and borders, the science shows that Europe is a continent of immigrants and always has been. “The people who live in a place today are not the descendants of people who lived there long ago,” says Harvard University paleogeneticist David Reich. “There are no indigenous people—anyone who hearkens back to racial purity is confronted with the meaninglessness of the concept.”...

    “To me, the new results from DNA are undermining the nationalist paradigm that we have always lived here and not mixed with other people,” Gothenburg’s Kristiansen says. “There’s no such thing as a Dane or a Swede or a German.” Instead, “we’re all Russians, all Africans.

  11. #61


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    C.V. wrote
    Or was that your personal opinion presented as a fact?

    I will help you,it takes 2 to 3 seconds to replace a magazine,so a 100 round magazine verses a 30 round magazine verses a 15 round magazine has no relevance.

    You really need to learn about weapons before commenting on how they should function.
    Perhaps, if you ask a question of someone, you ought to wait for them to answer it, rather than confirming once more than the facts don't matter to you.

    Let's start with this, I have fired a handgun, and a semi-automatic rifle, at a range, in the Greater Toronto area.

    My best friend is in the armed security industry, and is total weapons systems geek, from sidearms to sidewinder missiles.

    So I am not uninformed on the subject.

    The analysis on what would have occurred is simple math.

    If you choose, you could believe that while a fellow who just shot 10 rounds in all directions was re-loading, nobody would tackle the bastard, so he'd have a chance to get another few rounds off.

    I view that as unlikely. I think if the magazine is 10, his streak ends there.

    Be that as it may, even in your scenario, subtracting 3 seconds of shoot time, or roughly 13% of his firing time, would reduce the victim count by that amount, which would still have reduced the dead by 1, and the wounded by 2 more.

    One more thing, 3 seconds is the best time, for a very experienced shooter, is an ideal situation. Odds are against the fellow being quite that fast.

  12. #62


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Just as history has judged and buried those who laid down arms in fear.

    The constitution is a part of America,you enjoy all of the rights that it provides,Sorry that you do not get the right to change it how it suits you,well not really.

    People are killed by cars,planes,trains and just about anything else that exists,got no problems there?
    You are aware that the word [[2nd) AMENDMENT is indicative that the Constitution can change, has changed, and probably should change again.

  13. #63


    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    Who appointed, asked, or elected you to speak for anyone? I don't recall anyone asking for your pseudo intellectual analysis. When I address you, then feel free to reply or not. Such a transparent child.
    Who appointed you to speak for anyone? Who elected you?

    The rest of your post is just school yard name-calling. It suggests you have nothing of intelligence or substance to say.
    Last edited by Canadian Visitor; August-05-19 at 02:39 PM.

  14. #64


    Quote Originally Posted by bust View Post
    How out of step some are with reality. Get yours while you still can, I guess... It's all the kids' fault anyway, right?


  15. #65


    ^^ Maybe he felt he needed to one up his "man card".
    Last edited by bust; August-05-19 at 02:51 PM.

  16. #66

  17. #67


    Quote Originally Posted by Canadian Visitor View Post
    Perhaps, if you ask a question of someone, you ought to wait for them to answer it, rather than confirming once more than the facts don't matter to you.

    Let's start with this, I have fired a handgun, and a semi-automatic rifle, at a range, in the Greater Toronto area.

    My best friend is in the armed security industry, and is total weapons systems geek, from sidearms to sidewinder missiles.

    So I am not uninformed on the subject.

    The analysis on what would have occurred is simple math.

    If you choose, you could believe that while a fellow who just shot 10 rounds in all directions was re-loading, nobody would tackle the bastard, so he'd have a chance to get another few rounds off.

    I view that as unlikely. I think if the magazine is 10, his streak ends there.

    Be that as it may, even in your scenario, subtracting 3 seconds of shoot time, or roughly 13% of his firing time, would reduce the victim count by that amount, which would still have reduced the dead by 1, and the wounded by 2 more.

    One more thing, 3 seconds is the best time, for a very experienced shooter, is an ideal situation. Odds are against the fellow being quite that fast.
    During the shooting at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando there were over 320 people in the club,everybody ran,nobody tackled the bastard.

    This weekends video shows everybody running away.

    He was stopped by another gun.

    It has nothing to do with what I believe or find unlikely,twice now in one day you have to be reminded to check your own facts.

    So it shows that they have plenty of time to do as they wish even if it takes 5 seconds to change a magazine.

    In your vast experience with weapons and sidewinder missiles have you ever fired one while under pressure and not in a controlled gun range?

    If they are fireing they are most likely doing so with tunnel vision and high adrenaline movements,so they will be hyped up enough to change out a magazine pretty quick.
    Last edited by Richard; August-05-19 at 03:39 PM.

  18. #68


    Same as in the Parkland shooting,sealed juvenile records prevented the warnings to be recognized.

    The police have been advocating for years for removal of that aspect,unintended consequences of sealed records in order to not have a criminal history after age 18.

  19. #69


    Hey you cannot be posting links like that,stick to the narrative,whether it is right or wrong it is not cool to jump off of the bandwagon.

  20. #70


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Same as in the Parkland shooting,sealed juvenile records prevented the warnings to be recognized.

    The police have been advocating for years for removal of that aspect,unintended consequences of sealed records in order to not have a criminal history after age 18.
    Jeez... You're gonna have to boost the rate of incarceration.

  21. #71


    ^ or use it to get people the help when they need it and not take the stance of once they are out of the school districts problem.

    Parkland was a transplant California social experiment of Las Vegas motto of what happens in Parkland stays in Parkland.

    That shooter was caught with bullets in school and the school choose the path of internal intervention verses referring to professionals,they got lucky that the police officer fell on the sword and drew the attention away from thier culpability.

    I understand why the sealed records applys but do we need to be re-visiting exceptions to the rules?

    They are removing guns from adults that may be deemed a public threat so how is LEO supposed to deem a juvenile a public threat when they are protected from investigation?

  22. #72

    Default Ahhhh... Politics and murder.

    Other findings include:

    • 99% of gun violence will end the moment your political opponents are wiped from existence
    • A large amount of gun violence is prevented every year by vulgar tirades against your political opponents online
    • Tests revealed large traces of blood on the hands of your political opponents

  23. #73


    How about something a little more saner and substantive...


  24. #74


    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Wesson View Post
    How about something a little more saner and substantive...

    Yes, but again, the focus is on shooters. Why can't a more substantial study include drivers, suicide bombers, etc...

  25. #75


    Stampede in New York as backfires thought to be gun fire:


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