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  1. #26


    Yes, and again, unless you have large lesions between the frontal and occipital lobes, the definition of a weapon versus that of a communication tool is a fairly simple concept. Something that a Chump cultist would be able to fathom.

  2. #27


    ^ yea you are like the other one,so quick to try and discredit common sense just flies out of the window.

    A pen is a harmless writing instrument but it also can be used to kill somebody.

    Nothing becomes a weapon until it is used as one on a nefarious way,speaking of,what ever happened to your guy that ran people over killing them with the van ?

    See it was also not a weapon until it was used as one.

  3. #28


    ^^^ Why aren't the gun lobby people fighting for the right to use vehicles to defend themselves?

    ...or pens, or kitchen implements?

    What makes guns specific in this instance of the right to carry? lol

  4. #29


    ^ now you are just being silly.

    Unlike your country we have what is called a constitution which guns are covered under and cars are not,it is not a gun lobby,it is an organization that represents 100 million plus Americans,when you start playing with the constitution you open doors to start removing the rights of all Americans.

    It is not about picking and choosing for others based on personal views,it is not about gun control it about trying to rewrite the constitution,which is what Chavez did in order to seize power.

    You guys may not have a problem living under a dictatorship and yearn for it,but it is not our cup of tea,just ask the brits.

  5. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    ^ now you are just being silly.

    Unlike your country we have what is called a constitution which guns are covered under and cars are not,it is not a gun lobby,it is an organization that represents 100 million plus Americans,when you start playing with the constitution you open doors to start removing the rights of all Americans.

    It is not about picking and choosing for others based on personal views,it is not about gun control it about trying to rewrite the constitution,which is what Chavez did in order to seize power.

    You guys may not have a problem living under a dictatorship and yearn for it,but it is not our cup of tea,just ask the brits.

    You answered the question in a roundabout way by putting your constitution which a lot of United Statesians do, in an inviolable, untouchable, entrenched document.

    In fact, it has been amended and improved over time and this is where an enlightened conclusion will make weapons like automatic rifles more difficult to bear.

    The thirteenth amendment was a late appendage to the Constitution for example. It outlawed slavery and involuntary servitude. The fourteenth amendment stated that former slaves were citizens of your country. That it took such along time to evolve into a semblance of freedom and opportunity gives me hope. I figure sometime in the not too distant future, enough neurons and heart and sinew will bring your countrymen and women some tougher gun laws.

  6. #31


    ^ yea sure,we will get right on that,just as soon as you guys start feeding your school children.

    Amended and not recinded.

  7. #32


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    ^ yea sure,we will get right on that,just as soon as you guys start feeding your school children.

    Amended and not recinded.

    I am also a victim of this lack of nutrition available in Canada. lol.

    You are seriously lacking in argumentation at this point.

    Rescinded, not recinded.

  8. #33


    Lol I can tell the lack of nutrition during your growing years has effected the rationale thinking part,i understand that and take it into consideration.

    Its really not an argument,a gun did not walk in there a shoot people,a person used a gun in the process,they are responsible for thier actions and you cannot tax or remove everything from society that can possibly be used as a weapon to do harm.

    You are looking for answers when there are none,and solutions when there are none,which is frustrating,so the next thing to go after are inate objects which is neither a solution or an answer,but it does make for good political fighting and a false sense of accomplishment but solves nothing.

    The only thing I know is there are a large amount of wakos out there that maybe were not there before,because of facilities that were shut down and those who feel they deserve everything without working for it I would rather have something with a little stopping power then tell them to hang on while I call 911.

  9. #34


    You are looking for answers when there are none,and solutions when there are none,which is frustrating,so the next thing to go after are inate objects which is neither a solution or an answer,but it does make for good political fighting and a false sense of accomplishment but solves nothing.
    You brought up the inanimate objects aspect in relation to weapons.
    You avoided defining weapons as such, because that would destroy your weak argument about guns being neutral objects.

    You can always stop them with a phone or a car or a kitchen knife. Maybe a poison apple like Stormy Daniels did to Big Bird.

