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  1. #551
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Special Counsel: Paul Manafort lied about the extent of his Russian contacts, which included the time during which he was Trump's Campaign Manager. Of noteworthy concern is Manafort's relationship with Russian Intelligence Agent Konstantin Kilimik. Also, Manafort lied about his continued relationship and communications with the Trump Administration after he left the Campaign, which continued throughout this year.


    Special Counsel: Michael Cohen, on behalf of the Trump Campaign, was communicating with Russians as early as 2015 about establishing "political synergy" and discussing ways in which the Russians could aid Trump's "political and business interests."


    Special Counsel: Mike Flynn's communications with the Russians prior to Trump taking office were directed by Jared Kushner, and were conducted with the knowledge and consent of other high-ranking members of Team Trump.


    14 Trump Associates now known to have had contact with the Russians during the Presidential Campaign. Most of them lied about it.


    No collusion though! How long do you think before Don Jr and Jared Kushner are in handcuffs? I'm thinking by June.

  2. #552


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    No, it's like saying an Elephant isn't a Chevrolet. I'm not aware of any prominent Socialist in the U.S. in 2018.

    The stuff you see advocated by Sanders is the norm in every other first world country on earth, and embraced by even the far right in other countries. Socialism is about equal distribution of resources, not govt. doing normal stuff like providing education and healthcare.

    No, everyone rejects that. There is no such thing as a totally privatized economy, running on pure efficiency. No one wants to take grandpa out to pasture and turned into soylent green when he isn't economically viable.

    So in the interest of equal distribution,when you get your paycheck is it based on taking a said amount and splitting it evenly for all employees.

    That is what you perfer?

    Based on equal distribution of resources.

    Venezuela tried the equal distribution aspect,now everybody is equally hungry,except for the leaders,Chavez certainly did not with a net worth of over 1 billion gained while in office.

    Your socialism is a wealth transfer ruse in order to make everybody poor and the ones implementing it collecting the cash.

  3. #553


    Your ignorance is astounding. Under Chavez, according to the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, poverty rates in Venezuela fell from 49.4% in 1999 to 23.9% in 2012. Real income grew by 137%. Even the OAS, largely seen as a puppet agent of the US, acknowledged huge strides in literacy, healthcare, decreases in poverty, and improvements in social mobility under Chavez. Chavez even managed to pay back virtually ALL of VZ’s debt to the IMF.

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    So in the interest of equal distribution,when you get your paycheck is it based on taking a said amount and splitting it evenly for all employees.

    That is what you perfer?

    Based on equal distribution of resources.

    Venezuela tried the equal distribution aspect,now everybody is equally hungry,except for the leaders,Chavez certainly did not with a net worth of over 1 billion gained while in office.

    Your socialism is a wealth transfer ruse in order to make everybody poor and the ones implementing it collecting the cash.

  4. #554


    ^ so quick to call others ignorant.

    Now maybe supply the current numbers as of 2018 and not from 6 years ago when they were propped up by petro dollars.

    It is always nice in the beginning until you run out of OPM,you have those current numbers correct?

    I can help you a little bit.

    2017 82% of the population was living in poverty.


    Minimum wage earners take home $67 per month,I personally know college educated petro engineers that are making more here in this country working at 7-11 then they did before they left there.

    A dozen eggs $150

    It took them less then 10 years from being the richest country in South America to one of the poorest when they switched from democracy to socialist,while the architect of it all personally pocketed over a billion dollars,his kids are not exactly starving in Miami and why did they flee the perfect solution that their father created.

    They are not stupid.

    Ask them how that free health care is working now,sure it is free but it currently does not include,doctors,medicines,nurses,a bed,and your family must provide personal care and meals while you are there.

    But it is free.

    And you are calling me ignorant?
    Last edited by Richard; December-10-18 at 05:27 PM.

  5. #555


    Quote Originally Posted by rb336 View Post
    Under Chavez, according to the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, poverty rates in Venezuela fell from 49.4% in 1999 to 23.9% in 2012. Real income grew by 137%. Even the OAS, largely seen as a puppet agent of the US, acknowledged huge strides in literacy, healthcare, decreases in poverty, and improvements in social mobility under Chavez. Chavez even managed to pay back virtually ALL of VZ’s debt to the IMF.
    Venezuela sounds like a workers paradise. Not only is Venezuelan poverty nosediving according to your UN link, but Venezuela has rid itself of obesity, a healthy measure by any standard and three million Venezuelans are presently able to travel abroad.

