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  1. #526


    fake - not genuine; imitation or counterfeit. -Oxford Dictionary

    Bham, Fake news? How so? Wikileaks leaked DNC documents, the Podesta files, and some of Hillary's emails as found on her illegal website. Which were fake? Are you confusing 'fake' for 'not authorized'?

    Podesta should have used a better password. Hillary shouldn't have been using illegal computers. Companies would fire employees with such standards. I wonder why our security agencies didn't pick up such things especially if Russia's did or sat on such information if they did.
    Last edited by oladub; December-08-18 at 06:17 PM.

  2. #527


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    ...when you have Google and Bing censoring conservative view points...
    Except that is not even remotely what's happening.


    Search for that story disinformation you posted here supposedly adding new information to the tired old Clinton – Russia – uranium propaganda that has already been debunked a gazillion times. Notice all the far right conspiracy peddlers in the search results? Sure, that's probably because they're the only ones pushing that nonsense. But it proves Google does not censor extreme right viewpoints. Those are the only search results.

    Do you understand the concept of PageRank? Search for an actual news item or piece of factual information and the search results are weighted toward the sites that the PageRank algorithm determines are most likely to offer the most reliable results, ahead of the disinformation and conspiracy sites, and the simply less trustworthy.

    That's why a search for 'sandy hook conspiracy "Alex Jones"' yields mainstream sites discussing how Alex Jones manufactured a ridiculous theory long before a result that points directly to Alex Jones' ridiculous theory. The algorithm is doing exactly what it should.

    Even though I'll grant that no algorithm is perfect. Here's an article that discusses the topic:

    As Google Fights Fake News, Voices on the Margins Raise Alarm

    Still, do you deny fake news is a problem? Google, like Facebook, and all other intermediaries between information and the public have an ethical responsibility to combat it. Some of the links you post and the disinformation you regurgitate here prove it. Bigdd proves it even better.

    Meanwhile Trump complains the internet is rigged against him.

    Again, nothing could be further from the truth.

    Trump’s Ludicrous Attack on Big Tech
    The idea that Google and Twitter are rigging their platforms against him is patently false.

    Count him among the masses who have no clue how search engines work. Or if he does, he's trying to fool us, again. He's counting on it that his supporters don't.
    Last edited by bust; December-05-18 at 01:47 PM.

  3. #528


    So who controls the algorithms?

    Back in in the day when we actually created web pages by writing the actual code strings or commands we could bury key words,we could control where your page ends up in the search string.

    Do you view the Wall Street journal and the EU as far right conspiracy organizations?


    BRUSSELS—The European Union’s antitrust regulator on Tuesday fined AlphabetInc.’sGOOGL -4.83% Google a record €2.42 billion [[$2.71 billion), saying its search engine stacks the deck in favor of its own comparison-shopping service.

    This stuff was going on long before the current president was even in office,that is the problem,take the politics and emotions out of it and revisit how one views it.

    By controlling the algorithms they can control the search engines and what information they want you to have excess to and in what order you receive it.

    What is the number of pages the adverage person reads into a search string,3.

    To answer the ethical question,Google already responded,it is our platform,do not like it?

    Go elsewhere.

    Search it.
    Last edited by Richard; December-05-18 at 01:55 PM.

  4. #529


    Quote Originally Posted by bust View Post
    As Google Fights Fake News, Voices on the Margins Raise Alarm

    Trump’s Ludicrous Attack on Big Tech
    The idea that Google and Twitter are rigging their platforms against him is patently false.
    This is, essentially, just another example of the moronic "The liberals want to kill Christmas" or "Christianity is under attack" type of argument. It plays well with conspiracy idiots and those who have no concept of the nature, not of just how search engines work, but also of what a fact is.

  5. #530


    ^ you meen like 2015 when every paper in the country reported that hilliary
    was going to win by a landslide,constantly all day and the polls all said she was going to win.

    All of the election conversations were recorded and advailable for viewing on YouTube.

    All of these so called experts with their high paid tech consultants had her winning with 350 votes and Trump 90.

    Day after day 24-7 the press and news media running around shouting,Hillary is going to win it by a land slide,Racist Trump does not stand a chance bla bla bla.

    Every single one of them got it wrong,they were so out of touch with the real people in the country,all of those talking experts literally crying on election night.