  10. #35


    ^ What is weak about it,no matter what you call a gun it does not operate under its own free will,it sits there doing nothing all day long with no complaints,until somebody picks it up and utilizes it.

    Kinda like the van,it was not a threat to anybody until somebody got into it and ran people over with it.

    What are you going to do,sterilize the world of everything that you fear could be used as a weapon?

    People are responsable for thier actions,what if he had thrown a pipe bomb through a window and leveled the building,What then ?

    Eliminiate pipe,clocks,wire,hardware stores that sell it ? Windows,buildings,people because at some point in time they may be a danger to others?

    I guess we could always go back to buckets and a well in the back yard.

    You got snow so I guess you could always melt some for drinking anyways.

    Why are you still obsessed with washed up stormy,she was a desperate attempt that failed and is old news,seems like a desperate attempt to hold on to something that never was.

    Cannot you do something productive like at least bring a bowl of rice to a school so at least one kid can have a meal while studying?
    Last edited by Richard; October-29-18 at 08:02 PM.

  11. #36


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    ^ yea sure,we will get right on that,just as soon as you guys start feeding your school children.

    Amended and not recinded.
    Really cut your bullshit please.

    Its not just intellectually offensive and dishonest its completely immoral.

    The US school lunch program is worth $3.30USD for each free meal which is why its non-nutritious crud for the most part.

    The value of that to a child over a year @ 185 school days is less than $1,000USD.

    In Canada, a low-income family gets a cash transfer of $6,400CAD or about $4,900USD per child.

    5x as much.

    Plus way better schools, healthcare, a year of paid parental leave blah blah

    I'm happy to leave all that out and keep the argument on point.

    But your disingenuous nonsense should be a criminal offense. Its contemptible regardless.

  12. #37


    Canadian Visitor,

    in the interest of keeping Richard's good humor, please refrain from telling him cars are now less likely to be used as weapons since they will stop before hitting pedestrians. This leaves us a choice btwn ballpoint pens and Semi or fully automatic rifles.


  13. #38


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    ^ What is weak about it,no matter what you call a gun it does not operate under its own free will,it sits there doing nothing all day long with no complaints,until somebody picks it up and utilizes it.

    Kinda like the van,it was not a threat to anybody until somebody got into it and ran people over with it.

    What are you going to do,sterilize the world of everything that you fear could be used as a weapon?

    People are responsable for thier actions,what if he had thrown a pipe bomb through a window and leveled the building,What then ?

    Eliminiate pipe,clocks,wire,hardware stores that sell it ? Windows,buildings,people because at some point in time they may be a danger to others?

    I guess we could always go back to buckets and a well in the back yard.
    Your argument is moronic and irrelevant. Hand grenades are another standard issue US Army infantry combat weapon. They are a CONTROLED destructive devise and not available to the general public so none of them are being tossed into classrooms of 1st graders, thrown into crowds of country music concert goers or rolled under cop cars killing more and more civilians and police officers.

    Since the the price of the AR-15 has come down by 2/3rds in the last decade it has proliferated considerably and showed up as the weapon of choice more often to get the highest possible body counts including all of the examples I used.

    If you do not give a shit about innocent people getting ripped to shreads and bleeding out because of .223 wounds just state that fact. But pretending that the death rate would be exactly the same because of “Hardware stores” if these weapons were not in civilian hands is moronic. The sheer number killed by AR-15s is climbing higher as more and more are getting pumped into our society at lower and lower prices.

  14. #39


    Quote Originally Posted by Canadian Visitor View Post
    Really cut your bullshit please.

    Its not just intellectually offensive and dishonest its completely immoral.

    The US school lunch program is worth $3.30USD for each free meal which is why its non-nutritious crud for the most part.

    The value of that to a child over a year @ 185 school days is less than $1,000USD.

    In Canada, a low-income family gets a cash transfer of $6,400CAD or about $4,900USD per child.

    5x as much.

    Plus way better schools, healthcare, a year of paid parental leave blah blah

    I'm happy to leave all that out and keep the argument on point.

    But your disingenuous nonsense should be a criminal offense. Its contemptible regardless.

    And I was so happy when you said you blocked me.