    "The only way to save the world is through socialism, but a socialism that exists within a democracy" "The left is back, and its the only path we have to get out of the spot to which the right has sunken us. Socialism builds and capitalism destroys." "We're not perfect but we do have democracy."
    -Hugo Chavez

    "For me, democratic socialism is about - really, the value for me is that I believe in a modern, moral, and wealthy society."
    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
    Last edited by oladub; December-10-18 at 08:34 PM.

  6. #556
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Seems like every day now brings new news on the Russian collusion front. Russian spy Maria Butina has cut a cooperation plea deal with federal prosecutors in which she will admit that she was carrying out political activities in the United States at the direct behest of Aleksandr Torshin, the Deputy Governor of the Russian Central Bank [[and lifelong NRA member).


    Torshin is also one of the Russian government officials under punitive sanctions by the Treasury Department.

    Butina will also give testimony against her boyfriend, conservative political activist Paul Erickson, about the role he played in facilitating her espionage activities in the United States. Erickson had been in contact with the Trump Campaign in 2016 about arranging a meeting between Trump and Vladmir Putin.

    Back in May of this year, the Senate Intelligence Committee released a statement stating that there was documented evidence that Alexandr Torshin and Maria Butina acted as middlemen to facilitate the transfer of millions of dollars in illegally-laundered Russian money to the National Rifle Association to fund the NRA's political activities in support of Donald Trump in the 2016 election.

  7. #557


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    Seems like every day now brings new news on the Russian collusion front. Russian spy Maria Butina has cut a cooperation plea deal with federal prosecutors in which she will admit that she was carrying out political activities in the United States at the direct behest of Aleksandr Torshin, the Deputy Governor of the Russian Central Bank [[and lifelong NRA member).


    Torshin is also one of the Russian government officials under punitive sanctions by the Treasury Department.

    Butina will also give testimony against her boyfriend, conservative political activist Paul Erickson, about the role he played in facilitating her espionage activities in the United States. Erickson had been in contact with the Trump Campaign in 2016 about arranging a meeting between Trump and Vladmir Putin.

    Back in May of this year, the Senate Intelligence Committee released a statement stating that there was documented evidence that Alexandr Torshin and Maria Butina acted as middlemen to facilitate the transfer of millions of dollars in illegally-laundered Russian money to the National Rifle Association to fund the NRA's political activities in support of Donald Trump in the 2016 election.
    If he's not shaking in his boots now, wait until after the first of the year.

  8. #558


    It is still unclear if Butina fits into a broader picture of investigations into Russian infiltration in US politics, however, or if she will agree to cooperate in other federal investigations as part of her plea deal.

    So it is unclear on anything ,yep,definitely a cause for one to be shaking in their boots.

    I thought that proof of Russian collusion between the president and Putin was going to be released Monday ,Every Monday for the last two years.

  9. #559
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post

    I thought that proof of Russian collusion between the president and Putin was going to be released Monday ,Every Monday for the last two years.
    Yeah right around the corner, just like that Mexican border wall that Mexico will pay for, or those indictment against Hillary Clinton. Any day now. Lock her up though, right?

    PLENTY of evidence of Russian collusion has been released already. Plenty. There's a mountain of it. You just choose to ignore it. Or you rationalize it. Or make excuses for it. The President's son, son-in-law, and Campaign Manager literally all met with a Russian agent in Trump Tower in 2016 to talk about collusion and then lied about it and tried to cover it up, but yeah, there's no evidence of collusion. 14 Trump associates in contact with the Russians, most of whom lied about it, many under oath. But no collusion.

    I'm eagerly looking forward to hearing the spin when Donald Trump Jr and Jared Kushner get indicted.

    Anyways, as sure as the sun will rise in the East tomorrow, some new skeleton will come out tomorrow about Team Trump's criminal activity. That much is certain. It happens every day, like clockwork. We get a new piece of the puzzle. Every day.

  10. #560


    ^ your whole fantasy is based on your being manlipulated,In the link you provided all of the parties that would be privy to the information responded with no comment,muller does not release anything that might be damaging to the case or until he has all of the facts to make the decision.

    So you are being fluffed with speculation and guessing,nice.

    Who is your president today?

  11. #561
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    ^ your whole fantasy is based on your being manlipulated,
    Oh, the irony. No projection there. Carry on...

  12. #562


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    Oh, the irony. No projection there. Carry on...
    You have to admit and starting with Hillary,every time you guys throw something at the wall hopping it will stick,in your anti Trump crusade,has ended in failure and usually makes your party look all that much more silly.

    You guys make the Kardashian’s look like amateurs,with all of the drama.

    I perfer to wait for facts of the case verses speculation.

    Lets see now who gets triggered over a misspelled word.

