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  1. #1901


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    Yeah. They got Clinton to perjure himself for denying some action with an intern. Now, you have a President who boasted about getting to grab pussy because of who he was.
    Let me get this straight,the comparison is between a sitting president lieing under oath about actually having sex in the White House and a private citizen makeing a completely true statement ?

  2. #1902


    Quote Originally Posted by Canadian Visitor View Post
    On the subject of the US deficit, AJ's recommended cuts would be an excellent start.

    So would legalizing pot, and decriminalizing other possession for personal use, and scrapping three strikes laws so that the prison population costs a lot less; and cutting the prices Medicare/Medicaid pay for drugs and procedures to internationally normative levels.

    After that, a tax hike is a reasonable move and the obvious one is to add a Federal VAT in the US.

    Using Ontario's VAT as a model and expanding it to the US population base, each point of VAT would bring in around 80B USD per year. [[groceries and residential rent would be exempt).

    So a 5% VAT would bring in 400B USD. That combined w/the cost reductions above should put the US Federal government in the black with a few billion leftover.
    Or maybe we could cancel out our school lunch programs,that would save millions.

    The three strikes law is state oriented and has little to due with the federal prisons.

    You can keep your tax hikes up there.

  3. #1903


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    You know the deficit isn't $25 billion a year, right? No, you can't erase the deficit by "getting rid of all the illegals."
    The state spends $25 billion a year on feeding,clothing,housing and healthcare for illegals.

    But yet draws how much from the federal government in hud and other federal services in order to take care of the non illegal amercians but still retains one of the highest homeless populations.

    To answer yours and AJs second question it is roughly 1.6 billion to get rid of them considering the $750 billion dollar price tag it already costs us it would appear as you could actually lower the deficit by billions without adding taxes.

    Defending this country is not a tax waste,raising taxes or collecting taxes in order to pay for illegal immigrants so they can live a better life then your fellow Americans is a tax waste.

  4. #1904


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Let me get this straight,the comparison is between a sitting president lieing under oath about actually having sex in the White House and a private citizen makeing a completely true statement ?
    The Republican Party spent millions for a Blowjob on Clinton. The little matter of a thirsty intern took much media space for 5 years and since this seems to be a sticking point with you, the money could've gone to needy schoolchildren in a hundred grade schools.

    You figure it out, this private citizen boasting of a pussy grab, not a successful sexual seduction but a grab, versus two consenting adults in private congress with no apparent coercion leading to an eventual motion for impeachment. lol

  5. #1905


    ^ we have a national school lunch program,it is you guys that can find money to build a bridge but not feed your children.

    You are still not understanding the difference of what happens in public office and a private citizen,not sure why you still are obsessed with locker room talk unless it still makes you blush.

  6. #1906


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    To hunt down and deport 13 million people, you'd need a freaking ARMY of law enforcement agents solely dedicated to the task. Probably somewhere in the range of 50,000-100,000 on top of what we already have. Plus add in the costs of temporary detainment, transportation, etc. And then throw $50 billion on top of that to build Trump's wall. It would explode the deficit by probably another $150 billion.
    It would be cheaper and more humane to just incarcerate and heavily fine the cheating employers of illegal non-citizens in part to reimburse taxpayers. It costs about $6,000-$11,000 to remove an illegal non-citizen. One estimate is that allowing them to stay costs $70,000 each.

    Cost of removing illegal non-citizens: 13M x $8,500 [[the average of $6,000 and $11,000) = $110,500,000,000.

    Cost of keeping existing illegal non-citizens: 13M x $70,000 = $910,000,000,000

    Either way, why shouldn't cheating employers who knowingly hire illegal non-citizens for profit pay the bill? Going after employers rather than illegal non-citizens wouldn't get rid of all illegal non-citizens but it would deter many from coming here and when their jobs of those here dried up, many here would go back home or maybe another nice country like Canada, where they could still apply to come here legally.