    To bad many in your own country disagree with your little tantrum.

    Why Canada needs to make sure kids don’t go to school hungry

    As many as one in seven Canadian children will go to school hungry. In some poorer communities, up to half make the trip to school with an empty belly.

    Yet, "Canada is the only G8 country without a national school-based feeding program,"

    We also need an unflinching commitment to an over-arching goal: No child in a Canadian classroom should be hungry.


    The Toronto District School Board opened 140 new breakfast initiatives in 2016, bringing its total number of meal programs to 588.

    But there are kids who continue to go hungry.
    "We would love to open up another 140 more but that depends on more money," said Catherine Parsonage, executive director of the Toronto Foundation for Student Success, a charitable organization that works alongside the TDSB to help students in need.

    You have charitable organizations begging for money in order to feed your kids for you.

    I am surprised that you do not have the kids on the street corner with tin cans.


    Even your own food bank for children’s school lunches that has an online donation drive posts that over 1 million children will go without a school lunch due to lack of funds.

    It also lists 1 out of 2 indigenous residents will go without,that is 50%.

    So you sit here and brag about way better schools,healthcare,a year paid leave blah blah blah when your own organizations are pleading for funds to feed those kids.

    You are enjoying your free health care at the expense of the children,you see pride in that.

    What kind of person does that make you? Sad part is you cannot see it and view it as normal and actually superior to others.

    You really think a cash transfer given to a single parent once a year,working two jobs in order to pay the rent buys you redemption?

    If you tell somebody that you are going to block them,at least have them large enough to follow through.

  15. #40


    Quote Originally Posted by ABetterDetroit View Post
    Your argument is moronic and irrelevant. Hand grenades are another standard issue US Army infantry combat weapon. They are a CONTROLED destructive devise and not available to the general public so none of them are being tossed into classrooms of 1st graders, thrown into crowds of country music concert goers or rolled under cop cars killing more and more civilians and police officers.

    Since the the price of the AR-15 has come down by 2/3rds in the last decade it has proliferated considerably and showed up as the weapon of choice more often to get the highest possible body counts including all of the examples I used.

    If you do not give a shit about innocent people getting ripped to shreads and bleeding out because of .223 wounds just state that fact. But pretending that the death rate would be exactly the same because of “Hardware stores” if these weapons were not in civilian hands is moronic. The sheer number killed by AR-15s is climbing higher as more and more are getting pumped into our society at lower and lower prices.

    You use words like moronic and irrelevant and then try to associate a civilian semi automatic weapon with a military issue fully automatic weapon as if they have the same capabilities,then for added fluff you throw in the hand gernade part. Cute

    If you really think that a hand gernade is the only form of explosive then you are really wet behind the ears,go spend a few weeks in the Middle East,there is nothing that you can touch or feel that cannot be made into an explosive device.

    The part that you are leaving out just as your media leadership is the amount of shootings stopped by good guys with guns.

    Notice no media coverage on this one

    Thankfully, a heroic citizen with a permit to legally carry a concealed handgun was able to save countless lives in Florida Saturday when he shot a gunman who opened fire on a back-to-school event attended by over 150 students at a park in Titusville, Florida.


    Did you know there are over 120,000 cases where a good guy with a gun stopped a shooting ?

    Of course not,that will not fit your agenda,as much as it pisses you off it is legal to own a AR-15,and it does not matter if you agree with it or not,it is legal.

    See that is the way this country is,if I see somebody wishing to do others harm I have the ability to stop them,you can call 911 and wait,do not worry you do not have to let me know how it worked out,I can already tell you how it will.

    But that is your right,I respect that maybe you should try respecting others rights.

    Have you ever rolled up on an accident where a teenager that had 23 texts in five minutes while going down the highway and killed himself and 4 others,do you how much blood and carnage that creates?

    But you have no problem with that,why?

    105 a week 420 a month 5040 a year directly related to cell phone use while driving,but you are not calling for a cell phone ban,maybe because then you would have to give up yours.
    Last edited by Richard; October-30-18 at 12:45 AM.

  16. #41


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    And I was so happy when you said you blocked me.

