On topic once again.... It's the romantic in me. I recall a photo of Bagley Ave. from many decades ago taken on a foggy evening, probably shot from Grand Circus Park, where the marquees of both the UA and the Michigan are the only beacons of light recognizable in the mist. It would be nice to have these two blocks back as part of the entertainment district. Also, Downtown/Midtown needs an IMAX screen. One of these two auditoriums could be converted to this format - with the tag line - Largest IMAX screen in Michigan! [[And which theater gets the IMAX branding? Gistok, isn't the potential Michigan movie screen expanse wider than the potential screen area in the UA? Perhaps not? Both auditoriums were once equipped for widescreen formats. And the UA, for one, had to expand beyond it's original proscenium bounderies to exhibit the roadshows of the 50s and 60s. With the dearth of neighborhood movie houses in any direction from GCP, couldn't there be premieres every couple of weeks in the one auditorium, and longer first-run features at the IMAX auditorium? Not the most important urban mission to be tackled, but for those of us with memories of the movie scene downtown many, many years ago, well a rising tide lifts all boats, right?