    A related topic:It also costs taxpayers about $15,900/year or $80,000 over the first five years to resettle legal refugees. That's a bargain. Germany spends over $18,000/year and Norway over $23,000/year to do the same.
    Last edited by oladub; November-09-18 at 09:24 AM.

  7. #1907
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    It would be cheaper and more humane to just incarcerate and heavily fine the cheating employers of illegal non-citizens in part to reimburse taxpayers.
    I fully agree. But you know that is never going to happen, right? Not in a million years? Why? Because the people profiting off of that labor are 1) Rich and 2) White. And who do you think they donate money to? I'll give you one guess!

    Donald Trump used 200 illegal immigrants to help build Trump Tower in the early 80's. Mitt Romney had undocumented Guatemalans doing his landscaping. Andrew Puzder, millionaire CEO and Trump's former nominee to be Secretary of Labor, had an illegal immigrant working as his maid. Republican Congressman Devin Nunes' family farm in Iowa employs illegal immigrant laborers. The list goes on and on. These individuals will never face consequences for their actions and the system will always protect them.

    That's what you fail to see oladub, you're getting played like a fool. Republicans beat the illegal immigration drum because they know it riles up people like you and gets you to vote for them, but they'll never truly take any steps that will end the stream of illegal immigration because too many of them and their rich buddies and donors make too much profit off of that labor. Even Trump's border wall, fully realized, would only have a marginal effect on illegal immigration since half of everyone in this country illegally entered through ports of entry and/or have overstayed visas. The rest will find creative ways over, under, or around the wall. And thus people like you will sit back and grin with pride at Trump's big beautiful wall and think you've "done something" [[other than waste $50 billion in taxpayer dollars) and the elite Republican-supporting rich will still get their army of cheap labor.

    Tyson Foods is notorious for being one of America's top employers of undocumented workers in their meat processing plants. Who do you think they donate most of their political contributions to? "Open borders" Democrats, whose policies will provide Tyson Foods with a steady stream of cheap labor? Guess again!


    Now why exactly do you think that is? Why would an industry so utterly dependent on cheap labor to maintain a healthy profit margin donate mostly to Republicans if Republicans were serious about getting rid of illegals? And they're hardly the only example, that's just one of many.

  8. #1908


    Aj, Its both Republican and Democratic corporate rich people who want porous borders and high legal immigration. Think Silicon Valley owners. They aren't Republican. I don't know what 'white' has to do with it. Are white people bad? Is it genetic? If you were hitting all the right notes, you might have included 'men" as in "rich, white, men" whose role in the Democratic Party these days is to contribute money and apologies in a noblesse oblige sort of way.

    I do realize rich people would object to having their privilege of profiteering from using cheaper foreign labor removed or being punished for doing so but if we have two parties that are puppets for 'rich white men' then spend the extra money to round illegal non-citizens up. I have no illusion that rich people wouldn't resist. I think I'm less soft on rich people than you are. It would still be cheaper than keeping illegal non-citizens here, would be consistent with law, would dis-incentivize more illegals from coming here and would lower housing costs and unemployment for American workers while driving up their wages. When they get back home, they still have the option of applying to come to the U.S. legally like legal immigrants do.
    Last edited by oladub; November-09-18 at 12:29 PM.

  9. #1909
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    Aj, Its both Republican and Democratic corporate rich people who want porous borders and high legal immigration. Think Silicon Valley owners. They aren't Republican. I don't know what 'white' has to do with it. Are white people bad? Is it genetic? If you were hitting all the right notes, you might have included 'men" as in "rich, white, men" whose role in the Democratic Party these days is to contribute money and apologies in a noblesse oblige sort of way.