    Look at the bright side,when you woke up today,Trump was still your president,when you wake up tomorrow,Trump will still be your president.

    Relish in that thought.
    Last edited by Richard; December-11-18 at 03:49 PM.

  13. #563
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    You have to admit and starting with Hillary,every time you guys throw something at the wall hopping it will stick,in your anti Trump crusade,has ended in failure and usually makes your party look all that much more silly.
    You actually meant to write "you have to admit that Trump cultists are completely impervious to reality and if Trump were shown on live video torturing and eating babies I would still vigorously defend him to the bitter end".

  14. #564


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    You actually meant to write "you have to admit that Trump cultists are completely impervious to reality and if Trump were shown on live video torturing and eating babies I would still vigorously defend him to the bitter end".
    The difference is that you are posting a hypothetical situation with Trump,where as the left has a verifiable history of keeping others crushed to the ground for their benefit.Not hard to look at a blue map and see the direct results.

    Now,as a Trump agenda supporter,if he actually was torturing and eating that group,then yes,I would mail him a case of hot sauce to mask the foul taste in his mouth.

    He may have his faults,but he has not spent decades keeping people crushed down to the ground just so they can throw them a freebie and play like they are the compassionate ones while looking out for their own best interests.

    Once again,who is your president? Today,tomorrow and the next day and the day after that and so on for possibly the next 6 years.
    Last edited by Richard; December-11-18 at 04:35 PM.

  15. #565


    And when did Chavez leave power? You were taking about Chavez, NOT Maduro. Yes, VZ is a mess now. And it was a worse mess pre-Chavez.

    And ask how well-off Alaskans would be without their oil subsidies, both personally and government. Do you call THAT socialism? [[It is, BTW)

    The difference before Chavez was that virtually NONE of the oil profit was going to VZ, except to Perez and his cronies. In the 70s and early 80s VZ was considered an economic miracle - because the government used oil profits to fund infrastructure and support wage growth, Just as Chavez did. Perez and his immediate predecessors from the mid-80s on re-worked the oil contracts giving foreign corporations control in exchange for payouts to them. and VZ's poverty rates tripled in less than a year. Then Chavez came to power and reverted the oil back to VZ control and re-instituted the 70s policies to the same effect. Now Maduro is essentially using it to fatten his own wallet.

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    ^ so quick to call others ignorant.

    Now maybe supply the current numbers as of 2018 and not from 6 years ago when they were propped up by petro dollars.

    It is always nice in the beginning until you run out of OPM,you have those current numbers correct?

    I can help you a little bit.

    2017 82% of the population was living in poverty.


    Minimum wage earners take home $67 per month,I personally know college educated petro engineers that are making more here in this country working at 7-11 then they did before they left there.

    A dozen eggs $150

    It took them less then 10 years from being the richest country in South America to one of the poorest when they switched from democracy to socialist,while the architect of it all personally pocketed over a billion dollars,his kids are not exactly starving in Miami and why did they flee the perfect solution that their father created.

    They are not stupid.

    Ask them how that free health care is working now,sure it is free but it currently does not include,doctors,medicines,nurses,a bed,and your family must provide personal care and meals while you are there.

    But it is free.

    And you are calling me ignorant?

  16. #566
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Russian Spy Maria Butina pleads GUILTY and admits in open court that she was working with both the NRA and GOP to try and influence American politics.


    As part of the deal, Ms. Butina admitted to being involved an organized effort, backed by Russian officials, to open up unofficial lines of communication with influential Americans in the N.R.A. and in the Republican Party, and to win them over to the idea of Russia as a friend, not a foe.
    Her guilty plea also directly implicates her boyfriend, GOP political operative Paul Erickson, as being involved in the Russian espionage operation.

    In case you were curious what she looks like, here's her with Donald Trump Jr at one of the many many many many conservative events or Trump rallies she attended in her role as a Russian spy.

    Name:  Dj91zRYWsAAFf74.jpg
Views: 264
Size:  50.0 KB

  17. #567


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    Russian Spy Maria Butina pleads GUILTY and admits in open court that she was working with both the NRA and GOP to try and influence American politics.


    Her guilty plea also directly implicates her boyfriend, GOP political operative Paul Erickson, as being involved in the Russian espionage operation.

    In case you were curious what she looks like, here's her with Donald Trump Jr at one of the many many many many conservative events or Trump rallies she attended in her role as a Russian spy.

    Name:  Dj91zRYWsAAFf74.jpg
Views: 264
Size:  50.0 KB
    Yes! And Jr. is nothing but a rich, spoiled shit. I don't know who's worse, Jr. or his old man. I guess the apple didn't fall far from the tree.