    Now they say,we are the media,trust us for the facts?

    Oddly enough it was the Trumps camp research were the only ones that had it correct right up to the announcement.

    A reporters job is to collect the facts and present them to thier readers,before this past election who knew any of the names of reporters in the press Corps?

    Look at how the media questions the president,they do not ask questions.

    Well okay,they ask a question then want to enter into a debate.

    Mr Trump [[not addressing him as president Trump)what do you think about the caravan?

    President Trump reply’s,I think it is an invasion.

    So Common sense would be to ask,how are you drawing the conclusion that it is an invasion?

    But no they start arguing with a standing president about if it is an invasion or immigrants.

    You guys totally forgot about the female pro choice reporter that was picked up and carried off of Air Force one for arguing with then president obama.

    Reporters care only about going viral,they do not care about facts or presenting them,readers are just click bait so they can keep thier jobs,and all they have to do is come up with anything anti Trump and they have millions chomping at the Bit for more.

    They killed their own credibility and as usual blame it on everybody else.

    But it is interesting how the media is manipulating people,look at the pre election reports,they must have repeated that candidate Trump was a racist,woman hater that hated gays and Mexicans at least 6 times per session broadcast.

    That is suggestive programming,say it enough times and weak minds will believe it.

    The leftist media stopped reporting in facts long ago,they are at the point of just because they reported it,it is now fact.

    It has nothing to do with conspiracies or search engines.

    And yes the liberals have been attacking everything under the sun,from bathrooms to what sex you were born and even Christmas and what one can call it.

    It seems to based on a popularity contest on who can come up with the dumbest things to complain about or be offended with that in most cases only effects 1% of the population.

    What ever happened to live and let live and this country is based on the majority and not the minority.

    It is not set up to cater to everybody’s little individual needs and wants.

    You do not like somebody saying merry Christmas? Suck it up,they have the same right to say it as you have to not say it.

    It is not a conspiracy,it is a bunch of snowflakes running around trying to create a blizzard in order to force others to suit thier relevance.

    Merry Christmas everybody and here is hoping that you and yours has a safe and enjoyable holiday.

    There I said it,do not like it?

    Then buy one of my backpack portable safe spaces,they make perfect stocking stuffers.

    Act now and I will include a new chia marijuana grow pet,set it on the shelf,watch it grow,then smoke it and chill out.
    Last edited by Richard; December-06-18 at 05:56 PM.

  6. #531


    Eh, Richard, I got a great deal on a used snowblower.

  7. #532


    ^ I would have to know the history of it because if it was used to clear white snow in the past it would be considered a racist tool,and if you build a snowman this winter make sure you call it a snow person.Would not want to offend anybody.

    Huff post has declared even poor little rudolf the red nose reindeer as a victim of bullying.

    Now if you had a buckboard,covered wagon or doctors buggy laying around I would be a cash buyer.

    You would be surprised on how many snowblowers,snow skies and even snowmobiles are for sale in Florida,what is the deal on the snowblower?

    Would you be interested in a even swap for 16 cases of suntan oil?
    Last edited by Richard; December-07-18 at 01:56 AM.

  8. #533


    Takeaway: "Richard" has really stepped up his game lately. Has the Internet Research Agency rewarded us with a more senior rotation of "active measures" operatives?

    Inside Russia’s Propaganda Machine

  9. #534


    ^ That is referring to propaganda,one can change the date from 2017 to 1980 to 1970 and on in on and really insert any country of choice in there,because they all do it.

    Fake news
    Biased news

    Are all totally different discussions and are a bit more complex.

    What would you call news sources that when a president takes office,they spend 24/7 reporting that the president colluded with the Russians in order to win,while presenting no facts to back up the claim?

    Are they reporting the fact based news or creating news that they know his distractors want to hear and will remain glued to the tv and drive up ratings.

    I stream CBSN and very rarely see,if ever,them report on anything positive about the current administration,only what thier base wants to see,anti Trump.

    Is that considered biased news? If everything they report all day, backed up by guests of like minds,is how evil the president is ,their base is going to read it as everything Trump does is evil because it was on the news and backed up by an expert opinion,so it must be true.

    Is that considered biased based or the spread of propaganda?