    I do realize rich people would object to having their privilege of profiteering from using cheaper foreign labor removed or being punished for doing so but if we have two parties that are puppets for 'rich white men' then spend the extra money to round illegal non-citizens up. I have no illusion that rich people wouldn't resist. I think I'm less soft on rich people than you are. It would still be cheaper than keeping illegal non-citizens here, would be consistent with law, would dis-incentivize more illegals from coming here and would lower housing costs and unemployment for American workers while driving up their wages. When they get back home, they still have the option of applying to come to the U.S. legally like legal immigrants do.
    The joke is that you think that Donald Trump [[a New York "billionaire") is somehow "different." Oh, you'll rail against the Republican establishment and then you'll sing the praises of those who are JUST LIKE THEM. The trick is that they fooled you into thinking they were different. "I'm not like those corporate shill Republicans, I'm the real deal, I'm going to Make America Great Again and get rid of all the illegals! I never lie, so you can trust me when I say these things!" You bought it man, hook line and sinker. You drank the kool-aid.

    "If I win ... day one of my presidency, they're getting out and getting out fast", -Donald J Trump [[referring to illegal migrants in the United States).

    Fact is, in Trump's first year in office, he deported only marginally more immigrants than were deported under Obama in 2016 [[81,603 illegal immigrants were removed from the interior, compared to 65,332 in 2016). "Great!" you say, "that's 16,000 more than Obama! MAGA!" Except it's like using a thimble to bail water out of your sinking boat, it's a drop in the bucket.

    Trump lied to your face repeatedly. He sold you on a lie and you believed him. He did just enough to placate the microbrains into thinking he was doing something. Fact is, there are more illegal immigrants in this country today, far more, than there were when Obama left office. And when his promises fail to deliver, he either just blames the Democrats [[which you lap up like a dog, even though Republicans control both chambers of Congress) or he just lies and tells you things that aren't true to make it sound like he's winning [[and you will believe him without question).

    It's OK man, I never expect you to admit that you got played. But you did nonetheless.

  10. #1910


    ^ Admittedly you interesting to follow,or maybe a case study of sorts.

    You posted all of that but yet in your other posts you are on about Trumps an ass and racist against the brown people because he is deporting all of the immigrants,now you are posting he has deported the least amount as an argument,and admitted that Obama deported more.

    I had you pegged wrong,you are not drinking the cool-aid,you are actually the one mixing it up for others to drink.

  11. #1911


    I guess the E.U. is racist too.....


  12. #1912


    He's a complete asshole.


    Someone should have asked him to follow up on that because i'm drawing a blank as to what exactly Obama did to our military. In all my adult life, I don't ever recall a sitting "president", trash talk a former president to this extent or ever for that matter. He's a no nothing, butt hurt, mean spirited person who has no business sitting in the oval office.

    And no Richard, don't want to hear from you either.
    Last edited by Maof; November-09-18 at 03:04 PM.

  13. #1913


    The UK is also test installing lie detectors at thier borders.

    Merkel is on her way out and politicians in other countries are winning elections based strictly on thier immigration policies.

    No way in the world that 20% with means can support 80% without.

    On a side note,the EU president of the G7 has said that within the next 20 to 30 years the EU will no longer exist,they will be surpassed by China,India and Russia as the dominant economy’s.

    People say our immigration policies are bad? Try one of those countries,they may drop you off at the border but most like likely it will be from 50 foot up in the air.

    Thier deterrents are forced labor camps with a side dish of torture.

  14. #1914


    Quote Originally Posted by Maof View Post
    He's a complete asshole.


    Someone should have asked him to follow up on that because i'm drawing a blank as to what exactly Obama did to our military. In all my adult life, I don't ever recall a sitting president, trash talk a former president to this extent or ever for that matter.
    Yea I agree,why is Obama out talking trash?

    His whole whole speech while supposedly paying tribute to Mandela was about the current administration,so it is on both sides.

    Anybody that says, Hilliary “an exceptionally qualified female candidate.” And cannot understand why she did not win,needs to reevaluate things a bit.

    What did Obama do to the military?

    How would you like to be sacrificing your life for your country while going out on a mission where the president has told the enemy the time and date when you would be there?

    You know what also I have not seen on ABC or CNN or even CBSN ?

    The vidieo of antifa standing outside of the Fox News reporters house,chanting go away and banging on the front door so much that they damaged it,the reporter was not home,just his wife and children.
    Last edited by Richard; November-09-18 at 03:16 PM.

