Quote Originally Posted by stasu1213 View Post
I had went to the 40th commemorative of the 1967 riot which was held at Wayne State University. Most of the speakers on the panel who were young adults at the time had said that there were more than the reported 43 deaths as was made the official story by the press through the police department and city officials. Many deaths caused by National Guards and police werent reported.
They knew this how? How did they keep count? Did they tell you about about random sniper fire from rooftops, pinning down firefighters that went in trying to save peoples homes and businesses? Did they tell you about civilians that were also pinned down who were caught in their crossfire? Did they tell you about random sniper fire pinning down police officers who came in to protect them? Did they have an accurate count of who was shot by whom? Were you ever pinned down and somebody's trying, seriously, to take you out? Because I guarantee you, once you're done wetting yourself, you're going to want the shooter taken out, by any means necessary. Once again history rewrites itself.