I have been in fancier Restaurants and asked to give up a seat while waiting on friends that were delayed,restaurants make money by turning seats during peak times.

Try doing that in even an IHOP on a Sunday morning,no way they are going to allow you to tie up even a booth while waiting for others to arrive when there is a line out the door.

She could have said screw you,I am not moving until I finish my drink,so they finished it for her,we are not getting the whole story,if it was a white person sitting there and was asked to move,would it have been an issiue?

If I arrive early and reserve seats and the other parties are delayed even 30 minutes that just cost the business 1 turnover of those seats,it would be on me to give up those seats until all parties arrived.

It is in bolded print in the link provided it clearly reads,no employees were involved with video provided as proof in the food throwing incident.

Sometimes people make things into something it was not.