  15. #1915


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Yea I agree,why is Obama out talking trash?

    His whole whole speech while supposedly paying tribute to Mandela was about the current administration,so it is on both sides.
    added to my post

  16. #1916
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by GMan View Post
    I guess the E.U. is racist too.....

    I don't know if you've ever been to Greece but it actually is a fairly racist country. There's an openly racist, neo-Nazi political party in Greece called the Golden Dawn that actually holds seats in their parliament. A black American tourist was literally beaten to death in Greece last year by a gang of men because he had the audacity to take a photo with a white woman in a bar.

  17. #1917


    Quote Originally Posted by Maof View Post
    added to my post
    That is cute,you tell me that you do not want to hear from me but then qoute me.

    There are entire countries that you would probably feel comfortable in,they also do not like or allow opposing opinions.

    It is a discussion board verses a comment board,one would think anything posted is up for discussion,so ya gotta figure if you drop a comment it will be up for discussion.

    Unless of course your definition of discussion is either you agree with what I have to say or do not bother discussing,they have another name for that.

    For as long as I can remember the topics of religion and politics have always been somewhat heated discussions if one is trying to quell opposing opinions it is on them and not the one they are showing distain for.
    Last edited by Richard; November-09-18 at 04:21 PM.

  18. #1918


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    I don't know if you've ever been to Greece but it actually is a fairly racist country. There's an openly racist, neo-Nazi political party in Greece called the Golden Dawn that actually holds seats in their parliament. A black American tourist was literally beaten to death in Greece last year by a gang of men because he had the audacity to take a photo with a white woman in a bar.

    That is everywhere.

    The FBI specifically claims the Azov Battalion, a regiment of the Ukrainian National Guard known for Nazi sympathies, “participated in training and radicalizing United States-based white supremacy organizations”. RT Producer, Nebojsa Malic, joins Anya to explain how Ukrainian Nazis have been emboldened since the 2014 US-backed coup in the country.


    We should have rooted them all out after WW2,but people were tired of war.

  19. #1919


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    That is cute,you tell me that you do not want to hear from me but then qoute me.

    There are entire countries that you would probably feel comfortable in,they also do not like or allow opposing opinions.

    It is a discussion board verses a comment board,one would think anything posted is up for discussion,so ya gotta figure if you drop a comment it will be up for discussion.

    Unless of course your definition of discussion is either you agree with what I have to say or do not bother discussing,they have another name for that.

    For as long as I can remember the topics of religion and politics have always been somewhat heated discussions if one is trying to quell opposing opinions it is on them and not the one they are showing distain for.

    can't really have a discussion with someone who consistently comes up with praise or some cockamamy excuse for an idiot who holds the highest office in our country. before you know it, it will all crash and burn for him. can't come soon enough.

  20. #1920


    Quote Originally Posted by Maof View Post
    can't really have a discussion with someone who consistently comes up with praise or some cockamamy excuse for an idiot who holds the highest office in our country. before you know it, it will all crash and burn for him. can't come soon enough.
    What kind of a person does that make you?

    I would be willing to bet that even though he does not know you he would never wish the same on you,that makes him the better person,President or not.

    You could always hold your breath and wait for his fall,or keep going down that path and endure another 6 years of him.

    Cheer up and look at the bright side,it could have been worse and Hillary could have been sitting up there.
    Last edited by Richard; November-09-18 at 05:03 PM.

  21. #1921


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    The joke is that you think that Donald Trump [[a New York "billionaire") is somehow "different." Oh, you'll rail against the Republican establishment and then you'll sing the praises of those who are JUST LIKE THEM. The trick is that they fooled you into thinking they were different. "I'm not like those corporate shill Republicans, I'm the real deal, I'm going to Make America Great Again and get rid of all the illegals! I never lie, so you can trust me when I say these things!" You bought it man, hook line and sinker. You drank the kool-aid.