    If a news source reports on a judge elect that is accused of a sex crimes from 40 years ago at what point are they obligated to include facts in the report,they had already created in the minds of the watchers,that he was guilty.

    Is that considered fake news?

    On the election night and the days after did the news sources have a responsibility to explain the electoral college process and how that determines the presidency,which they clearly had little clue of themselves.

    No instead,it was the Russians and how come he won when Clinton won the popular vote.

    News sources are private corporations out for a profit,they are going to say and do what drives profits,if they do not they will not exist.

    Take the politics out it for a minute and what is exactly the mission and responsibility in reporting the news?
    Last edited by Richard; December-07-18 at 09:58 AM.

  10. #535


    Quote Originally Posted by bust View Post
    Has the Internet Research Agency rewarded us with a more senior rotation of "active measures" operatives?
    I think so.

    He sure has a lot of time on his hands.

    Now it's about time for dinner over in St. Pete.

  11. #536


    Quote Originally Posted by bust View Post
    I think so.

    He sure has a lot of time on his hands.

    Now it's about time for dinner over in St. Pete.
    Yup. Good old petroleum grade Petrograd. All the more reason to call him retrograde.

  12. #537


    Ever notice how those pushing the hardest for socialism in this country complain the loudest about the Russians.

    You guys seem to have a lot of details about Russia,are you sure that you are not the ones missing the motherland and hoping for a rotation so you can tell your families that you will be home for Christmas?

    By the way,it is over two years and $40 million dollars later,do you even have a tiny bit of proof the the current president colluded directly with your motherland,or are you just going to continue with diversionary tatics to make yourself think that something is actually being done.

    You know kinda like everybody needs a trophy,even the losers.
    Last edited by Richard; December-08-18 at 11:20 AM.

  13. #538


    It's cute how they try to turn it upside down. They accuse those who seek to restore pride in our great nation, and are critical of the never ending scandals, of being disloyal. Not the shameless traitor around which all the scandals are swirling.

  14. #539


    ^ you are aware that Hillary did not win,correct?

    Not sure why you are still referring to her.
    Last edited by Richard; December-08-18 at 02:38 PM.

  15. #540
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Ever notice how those pushing the hardest for socialism in this country complain the loudest about the Russians.
    No, the corporate owned media and Hillary's minions aren't pushing for socialism.

    Jimmy Dore
    and Aaron Maté breakdown the latest in Mueller’s revelations:
    [[spoiler alert- they still think it's a nothing burger).


  16. #541
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Ever notice how those pushing the hardest for socialism in this country complain the loudest about the Russians.
    No, one has "noticed" that, because it's a statement that could only be uttered by a kool-aid drinking Putin-Trump cultist.

    There are barely any Socialists in the U.S., the criminal investigation of Trump is headed by conservative Republicans, and we already have 36 criminal indictments re. Russian collusion.

  17. #542


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    No, one has "noticed" that, because it's a statement that could only be uttered by a kool-aid drinking Putin-Trump cultist.

    There are barely any Socialists in the U.S., the criminal investigation of Trump is headed by conservative Republicans, and we already have 36 criminal indictments re. Russian collusion.
    Simple enough for you to post the links that show proof of direct involvement of collusion between your president and Putin.

    Maybe you can provide something that an entire investigation force with an unlimited multi million dollar budget and unlimited supply of an investigative team has not been able to provide.

    The rest is akin to you getting pulled over for speeding and detained while your entire life history is investigated,as long as the ends justify the means and it does not happen to you.

    How many do a complete background and criminal check on everybody that you meet and do business with.

    There are barely any socialists in the US ?

    How many do you need to implement change?


    DSA is the giant of the bunch. On the back of the Bernie Sanders movement, DSA has grown from 6,000 to upwards of 50,000 dues-paying members in less than two years.

    DSA has run hundreds of members and supporters across the country on the Democratic ticket this election cycle. They include DSA members Kaniela Ing [[Hawaii, Congressional District 1), Rashida Tlaib [[Michigan, Congressional District 13), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez [[New York, Congressional District 14), Zak Ringelstein [[Maine, U.S. Senate seat), and Connie Johnson [[Oklahoma, governor).

