Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
Republicans are artificially inflating the economy with massive deficit spending. Government is supposed to run up a large deficit when the economy is BAD, the logic being that government spending will spur economic growth. When the economy is good, we're supposed to have small deficits because there is no need for the government to spend like a drunken sailor to keep the economy going. Instead, at a time of strong economic performance, we've run up two consecutive years of massive deficit growth and next year's deficit is projected to hit almost a trillion dollars.

We have deficits now that we weren't seeing since years of the Great Recession. To compare, the last time the economy was as good as it is now [[1999/2000 under Bill Clinton), we had a freaking budget SURPLUS. Trump is keeping those economic numbers high by pumping hundreds of billions of dollars of borrowed Chinese money into the economy rather than let the economy grow itself at a more modest [[but more organic) pace. It's a house of cards and it will come crashing down, we absolutely cannot sustain a new normal of >$1 trillion deficits every year, which is what the CBO is projecting starting in 2020.
Are you sure about all of that?


According the U.S. Treasury’s direct record, a surprising amount of money has been saved over the course of seven months. On January 20th, the day Trump was inaugurated, the total debt was $19,947,304,555,212.49. On July 30th, seven short months later, it’s at $19,844,938,940,351.37. Overall the debt has decreased by $102,365,614,861.12.