Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
When has Bernie campaigned against capitalism?

I don't like Bernie [[would never vote for a populist, on either side), but he advocates for a social welfare state, which is the same thing they have in basically every other first world nation on earth.

For some reason the Trump cult has successfully convinced many that those on the American Left are somehow analagous to Cold War-era Marxist-Lennist parties, which makes no sense. Bernie is a "normal" politican in most of the developed world. He advocates for subsidized college, medical care and the like, which is totally expected in every other society.

Somewhere like Germany, even the Far Right 100% endorses Bernie's social welfare state. For some reason, millions of working class and poor Americans are convinced that their family doesn't deserve a thing, while the plutocrats get wealthier off their misery.

Even weirder, the U.S. now has the wealthy/educated voting Dem and the poor/uneducated voting Rep. Trump has caused a total inversion, attracting uneducated whites while repelling educated whites, so you basically have the wealthy wanting higher taxes on themselves and more services for the working class, while the working class wants lower taxes on the wealthy and worse services for their families. Strange times.
I am not sure where you are getting your information from on Trump supporters but there are plenty of surveys out there that would disagree with you.


Your pov of a vote for Trump was families saying that their families do not deserve anything kinda shows a strange outlook on life in America.

What exactly do you feel you deserve because you were born or fortunate enough to be in America?

We have rights and opportunities in this country that others risk death to have a chance at but we do not deserve anything for simply existing.

When you actually research what is happing in the developed world when it comes to social programs,immigration and other things anti Trump supporters are constantly being vocal about you will find they are all pretty much in the same direction that he is.

Even more so they are all struggling with the common denominator of figuring out how to pay for it all.