    To bad many in your own country disagree with your little tantrum.

    Why Canada needs to make sure kids don’t go to school hungry

    As many as one in seven Canadian children will go to school hungry. In some poorer communities, up to half make the trip to school with an empty belly.

    Yet, "Canada is the only G8 country without a national school-based feeding program,"

    We also need an unflinching commitment to an over-arching goal: No child in a Canadian classroom should be hungry.


    The Toronto District School Board opened 140 new breakfast initiatives in 2016, bringing its total number of meal programs to 588.

    But there are kids who continue to go hungry.
    "We would love to open up another 140 more but that depends on more money," said Catherine Parsonage, executive director of the Toronto Foundation for Student Success, a charitable organization that works alongside the TDSB to help students in need.

    You have charitable organizations begging for money in order to feed your kids for you.

    I am surprised that you do not have the kids on the street corner with tin cans.


    Even your own food bank for children’s school lunches that has an online donation drive posts that over 1 million children will go without a school lunch due to lack of funds.

    It also lists 1 out of 2 indigenous residents will go without,that is 50%.

    So you sit here and brag about way better schools,healthcare,a year paid leave blah blah blah when your own organizations are pleading for funds to feed those kids.

    You are enjoying your free health care at the expense of the children,you see pride in that.

    What kind of person does that make you? Sad part is you cannot see it and view it as normal and actually superior to others.

    You really think a cash transfer given to a single parent once a year,working two jobs in order to pay the rent buys you redemption?

    If you tell somebody that you are going to block them,at least have them large enough to follow through.
    Your happiness is not, and never shall be my concern.

    You are and remain blocked.

    Sadly, when I pop in to glance at something, and I'm not logged in I can still see your crap.

    I can also respond to it without unblocking you.


    My country is far from perfect, as am I.

    Both can always be improved, as yours can as well.

    My response was not boosterism but an antidote to your misinformation.

    You sadly are not improvable.

    You don't care what lies or misinformation you spread or the damage it causes.

    That you have no shame about that is something unforgivable.

  17. #42
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    Aj, I noticed that you didn't quote Gab when it came to Gab quoting Bowers saying he never wore a MAGA hat in the Gab link you mentioned. Nice editing. Spin, spin spin... Surprised you didn't mention Russia.
    Spin spin spin? You already pointed out that he wasn't a Trump supporter and I fully acknowledged that point. What more did you want? Here, in case you missed or don't have basic reading comprehension, here's my direct quote: "No, Robert Bowers was not pro-Trump." I agreed with you, but hey, climb up my ass for it.

    Now that that's out of the way, Robert Bowers was not a Trump supporter, care to address the rest of the white supremacist views he expressed on a extremist Right Wing social media platform?

    Re the other topic you brought up: "Invasion" -
    • an incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity.
      "stadium guards are preparing for another invasion of fans"""an invasion of tourists"
    • an unwelcome intrusion into another's domain.

      That's from Google dictionary. 7,000 mostly young males circumventing our immigration laws and borders meet both of those definitions. I doubt that many of these would be illegal aliens "are coming here to murder and rape us all". Nice hyperbolic spin, Trump couldn't have done better, but more likely, they will drive down American workers' pay scales and use social services taxpayers budgeted for Americans.
    Oladub, it does not surprise me in the least that you think like the terrorist does and that you agree with his rhetoric. Does't surprise me at all. Anyways, I know this is a sad day for you Oladub, since your favorite social media platform Gab has been taken offline as a result of this:


    Gab has been banned by PayPal, Stripe, Joyent, GoDaddy and other companies that run the infrastructure of the Internet. RIP Gab. Where are you and your like-minded white nationalist brethren going to go now?

  18. #43


    Kids in the Wayne/Westland school system, here, in Michigan, in the great country called the U.S. of A., were JUST approved this week for free breakfast and lunch, so I don't know where the info is coming from that ALL American kids are fed in the morning.
    To combat the problem, many school districts offer free or reduced-costs meals to kids who might not get three square meals a day at home. Most schools across the country offer free lunches to low-income students and a few offer breakfast and dinner options as well.
    This article is a year old, I'll admit, but as far as I know, still true.
    Last edited by jcole; October-30-18 at 09:29 AM.

