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  1. #1251


    What did I tell you, Mao? Not worth the words
    Quote Originally Posted by Maof View Post

  2. #1252


    ^ okay,Trumps an ass for useing children and their pictures in order to gain support for a cause instead of merits. Happy now?

  3. #1253


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Mad usual that is all ya got is anger and hatred,expressing it with no solution,I would think everybody pretty much knows you hate Trump and his supporters or pretty much everything America.

    In Germany Merkel has been given two weeks to stop excepting refugees or others will handle it.

    Italy has closed its ports to refugees.

    Be angry all you want but these are refugees and not Mexicans,we have given millions to Mexico in order to help them with their borders.

    The other and much cheaper option would be to send them to Mexico City and the US embassy to apply and then they would be sleeping in the streets with no medical or meals provided.

    You are aware of the courts decision way before Trump that changed the law about houseing families together,but it is Trumps fault,he was not even president at that time.

    Why did they change the law?

    They say they are fleeing gang violence and the risk of getting killed,so here they are a roof over their head in a safe and secure environment,medical care,more food then they have seen in months all provided free of charge.

    You want to leave your country and seek asylum in this country and expect everybody else to pay for it while our own children are dying in the streets with gang violence that nobody cares about.

    Where is the shock and awe of fake tears for them?

    What do you expect? Meet them at the border with a limo and bring them to a 5 star hotel? Life is tough,as it is for many Americans,if you cannot deal with a few weeks of hardship in order to take advantage of the opportunity that this country provides,then head back home because life is not fair to many others also.
    Regarding your post #1242, lets put it this way, a 2 year old most certainly can comprehend when parents are upset, having a disagreement and most forms of emotion. My angry emoji was directed at you for such an ignorant response and another multi paragraph "explanation".

    My concern are those kids, especially the infants and toddlers, Tell me, what's the purpose of separating them? "Mother's and children over here, men go there"...sound familar?

    You have a bible thumper and a creepy looking dude within the administration announcing the zero tolerance policy in April of this year and Trump putting it on the Democrats. He's the one who can change that along with congress which is mostly Republicans.

  4. #1254


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    Yes, duly noted. Still not sure how this is to work out.

    As I said before the fine print will be ignored ala the broader optics: crying child vs. villain Trump policy. That broad shot remains sans any real solution in enforcing our immigration policies. Got that.

    So are our immigration laws/ policies to be jettisoned because some bring small children? Yes, no? Seemingly looking at the photo of the small child crying the answer would have to be a resounding yes. Or your an ogre Trumpster. That's the big print.

    If so, then just be done with it, already!

    Starting today: If you bring a small child we make an exception: you step ahead of the line of those already waiting to get in legally. Ok, got that. So glad this mess is over......
    They are going to have to have the courts change the law on separation,they said you cannot house children with the parents while in federal detention status.

    The issue was before when apprehended they were allowed entry,given a civil citation to appear in front of a hearing officer,but then they just disappeared into the country and not showing up for the hearing,so the costs doubled on the enforcement side.

    If one thinks about it these people take a month long trek through some of the most dangerous mountains and jungles in South America at any given second rebels could have grabbed them,raped and killed them both,and people are upset that children are seperated from their parents for a few weeks.

    What would the trauma be to that little girl If along the journey she had to watch what could have easily happened.Sometimes just being in a safe place is enough.

    Military members on deployment are separated fromnthier families up to a year and some of them are sleeping in a lot worse places.

    The current refugees are asking for asylum because they are leaving the violence of MS13 and the gangs,which does not make sense because when the currant president referred to them as bad hombres he was labeled racist.

    He deports them and now their own people are fleeing them,but yet the US public was adamant that they were not a threat.

    Sometimes the hypocrisy is so thick one can walk on it.

    If the stance becomes those with families will receive preference then you can bet the next issue is going to be the kidnapping of babies and small children in order to gain admittance,there is always going to be Somebody exploiting the inch.

    Sometimes one needs to have tough love.
    Last edited by Richard; June-19-18 at 07:25 AM.

  5. #1255

  6. #1256


    Name:  History_Federal_Seizure_of_Elian_Gonzalez_Speech_SF_still_624x352.jpg
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Size:  56.4 KBName:  TENSION-Ejercito-Unidos-Elian-Gonzalez_LPRIMA20070827_0058_25.jpg
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    Treatment of Elian Gonzalez under Bill Clinton

    Also an estimated 60,000,000 future American children were extricated by abortion Since Roe. I support the right of women to choose to ... but somehow Democrats add a weird sacramental spin promoting abortion. Maybe the Chamber of Commerce wouldn't be so hot to have open borders cheap labor if that 60M figure was half that amount.

    Families wanting to reunite should be offered free and immediate repatriation. It is difficult feeling sorry for people who violate our laws knowing the consequences although it isn't the fault of children that their parents are criminals. No one has explained why the children of incarcerated foreign lawbreakers should be given preferential treatment over the children of incarcerated Americans whose children are sent to foster homes.

  7. #1257


    ^^^ There you go, bringing up old stuff [[Clinton - Elian)!

