Quote Originally Posted by Dexlin View Post
Thanks, all! And a special thanks to cassique for finding that link so the photo can be properly attributed.

So this would be almost immediately north of where the Fisher crosses the Chrysler. Funny, too, as I thought we were looking west, but this says we're looking east. Trying to figure out what the taller buildings in the background are, then. Must have been old buildings on East Vernor or something, because nothing of any height currently rises looking east down Winder from Eastern Market. Mostly, it's just townhomes and small campus-style apart buildings in Lafayette and Edgewood parks.

So Hastings more exactly ran where the southbound Chrysler Service Drive runs now, correct?
If you drive down the southbound service drive from Warren Avenue, you will see a number of fire hydrants. In some places they exist where there is no building near by. Most exist at what was once the intersection between Hastings and a side street. They are especially noticeable south of Mack Avenue.