  19. #44


    Aj, There you go spinning again, trying to associate the Google dictionary definition of "invasion" wth terrorism. I never heard of Gab until you mentioned it. You were wrong about that.

    Unlike you, I prioritize the needs of U.S. workers and taxpayers over the wants of cheaper foreign labor and its profiteering employers. I guess that proudly puts me on the nationalist side of the nationalist-globalist spectrum on this issue and at odds with your U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Democratic Party positions. I also support the rule of law including enforcing the "uniform naturalization" laws Congress has enacted. I don't like paying taxes or waiting at red lights. Maybe we can all pick and choose which laws to obey if anyone who chooses to can ignore our borders and immigration laws.

    In post #6 you wrote "But me guess, "False flag", right Trumpers?" I took that as an attempt to impugn Trump with the synagog killings. I responded in my post #7 that "Robert Bowers is anti-Jewish. He is not pro-Trump. He in not affiliated with either party." I can't find anything in your post #6 "fully acknowledging that point". Spin on... It was not until you responded in post #9 to my post #7 that you acknowledged, "No, Robert Bowers was not pro-Trump." Anyway, nice to finally have you acknowledge that point.

    How many Hondurans are you taking in? If you still lock your doors, why? Someone might just want to access your dwelling to make their life better.
    Last edited by oladub; October-30-18 at 10:00 AM.

  20. #45
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    In post #6 you wrote "But me guess, "False flag", right Trumpers?" I took that as an attempt to impugn Trump with the synagog killings.
    That "that's how you took it" is on you. I didn't impugn Trump with anything, I impugned his supporters [[like you) who almost always tend to believe in unfounded conspiracy theories surrounding events like this. Do you disagree with that assessment? Would you like for me to name for you the various pro-Trump posters here at DYes who have already expressed a belief that these events are false flags or strongly hinted at such, despite having no evidence of such and plenty of evidence to the contrary?

    Well, here's your chance to show me up and prove me wrong, Oladub. All you have to do is publicly state, right here, that you believe the mail bombs sent to George Soros, CNN, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and others was the work of a lone deranged supporter of Donald Trump and not a "False flag" conspiracy concocted by Democrats to make Trump look bad ahead of the election. Are you willing to do that?

  21. #46


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    You use words like moronic and irrelevant and then try to associate a civilian semi automatic weapon with a military issue fully automatic weapon as if they have the same capabilities,then for added fluff you throw in the hand gernade part. Cute

    If you really think that a hand gernade is the only form of explosive then you are really wet behind the ears,go spend a few weeks in the Middle East,there is nothing that you can touch or feel that cannot be made into an explosive device.

    The part that you are leaving out just as your media leadership is the amount of shootings stopped by good guys with guns.

    Notice no media coverage on this one

    Thankfully, a heroic citizen with a permit to legally carry a concealed handgun was able to save countless lives in Florida Saturday when he shot a gunman who opened fire on a back-to-school event attended by over 150 students at a park in Titusville, Florida.


    Did you know there are over 120,000 cases where a good guy with a gun stopped a shooting ?

    Of course not,that will not fit your agenda,as much as it pisses you off it is legal to own a AR-15,and it does not matter if you agree with it or not,it is legal.

    See that is the way this country is,if I see somebody wishing to do others harm I have the ability to stop them,you can call 911 and wait,do not worry you do not have to let me know how it worked out,I can already tell you how it will.

    But that is your right,I respect that maybe you should try respecting others rights.

    Have you ever rolled up on an accident where a teenager that had 23 texts in five minutes while going down the highway and killed himself and 4 others,do you how much blood and carnage that creates?

    But you have no problem with that,why?

    105 a week 420 a month 5040 a year directly related to cell phone use while driving,but you are not calling for a cell phone ban,maybe because then you would have to give up yours.

    It is easy enough to block phones from being used on the road in a handheld position, there are apps and/or tweaks in the settings to do that.
    Likewise, cars and trucks, like all the Toyota line for one[[I am getting the new Rav4 hybrid2109 in the new year for my wife) are equipped to avoid collisions with vehicles and pedestrians.