    "If I win ... day one of my presidency, they're getting out and getting out fast", -Donald J Trump [[referring to illegal migrants in the United States).

    Fact is, in Trump's first year in office, he deported only marginally more immigrants than were deported under Obama in 2016 [[81,603 illegal immigrants were removed from the interior, compared to 65,332 in 2016). "Great!" you say, "that's 16,000 more than Obama! MAGA!" Except it's like using a thimble to bail water out of your sinking boat, it's a drop in the bucket.

    Trump lied to your face repeatedly. He sold you on a lie and you believed him. He did just enough to placate the microbrains into thinking he was doing something. Fact is, there are more illegal immigrants in this country today, far more, than there were when Obama left office. And when his promises fail to deliver, he either just blames the Democrats [[which you lap up like a dog, even though Republicans control both chambers of Congress) or he just lies and tells you things that aren't true to make it sound like he's winning [[and you will believe him without question).

    It's OK man, I never expect you to admit that you got played. But you did nonetheless.

    Immigrant deportation filings hit record high in 2018, new report shows -CBS 11/8/18

    aj, You are wrong about your facts and proved again that you can't read minds. The alternative to Trump in the 2016 election remains Hillary. It wasn't even a close choice with regards to immigration issues.

    China's wall worked well until traitors accepted bribes to open its gates. That's why I don't support Trump's wall. As soon as Democrats get in, they will open its gates. It would be a waste of money. Going after cheating employers is the best option although rounding up illegal non-citizens is still cheaper for taxpayers than harboring them.

    However, Trump has reduced the refugee flow, is trying to intimidate long columns of mostly economic invaders, tried to rollback DACA, and, according to the above article, stepped up deportation filings. Remember that the alternative was Hillary. Were it not for Obama and Clinton appointed judges in Hawaii and elsewhere, DACA would be toast and some of Trumps' deportation numbers would be still higher. There is a list of 22 quotes Obama made saying that he wasn't king and it was unconstitutional to do DACA. Then he did it anyway. That's 690,000 free DACA passes issued by Obama judges who wouldn't let Trump cancel Obama's unconstitutional executive order with one of his own. That's the environment Trump operates in. The Democratic Party is the open border party. Many elected Republicans also promote cheap foreign labor at home and abroad.
    Last edited by oladub; November-09-18 at 09:07 PM.

  22. #1922


    Quote Originally Posted by Maof View Post
    He's a complete asshole.


    Someone should have asked him to follow up on that because i'm drawing a blank as to what exactly Obama did to our military. In all my adult life, I don't ever recall a sitting "president", trash talk a former president to this extent or ever for that matter. He's a no nothing, butt hurt, mean spirited person who has no business sitting in the oval office.

    And no Richard, don't want to hear from you either.
    I heard his rant this morning about having to rebuild the military and it occurred to me that one of the reason his minions take such delight in this crap is that they were Obama haters and his lies make them feel justified in their hate and also validate their votes for 45. No matter that most of it is lies, in their tiny little minds, it makes them RIGHT!!!

  23. #1923


    Everyone needs to know how to recognize "firehosing."

    Why obvious lies make great propaganda
    For leaders like Trump and Putin, telling big lies isn't about persuasion -- it's about power.
    Also, it saturates the news cycle, displacing truth while filling the pockets of the media empire.

  24. #1924


    Here's a story about the Jeff Sessions replacement. Whitaker, has among other things stated that all judges should be Christian... and of course has broadcast his belief that the Chump-Russian investigation should be stopped. He sounds like the great guy Chump says he doesn't know but last month he said he did. More of the same...


  25. #1925


    Having voted for Trump enthusiastically in 2016, Masti said on Friday he would soon be changing his party affiliation to Democratic, following the president’s elevation of Whitaker.

    “It’s totally ridiculous,” said Masti. “It makes the whole Republican party look so bad. How could a president appoint someone like this? And then not have a problem about it when it comes out? He should be taking care of the victims.”
    People like that need to be heard.

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