    Democratic Socialists of America also controls Our Revolution, the reportedly 100,000-strong nationwide organization set up to support candidates sympathetic to the Bernie Sanders movement.

    FRSO is extremely secretive about membership numbers. Fewer than 100 cadres are publicly acknowledged. My estimate is around 2,000 members, but that is purely an educated guess. Dozens of front organizations of FRSO are extremely well funded through the Ford Foundation and other large leftist nonprofits.

    If well organized, these numbers are more than enough to solidly take over the Democratic Party.

    Thats why Hillary threw Bernie under the bus,it was an internal fight within the DNC and a stop to be taken over by DSA.

    I think all of this Trump hate is actually members of the varied socialist parties causing discourse and distraction to keep others occupied while they complete thier agenda quietly in the background.

    Because some feel that the Russian party is weak,the constant reference to being a Putin supporter is just another distraction used to draw attention away from themselves,they make it clear that you do not actually have to support Putin because they show support for that way of life.

    They do not hate America,they hate capitalism as it is in America with no reguard to those who have sacrificed in the past to preserve the liberties that they enjoy.

    They will not leave to join those who are like minded in other countries because they like the concept but refuse to see the reality of it all.

    Even with all of that,I love it when I hear, Trump sucks so bad even some in his own party does not like him.

    Well yea,that was the whole point in putting somebody in there that was not afraid to buck the party lines in order to get things done,if people are saying it then it was an effective move and is working.
    Last edited by Richard; December-09-18 at 10:33 AM.

  18. #543


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    DSA has run hundreds of members and supporters across the country on the Democratic ticket this election cycle. They include DSA members Kaniela Ing [[Hawaii, Congressional District 1), Rashida Tlaib [[Michigan, Congressional District 13), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez [[New York, Congressional District 14), Zak Ringelstein [[Maine, U.S. Senate seat), and Connie Johnson [[Oklahoma, governor).
    Every single politician listed above ran as a democrat. Among them only Rashida Tlaib and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortex won. The others didn't even come close to winning their democratic primaries let alone their election overall.

    Where do you get your information? Oh yeah.

    Media Bias Fact Check: The Epoch Times
    Bias: Right-Center
    Factual Reporting: MIXED

    "The Epoch Times is founded by John Tang and a group of Chinese-American Falun Gong practitioners ."

    It is cited as particularly biased against communism, and especially China.

    PS. Hate democratic socialism? What do you think about public schools, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, public roads, transit, water purification, sewage systems, trash collection, street lights, police and fire departments, parks and wildlife areas, the Secret Service... We're already living in it.

    BTW, Tlaib and Ocasio-Cortez believe first and foremost in democracy, unlike our current demagogue-in-chief.

    Trump was last Friday identified as a co-conspirator in crimes seeking to subvert our democratic process. To say nothing of his attacks on press freedoms, a pillar of our democracy. His incessant push for voter suppression for republican advantage [[and as a false excuse to mend his fragile ego). That violates our fundamental rights as free citizens in a democracy, at its core. Or how his Secretary of State had to tell him "so often" that his intentions exceed the power bestowed upon the presidency, and are in violation of law.

    It's only because this president has always from the beginning been both the shit and the fan in the center of a shitstorm that we're too distracted ducking for cover from his next turd and haven't had time to consider the seriousness of his offenses with the weight they each deserve. No other president could get away with this misconduct. The bombshells were infrequent enough the transgressions had time to set in.

    What To Make Of The Latest Developments In The Mueller Investigation

    UN Human Rights experts: Trump attacks on media violate press freedom norms

    Voter-Suppression Tactics in the Age of Trump

    'It violates the law': Tillerson vents about having to repeatedly push back against Trump

    Democratic socialism? We're already living it
    Last edited by bust; December-09-18 at 12:56 PM.

  19. #544


    Must of touched a nerve that you would defend them.

    Of course they are going to run as democrats,you really believe that the DSA is going to stand up as an independent party and run?

    You really believe that all democrats follow the same train of thought and have a written playbook?

    The conditioning problem is that people are so obsessed with anti Trump that they will grab on to any straw in order to suit their agenda.

    They even post links that they have actually debunked in the past when the discussion was not tailored to their beliefs.

    Instead of looking for reasons to hate maybe try looking at the bigger picture or maybe you cannot see the forest through the trees.

