I see the merits of both sides, but the big takeaway is don't look to Mitch Albom of all people for substantive policy.

Take his writing: "There’s a reason people do things in the dark. Often, those things are shameful. And when the light shines on the coming years in our state, it will sadly reveal the shameful thing our legislators just did."

That's a third-grade reading level, and that is what he is writing to. He plays to the lowest common denominator, writing in shmaltzy platitudes, like some vaguely decadent dystopian Mayberry. Just keep moving. I tried for years and his stuff is literally unreadable if you're gotten past middle school. Sentence fragments for dramatic affect.

I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that he is a liar:

I won't even get into his height in proportion to his ego.