  18. #568


    Yet even as prosecutors secured Ms. Butina’s conviction and cooperation, they faced questions about their initial portrayal of Ms. Butina as something like a character out of “Red Sparrow,” the spy thriller about a Russian femme fatale.
    Prosecutors had already been forced to back off the most salacious accusations against Ms. Butina — that she used sex as spycraft — and acknowledged in court filings this week that she genuinely wanted a graduate degree, and was not simply posing as a student to live in the United States. They also dropped accusations of her being in contact with Russian intelligence agencies, and that she was only using Mr. Erickson to gain access to other influential Americans.

    Sounds like she was networking,pretty much what anybody else does.

    A charge of conspiracy,a catch all of last resorts.

    I had a neighbor that spent ten years in prison in a conspiracy drug charge,he never even bought and sold drugs.

    He was in a bar,undercover approached him several times asking him if he wanted to sell for him,he told them he did not do drugs,buy drugs or even sell drugs let alone have a customer base.

    Undercover said no problem I can hook all that up for you,guy says okay,bam handcuffs and off to prison for just talking about it.

    Thats conspiracy,you really do not have to do anything,just talk about things,

    It would appear that in the early stages the prosecution supplied the media with fake information to bolster their case.

  19. #569
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    ^ She plead guilty in court to being a spy, Richard. And now you're defending her and making excuses for her. A Russian spy. A convicted, admitted Russian spy.

    I have no more words for you other than: You're a traitor. You are defending the enemies of our country who seek to destroy us, so you are no better than they are. You're a disgrace to this nation. Might I suggest you move to Moscow since you love your Russian masters so much, traitor boy.

  20. #570


    Boy? You must call alligators lizards where you are at.

    Keep creating things in you mind,I posted what was in the link.

    Why would the prosecution supply false information to the media to bolster a case that apparently they never had ? What other false information is being supplied by the media that your narrow mind absorbs as fact.

    I love all of this,with the Democratic Party resemblance of a log going through a chipper and coming out splintered with no direction and all of these groups attaching themselves under the umbrella, a 2020 re-election of Trump is looking pretty good.

    Suck it up Nancy,Trump is still your president today and tomorrow and he loves you,I heard him say,if he had another son he would call him AJ.

    That was just a movie where she clicked her heels three times and made a wish,it does not happen in real life.
    Last edited by Richard; December-14-18 at 11:10 AM.

  21. #571
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    But Mueller has not issued any charges, provided any evidence, or made any collusion allegations. If there does exist a case, Mueller hasn’t revealed it yet. For all of the excitement, what has been disclosed in the cases of Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, and Michael Flynn does not bring us any closer to the long-sought Trump-Russia conspiracy.

  22. #572
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    Jimmy Dore Show-
    Video Mashup Reveals Pathetic RussiaGate Coverage

  23. #573
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    It's fun taking articles out of context, isn't it? You obviously didn't read the article, you got it from some fakenews source, as it pretty much confirms Trump is a criminal.

    There are 36 indictments under Russiagate, in one year. The President of the United States is currently under criminal investigation for throwing an election alongside a foreign adversary. You either have to be locked in a bunker or a deranged cultist to believe that people are being indicted and jailed left and right for "nothing".

  24. #574


    ^ so all you have to do is provide a direct link as to the original intention of the investigation and claim of the presidents direct involvement with Russia in order to win the election.

    You can provide that correct?

    You refer to taking things out of context but the 36 indictments that you refer to have zero to do with the original intent of the investigation.

    So yes,you have in essence a witch hunt bolstered by fake news catering to a group of people looking for their pound of flesh because they lost and did not receive their participation trophies.

  25. #575
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    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    ^ so all you have to do is provide a direct link as to the original intention of the investigation and claim of the presidents direct involvement with Russia in order to win the election.
    I have no idea what any of this means. Is Google translate failing over there in Russia?

    If you don't understand the purpose of a criminal investigation, that's on you. I can't fix someone who's brainwashed, ignorant or spouting absurd propaganda.

    Trump's National Security Advisor is headed to prison. His Campaign Chairman is headed to prison. His Foreign Policy Advisor is about to leave prison. His lawyer is about to enter prison. All four individuals, Flynn, Gates, Papadoupoulous and Cohen, were convicted for lying to the FBI about the Trump campaign's contacts with Russia. And all that in a year.

    Now I suppose you can choose to believe that every single person close to Trump is a criminal and in cahoots with Russia, except for Trump, but that would be pretty damn absurd, and would defeat the purpose of Mueller granting these criminals immunity for their testimony re. Trump. Good luck with that. 2019 is gonna be rough for the Cult.

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