Well the 4 city council members who were against it, must have some reason not to like it. I imagine traffic was a key issue.

For those of you old enough to remember the Washington Blvd. streetscape, you all remember what an expensive mess that turned out to be. A trolley line ran thru it, lots of seating, sculptures, "Tinker Toy sculptural framework for a fountain, all 6 lanes of Washington Blvd. were narrowed down to the west side of the blvd., one lane in each direction with a left turning lane. Nice concept...except it killed off all the retal along Washington Blvd. And millions more were spent ripping it all out to turn it into a blvd. with parking on either side again.

If this stays up... they need to do a few more years of trial before sinking money into demolish that stretch of Woodward.