Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
The Cultists love it. Every time an immigrant child dies an angel gets its wings, right? Millions of migrant-haters likely attended church this holiday, ignorant of their disgusting hypocrisy.

I passed by a megachurch yesterday in Novi, parking lot packed, and pickup in front of me plastered with Trump stickers pulled into the lot. Yeah, I'm sure they would take in a swarthy family of Middle Easterners this Christmas.

If Jesus came back to earth today, he would likely be gunned down as a terrorist by the same folks who claim to be Christian.
Bham, Don't you just despise those people attending the megachurch who, in your imagination are hypocrites, migrant haters who probably wouldn't take in a swarthy family of Middle easterners this Christmas, and might gun down Jesus this Christmas? You seem to.

I read Jimaz' article. Exerpt from the sermon: "And so two people forced to obey the emperor’s edict set out on a long journey on the last month of the young woman’s pregnancy. And they were denied a place of comfort in her greatest hour of need.And it wouldn’t be long before they would be forced to flee again, this time to find refuge from violence in another country. It’s right there. It’s in the text. It’s in the story."

You should be happy that Trump isn't going to burden illegal non-citizens with filling out census forms. It's Democrats who want to require their participation. It is true though that people seeking to be here legally sometimes have to cross the country to fill out a form they could do at home for some insane reason. Some things never change.

Mary and Joseph did flee to Egypt which was under the same Emperor, already mentioned in the sermon, as Judea and Galilee. States have different laws too. Sometimes people "flee" to another state to avoid laws in their home state, get abortions, smoke dope or whatever. Countries are states.

The Cathedral's minister should have also told the story about the Good Samaritan who must have been a Republican because instead of trying to tax his neighbor to do good things, he instead dug money out of his own pocket to provide care for the man found along the road. He was no hypocrite. That reminds me: Please tell us about the "swarthy family of Middle Easterners" you took in this Christmas.