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  1. #26


    The NRA was founded in 1871,the worst school shooting in history or bombing was in 1927 in Bath Michigan,useing the NRA as a scapegoat instead of ones personal responsibility is typical of today’s society where blame is placed on everywhere but the individual.

    Kids went from watching Father Knows Best to playing call of duty 24/7 where the more kills you get the more popular you are.We allow kids to be conditioned and numb to violence then ask why,easier to blame the NRA.

    The NRA is not a inate object it is comprised of 5 million plus members,so when you blame the NRA you are blaming its members but doing zero but instilling a everybody is a winner concept into kids minds and providing safe spaces and millions of reasons for them to get offended.

    Then when they get pissed off and grab a gun and shoot people instead of self reflection it is find somebody else to blame,because that is what we instill and find exceptable.

    People have been doing whacked out crap for years,in the past only the worst made the nightly news and most of the rest stayed local,with the Internet every single act of violence is recorded countrywide in real time.

    Detroit or any other city you could proably go back 100 years and find daily and weekly shootings.

    In 1966, an ex-Marine and engineering student named Charles Whitman ascended to the observation deck of the Austin campus’ 30-floor clock tower. Whitman began shooting at random, hitting 43 people and killing 13 of them.


    And in 1966 in Texas students were allowed to carry firearms.

    You can ban all the weapons in the country and pass a million laws to prevent shootings,but guess what murder is illegal and against the law,good thing those laws worked so well that we no longer have murders.

    Unless you kill everybody at childbirth that has a bad DNA gene you are going to have people that snap or are just plain crazy or are raised with zero conscience and as long as we continue the whole concept of zero consequences for ones actions it will continue as it has for 1000s of years,people are going to do bad things and there is nothing we can do to stop it,no matter who we find to place the blame on.
    Last edited by Richard; July-06-19 at 12:41 AM.

  2. #27


    As usual politics raises its ugly head in an ugly situation. Way too simple a solution for the simple.

    What are the NRA bashers gonna do about Hollywood gun fantasy/violence in every action movie. Gangster life, peer pressure, video gaming, the need for the military for young folk immersed in the technology used in combat.

    The list goes on. But, go after a powerful lobby that has every right to lobby and demonize that lobby. That is another game altogether.

    Control and spoon feed the narrative, it's pure political theater and will not solve the base violent tendencies playing out in the cities. Hatred comes from every corner and politics has a place in fomenting that as well as religion, the injustice of the day or whatever divisive social construct you can think of.

    You are being manipulated. Yes, yes you are. It's a big industry and a lot of really big money and smart people are involved in it.

    All it takes is for a small minority to spoil it for the majority. Politically leverage up the issue, make it bigger and sell it to the masses. Hey,you want to solve all this? Do it at the ballot box!!

    Yeah, sure.

    This is not just about the reaction to the NRA. The same can be applied to a host of issues one can find offensive, to be politicized, demonized, weaponized, and monetized for the Cause celebre.

    Oh yeah, one more thing.

    Last edited by Dan Wesson; July-06-19 at 10:38 AM.

  3. #28


    Nothing... they [[the hollywood elite) love to glorify gun violence in their movies, yet dictate who should be ALLOWED to own a firearm. Hypocritical BUNK!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Wesson View Post
    What are the NRA bashers gonna do about Hollywood gun fantasy/violence in every action movie? Gangster life, peer pressure, video gaming, the need for the military for young folk immersed in the technology used in combat...

  4. #29


    I don't watch those kinds of movies. Never really did, but I don't watch TV or movies at all any more.

    While the NRA of the past may have been different, currently they have reduce themselves to political lobbyists hellbent on eliminating all laws on weaponry and are rife with infighting.

  5. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    Nothing... they [[the hollywood elite) love to glorify gun violence in their movies, yet dictate who should be ALLOWED to own a firearm. Hypocritical BUNK!!
    Oh yeh. Their personal security likely carry guns. They live in gated white communities whilst forcing diversity and shoving open borders down our throats. Always looking for tax breaks yet push socialism [[higher taxes) on everyone else. MF’s are always on the wrong side of the right thing to do. I’m happy to see Hollywood’s era is burning out. Let’s hope they don’t capture the internet.

  6. #31

  7. #32


    Um, yeah......They are our new priests pushing their morality from all high, quite exclusively; presenting a most progressive orthodoxy. My fav is the open border stuff. So long as they're very FAR from any repercussions!

    They also send their children to private schools away from the diversity!

    Quote Originally Posted by SammyS View Post
    They live in gated white communities whilst forcing diversity and shoving open borders down our throats...
    Last edited by Zacha341; July-06-19 at 10:48 AM.

