Quote Originally Posted by Bong-Man View Post
The cut-across from the left lane on the freeway to the right exit with 500 feet remaining, without a signal or a glance, is a patented Detroit move you won't see too many other places. It's the mentality of, "I'm going there", without a bit of consideration for others. Need proof ? When people from the city started to move to Roseville, they had to put an absolutely huge sign at the Gratiot exit...."Cannot use first turnaround on Gratiot after exiting freeway". Cutting across 4 lanes of traffic in a couple hundred feet was ok because, "I need to go there !" Standard procedure in the city.
Yea, and that free cross-cut move seems to occur frequently with huge pickup trucks. I hadn't been back to SE MI in a while and driving on I-75 reminded me how fast people drive in the area. Felt like the South Warren Grand Prix.