    Or maybe that is your agenda.

    Or maybe we can get more facts if the DSA and the others produce the names of their supporters so we can ask them,kinda hard to debunk anything when you yourself do not have the real facts.

    The links you posted are other people’s opinions,they are not facts to be used as a basis.

    When you were a child and your parents told you Santa Clause brought the presents did you believe them and was it fact?

    Or or did they have you fooled for many years?
    Last edited by Richard; December-09-18 at 01:03 PM.

  20. #545
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    Bernie is still out there working on the real issues. He is not wasting time pushing Russiagate.

    Last edited by Pam; December-09-18 at 03:07 PM.

  21. #546


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Must of touched a nerve that you would defend them.

    Of course they are going to run as democrats,you really believe that the DSA is going to stand up as an independent party and run?

    You really believe that all democrats follow the same train of thought and have a written playbook?

    The conditioning problem is that people are so obsessed with anti Trump that they will grab on to any straw in order to suit their agenda.

    They even post links that they have actually debunked in the past when the discussion was not tailored to their beliefs.

    Instead of looking for reasons to hate maybe try looking at the bigger picture or maybe you cannot see the forest through the trees.

    Or maybe that is your agenda.

    Or maybe we can get more facts if the DSA and the others produce the names of their supporters so we can ask them,kinda hard to debunk anything when you yourself do not have the real facts.

    The links you posted are other people’s opinions,they are not facts to be used as a basis.

    When you were a child and your parents told you Santa Clause brought the presents did you believe them and was it fact?

    Or or did they have you fooled for many years?
    The Santa Clause needs an amendment.

  22. #547
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    DSA has nothing to do with Socialism. I don't know a single U.S. politican who supports Socialism.

    Bernie, Ocasio-Cortez and the like support European-style social welfare states, which aren't Socialist, obviously. Even the Conservative and Right wing parties support social welfare states. Basically even the "Trumps" of Europe support social welfare states.

  23. #548


    ^ that’s like saying a Chevrolet Impala is not a Chevrolet.

    We are socialists because we reject an economic order based on private profit,

    We are socialists because we share a vision of a humane social order based on popular control of resources and production, economic planning, equitable distribution,


    I am not sure if you are paying attention to what is happening in Europe and even closer in California but at the end of the day even good intentions come at a price and sooner or later the balance between who is paying for it and who it serves becomes tipped.

    Not sure why you bring up Trump but had no problem with the previous administration who had one of the largest transfer of banking wealth from the pledges to a few large banks.

    Bascially the banks paid the politicians to eliminate the competition while kicking people out of their homes.

    Ever notice how as much as the rich are evil,no matter what the politics are they still stay rich while policies are enacted and the common man still pays for it until there is only have and have nots left.

    Does it work in Sweden a country that is used as a reference for a perfect example?

    Last edited by Richard; December-10-18 at 09:02 AM.

  24. #549


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Must of touched a nerve that you would defend them.
    Don't flatter yourself.
    You're either a tool or a fool, and that's putting it nicely.
    Either way, a monkey tossing turds for your leader.
    The only question is whether that's Trump or Putin.
    It's telling how within minutes after someone posts a reply here you're back online to keep the spin spinning.
    What, do you get an alert?
    This is YOUR thread.
    [[And Pam's, but that's another story.)

    Then again, you picked Tampa / St. Petersburg for your cover.
    At least you have a sense of humor.
    I wonder if our own spy agency ever thought of setting up a front in Havana called Vigilancia & Cia.
    Last edited by bust; December-10-18 at 10:40 AM.

  25. #550
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    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    ^ that’s like saying a Chevrolet Impala is not a Chevrolet.
    No, it's like saying an Elephant isn't a Chevrolet. I'm not aware of any prominent Socialist in the U.S. in 2018.

    The stuff you see advocated by Sanders is the norm in every other first world country on earth, and embraced by even the far right in other countries. Socialism is about equal distribution of resources, not govt. doing normal stuff like providing education and healthcare.

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    We are socialists because we reject an economic order based on private profit,

    No, everyone rejects that. There is no such thing as a totally privatized economy, running on pure efficiency. No one wants to take grandpa out to pasture and turned into soylent green when he isn't economically viable.

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