The bringing up of how the VA operates in this country is a good example of how socialized government run healthcare works in this country,it takes funding.

The way it operates with the VA here,Canada’s healthcare and the UKs healthcare are all the same in the issues that they have and mimic each other.

Yes it is expensive in the US but we are not really dealing with the issues that the other three are,because of the wait times people conditions deteriorated and ended up being more expensive then if dealt with immediately.

Rand was correct,soclized medical,as proven with the VA and elsewhere is not the ultimate solution that it is presented as,how is that making him hypocritical when it does not work here and he is paying cash to have surgery done in another country and not actually useing the government provided system.

It is cheaper because the doctors are paid less so the ones that do not leave for higher salaries in other countries are used to working for less.

If the hospitals are privately run and recieve reimbursement from the government for the ones on social medicine how is he taking advantage of socialized medical?