You're welcome, Ravine, and thank you for starting this thread and giving us all the opportunity to have a little fun.

I didn't want to confuse you, and I think you have interpreted the idea right. Most tribe names will translate into English as something like "the People" or "Human Beings." Specifically translating from the Indian language using the root word derivation may yield a more complex meaning. I tried to show that with Anishinaabe, in which the root word is "good" and the "aabe" is a form of "to be".

Diné is usually translated Human Beings, and is one of the major tribes of the US. They are of Athabaskan origin which is interesting, since they and the Apaches are the only ones south of northern Canada.

The Apaches, being of the same language group, have a similar name for themselves, Tindé, translating to First People. Apache means fighter, and comes from the Zuni and Yuma.

I hope this helps. Please be sure and ask if you have any more questions. I would be happy to go on and on, but you need to prime the pump.