    Are there any settings to block a gun you buy at a gun shop willingly, by the owner of such?

    Apart from gun collectors, gun owners will abide by general rules of safety to ensure that ammunition and guns are set apart.

    I read that there are many children [[free school lunch kiddies) who shoot their parents or siblings from having guns laying around. So many guns around. I'd rather give my kid an apple than a bullet in the head, that's for damn sure.

    My favorite story is the one of the 9 year old girl killing an instructor. Some parents are bad apples.


  22. #47
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Lol at the claim "120,000 cases where a good guy with a gun stopped a shooting." Source, please? If you're going to lie, why not just say 10 billion?
    Last edited by aj3647; October-30-18 at 12:37 PM.

  23. #48


    I can introduce you to Mr Bust who can then introduce you to Mr Google,so you can dive right in.

    In the future I am going to figure anything that you write is a lie unless you can provide hard copies directly from the source and 5 witnesses to the facts.

    If you are going to talk crap,you can at least be a little realistic.

  24. #49


    Quote Originally Posted by Canadian Visitor View Post
    Your happiness is not, and never shall be my concern.

    You are and remain blocked.

    Sadly, when I pop in to glance at something, and I'm not logged in I can still see your crap.

    I can also respond to it without unblocking you.


    My country is far from perfect, as am I.

    Both can always be improved, as yours can as well.

    My response was not boosterism but an antidote to your misinformation.

    You sadly are not improvable.

    You don't care what lies or misinformation you spread or the damage it causes.

    That you have no shame about that is something unforgivable.

    Let me guess,you have a little devil on your shoulder egging you on to reply to me,sorry as much as you think you are,you are not god and I do not need your forgiveness.

    Even when I provided you links that included your own organizations you still denied the truth,is that how you deal with it,pretend it is not there so it goes away?

    Nothing is free,it has to come from somewhere and is the price worth it?

  25. #50


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    That "that's how you took it" is on you. I didn't impugn Trump with anything, I impugned his supporters [[like you) who almost always tend to believe in unfounded conspiracy theories surrounding events like this. Do you disagree with that assessment? Would you like for me to name for you the various pro-Trump posters here at DYes who have already expressed a belief that these events are false flags or strongly hinted at such, despite having no evidence of such and plenty of evidence to the contrary?
    That's right. That's how I took it and continue to take it. When you chose the word "Trumpers", you brought Trump into this discussion about the killings. Characterizing "Trumpers" as somehow supporting the killings is slanderous and in most cases inaccurate. Your modus operandi is to color things for the sake of smearing them. You share that trait with Trump.

    Which "unfounded conspiracy theories surrounding events did I believe in" or support as you claim. Posts 7,16, and 44 on this thread are mine. The Google dictionary definition of "invasion" agreed with me, not you. Careful about spinning smears. You might get a worse reputation.

    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    Well, here's your chance to show me up and prove me wrong, Oladub. All you have to do is publicly state, right here, that you believe the mail bombs sent to George Soros, CNN, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and others was the work of a lone deranged supporter of Donald Trump and not a "False flag" conspiracy concocted by Democrats to make Trump look bad ahead of the election. Are you willing to do that?
    Too late, I already mentioned that you were wrong about imagining I followed a website I never heard of. I already showed you up and told you that you were wrong.. Failing that test of your imagination, you are acting like a Grand Inquisitor but I'll play along and ask you a question in return expecting an answer in return. [[my answer) I don't have any evidence "to believe that the mail bombs sent to George Soros, CNN, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and others was" not "the work of a lone deranged supporter of Donald Trump and not a "False flag" conspiracy concocted by Democrats to make Trump look bad ahead of the election"". That's your job. In fact, on another thread, I suggested that the would be bomber be put away for life before he was caught. Maybe you didn't read that. Nor do I have evidence that the would be bomber was part of any right wing conspiracy. You are quick to imagine what I read and believe and fail in trying to do so.
    Last edited by oladub; October-30-18 at 06:57 PM.

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