  8. #33


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    Um, yeah......They are our new priests pushing their morality from all high, quite exclusively; presenting a most progressive orthodoxy. My fav is the open border stuff. So long as they're very FAR from any repercussions!

    They also send their children to private schools away from the diversity!
    Let’s not forget their ruthless attempts to break up families through atheism, emasculation of men and promotion of radical feminism. If Hollywood’s prime objective was to corrupt society, then I’ve got to credit them for giving it a good shot.

  9. #34


    ^^^ You mean, treating all people as equal, regardless of background, belief or lifestyle?

  10. #35


    Ok, so without reading the title of this thread. It literally has me asking what shooting happened downtown, lol. Can someone...you know what back to the regularly scheduled programming.

  11. #36


    ^^^ Hah! Yes, well I do still wonder what that huge crowd with police sirens-a-blazing was by the post office 'downtown' on Fort street....?
    Last edited by Zacha341; July-06-19 at 02:39 PM.

  12. #37


    Yeah, but even you know there are some folks it's best not to meddle with!

    Quote Originally Posted by Meddle View Post
    ^^^ You mean, treating all people as equal, regardless of background, belief or lifestyle?

  13. #38
    Join Date
    Dec 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    For all you NRA lovin' folks, the NRA is the money rich scum lobby that allowed this to happen....

    On the night of October 1, 2017, Stephen Paddock opened fire on a crowd of concertgoers at the Route 91 Harvest music festival on the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada. He killed 58 people and wounded 422, and the ensuing panic brought the injury total to 851.

    In the 10 minutes it took to slaughter all those people... he used
    ammunition that included fourteen AR-15 rifles [[all of which were equipped with bump stocks and twelve of which had 100-round magazines), eight AR-10 rifles, a bolt-action rifle, and a revolver. A bump stock modifies a semi-automatic weapon so that it can shoot in rapid succession, mimicking automatic fire.

    The NRA is all powerful lobby that allowed this type of slaughter to happen and here it is 2 years later and the politicians that the NRA has in their pockets... have done next to nothing


    The NRA has nothing to do with this. Nutballs do.

    The guy in Vegas was on Psycotropic drugs,.. which say right on the labels that they cause suicidal thoughs, halucinations, etc. [[Prozac, Luvox, Zoloft, Celexa, Lexapro, etc)

    This has been true for decades,. and nearly every mass shooter has been on them.

    The Columbine shooter was on Luvox

    The Virginia tech shooter was on them [[Officials never released the actual name of the drug)

    Colorado theater shooter was on Zoloft

    Vegas shooter was on Diazepam

    Navy Yard shooter who killed 12 plus himself was on Trazodone.

    These shootings are a mental health and prescription drug issue,.. not a gun issue.

    We need to start going after big pharma and re-opening our mental health facilities.

    And hood rats shooting each-other over sneakers is an entirely different subject.

  14. #39


    Does anyone like eagles? And also belong to the NRA, and
    attend meetings, and keep in contact with NRA lobbyists?
    Will the NRA listen to enough of you if you contact them
    asking to lobby for a ban on lead bullets and lead shot?

    Thanking you in advance on behalf of eagles, other wildlife,
    and persons who survived gunshot wounds where the
    ammo consisted of lead.


    Mr. Tyner has rehabbed eagles that had lead poisoning. He
    is a firm believer in raising awareness of lead poisoning
    in wildlife through inviting the general public to his eagle
    releases. He is certain that this awareness saves more
    raptors than however many he could rehabilitate at his
    wildlife center.

    Just a bit off topic...Happy Fourth of July...For God and
    Country and the National Bird...

  15. #40


    Quote Originally Posted by Dumpling View Post
    Does anyone like eagles? And also belong to the NRA, and
    attend meetings, and keep in contact with NRA lobbyists?
    Will the NRA listen to enough of you if you contact them
    asking to lobby for a ban on lead bullets and lead shot?
    The NRA has been very active in opposing bans of lead ammo. Why? Because a previous President they openly hated tried to enact one.

    The NRA is NOT your friend in any way.

  16. #41


    The NRA is the only organization that is constantly blamed for things its members didn't do.

  17. #42


    The NRA is a well-funded politically active organization that
    a bloc of voters endorses.

    As an organization promoting firearm safety, it could advocate for
    removing lead from ammunition as a way to enhance firearm
    safety. If enough individual NRA members agree on this point
    then it will come to pass.

