A few weeks ago, the Free Press put out a front page article about how Bedrock was 'flexing their muscle' by going to the governor's office to get out of safety violations.

It was jaw dropping.

Here they are doing all this work all throughout the city and the Freep had the nerve to make them out as evil. I'm not suggesting that safety is not a concern, but my point to her was AT LEAST THEY ARE DOING WORK.

I pointed out that all the promised work that the Illitches put out there is still a pipe dream. I invited her to go research articles in her own paper and then go drive around the arena and write about how much has actually been done. I sarcasitcally pointed out that the Illitches probably have a pretty spot free safety record, because you'd have to do actual work in order to even qualify for potential violations.

Her response was basically to shrug her shoulders and say "Well, maybe we'll look into it, but I don't even know where to start."

Unbelievable. The Illitches definitely have the local media in their back pocket. It's sad.