  18. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by Meddle View Post
    The NRA has been very active in opposing bans of lead ammo. Why? Because a previous President they openly hated tried to enact one.

    The NRA is NOT your friend in any way.
    Wow. Besides hi jacking your own thread. Which suggests a certain ingenuous sincerity about the Original Post. It appears your true intention was to bash the NRA. Your extremism is showing. Give it a rest.

  19. #44


    Quote Originally Posted by Dumpling View Post
    The NRA is a well-funded
    It's been near bankruptcy for a few years. It's run by a bunch of screw-ups using donations to enrich themselves.

  20. #45


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    For all you NRA lovin' folks, the NRA is the money rich scum lobby that allowed this to happen....

    On the night of October 1, 2017, Stephen Paddock opened fire on a crowd of concertgoers at the Route 91 Harvest music festival on the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada. He killed 58 people and wounded 422, and the ensuing panic brought the injury total to 851.

    In the 10 minutes it took to slaughter all those people... he used
    ammunition that included fourteen AR-15 rifles [[all of which were equipped with bump stocks and twelve of which had 100-round magazines), eight AR-10 rifles, a bolt-action rifle, and a revolver. A bump stock modifies a semi-automatic weapon so that it can shoot in rapid succession, mimicking automatic fire.

    The NRA is all powerful lobby that allowed this type of slaughter to happen and here it is 2 years later and the politicians that the NRA has in their pockets... have done next to nothing [[it took 2 years to even ban bump stocks).

    So when I hear dipshits saying "The NRA ain't killed nobody".... I just shake my head in disbelief at some of their comments.

    FYI... my late father was a hunter for over 40 years, and he was an NRA member. He always used to say what sport do you use semi-automatic weapons in? Certainly not in bagging deer, rabbits, wild boars, bears, or other game that he went hunting for.

    No the only game semi-automatic weapons are for is slaughtering the innocents. And you don't even have to worry about bagging the limit....
    I’m not buying that semi - auto is just for slaughtering people notion. Lots of people use semi’s for lots of different stuff. I guy I know hunts deer with a S&W Ar15 chambered in 7.62x39. He likes it, the ammo is inexpensive. The .223- 5.56 round is a great flat shooting cartridge used for all types of small game. Bird hunters and Trap shooter may very well use semi - auto shotguns. If you don’t use a double barrel or an over and under it’s got to be a pump or a semi.

    I’m about as anti gun control as a person can be but I don’t think 30 round and higher magazines are necessary, but there is the slippery slope idea - I understand that too.

  21. #46


    It’s amazing that sense thier inception in the 1800s so many still do not know what a semi automatic actually is verses fully automatic.

    Trying to ban semi automatics brings you back to the black powder days but even with a non semi automatic six shooter there were some that could fire off multiple rounds pretty quick.

    If you are wild boar hunting and a 300# boar starts charging you,a 30 round magazine is nice.

    Years ago California banned the .22 squirrel hunting rifle,that was the sears $59 Christmas present for a child’s first gun for generations.

  22. #47


    Quote Originally Posted by softailrider View Post
    I’m not buying that semi - auto is just for slaughtering people notion. Lots of people use semi’s for lots of different stuff. I guy I know hunts deer with a S&W Ar15 chambered in 7.62x39. He likes it, the ammo is inexpensive. The .223- 5.56 round is a great flat shooting cartridge used for all types of small game. Bird hunters and Trap shooter may very well use semi - auto shotguns. If you don’t use a double barrel or an over and under it’s got to be a pump or a semi.
    How bad a shot are your friends?

    Two game wardens, seven hunters, and a cow.

    Quote Originally Posted by softailrider View Post
    I’m about as anti gun control as a person can be but I don’t think 30 round and higher magazines are necessary, but there is the slippery slope idea - I understand that too.
    We only seem to make the slippery slope argument on gun regulations, and never on traffic laws or banking regulations or dentist licensing.

  23. #48


    ^ Maybe because dentists,banking laws and traffic laws are not constitutionally protected,you know that silly little piece of paper that some only want to apply when it suits them.

  24. #49


    Or applied to people not interested in the organization [[I seriously doubt most law abiding, registered gun owners in Detroit are NRA members or seeking their approval).

    Quote Originally Posted by Pat001 View Post
    The NRA is the only organization that is constantly blamed for things its members didn't do.

  25. #50


    Quote Originally Posted by archfan View Post

    We only seem to make the slippery slope argument on gun regulations, and never on traffic laws or banking regulations or dentist licensing.
    The "slippery slope" analogy may not be the best.

    Most Laws are "chipped away at".

    With whatever strategy works.

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