    Yep, it's a mess. Filled with hypocrisy and deceit on all sides, IMO.
    Last edited by Zacha341; June-19-18 at 04:26 PM.

  8. #1258


    Quote Originally Posted by Maof View Post
    Regarding your post #1242, lets put it this way, a 2 year old most certainly can comprehend when parents are upset, having a disagreement and most forms of emotion. My angry emoji was directed at you for such an ignorant response and another multi paragraph "explanation".

    My concern are those kids, especially the infants and toddlers, Tell me, what's the purpose of separating them? "Mother's and children over here, men go there"...sound familar?

    You have a bible thumper and a creepy looking dude within the administration announcing the zero tolerance policy in April of this year and Trump putting it on the Democrats. He's the one who can change that along with congress which is mostly Republicans.

    Yes i I understand all of that,the federal court ruled that you can not put underage children in custody with their parents.

    The currant president did not make that ruling it was made a few years back.

    A US minor is also not jailed with adults they go to a separate facility.

    The current president is following the law,outside of a tiny picture of morality,that has no argument.

    Nobody has said,let's hold an emergency court decision to reverse the decision of seperation.

    What they are doing is useing this to show hatred towards the current president and splashing pictures of a crying child in order to gain support.

    We get it,you guys hate Trump,that is your right,but to play the higher moral ground while not even looking at a simple solution makes you the same as Trump.

    He wants a wall,everything he does is about negotiating but the democrats point blank say no wall and no negotiations,they are not even willing to come to the table and meet half way.

    He is obligated to uphold the laws of the land as every president is,where will we be if a president can change laws Willy nilly to suit an agenda.

    Take the rose colored gate filled glasses off and if everybody on their soapbox about the children actually changed the law then this would not even be an issue,then I would actually believe that people actually care about the kids instead of useing them.

    This is just a tool to say ha ha Trump we will beat you into submission and looking for a win at the children's expense.

    Several comments about post lengths,you wish to regulate ones right to express their views but not your own,that says volumes about certain mindsets and that mindset is worse then anything that the current president can come up with,so who is really being the better person.
    Last edited by Richard; June-19-18 at 10:02 AM.

  9. #1259


    Quote Originally Posted by richard View Post
    yes i i understand all of that,the federal court ruled that you can not put underage children in custody with their parents.

  10. #1260


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Yes i I understand all of that,the federal court ruled that you can not put underage children in custody with their parents.

    The currant president did not make that ruling it was made a few years back.

    A US minor is also not jailed with adults they go to a separate facility.

    The current president is following the law,outside of a tiny picture of morality,that has no argument.

    Nobody has said,let's hold an emergency court decision to reverse the decision of seperation.

    What they are doing is useing this to show hatred towards the current president and splashing pictures of a crying child in order to gain support.

    We get it,you guys hate Trump,that is your right,but to play the higher moral ground while not even looking at a simple solution makes you the same as Trump.

    He wants a wall,everything he does is about negotiating but the democrats point blank say no wall and no negotiations,they are not even willing to come to the table and meet half way.

    He is obligated to uphold the laws of the land as every president is,where will we be if a president can change laws Willy nilly to suit an agenda.

    Take the rose colored gate filled glasses off and if everybody on their soapbox about the children actually changed the law then this would not even be an issue,then I would actually believe that people actually care about the kids instead of useing them.

    This is just a tool to say ha ha Trump we will beat you into submission and looking for a win at the children's expense.

    Several comments about post lengths,you wish to regulate ones right to express their views but not your own,that says volumes about certain mindsets and that mindset is worse then anything that the current president can come up with,so who is really being the better person.

    Yes, I get you and I sympathize.

    Those kids with a belly ached disguised as an "emotional response" to separation appeared much like a Stormy Daniels scarecrow jumping out of the closet to hurt Chumparoni.

  11. #1261

  12. #1262


    It all goes back to Trump making fun of the reporter with MS. And when he said there were good people on both sides of the Charlottesville KKK rally. Or when he wanted the Central Park 5 crucified. He has been telling people who he was from day one, but the republicans and evidently a bunch of white democrats didn't care. Afraid of the OTHER! What are we going to do? Our lives are so shitty, I cannot buy the new Lincoln! My 3 carat diamond isn't enough! Our cottage up north isn't as nice as the Jones' cottage! Skippy didn't get into Albion! It is all Obama's fault! Don't act like this isn't reality, because a good portion of the people that I went to HS and college with - this is who they have become. They all pissed on the unions, they pissed away the school systems....because those people don't deserve what we have - they didn't work as hard as we did, they are not ******** [[insert whatever word you want). I know people who are still pissed off that someone who isn't white got a job at Wayne Assembly and their husband didn't. And we are all paying for that now.

  13. #1263


    Quote Originally Posted by carolcb View Post
    It all goes back to Trump making fun of the reporter with MS.

    Maybe even back further than that...


  14. #1264


    Now We Know Who's Willing To Defend Caging Children
    It's a game of morality limbo as Kirstjen Nielsen, Jeff Sessions and Laura Ingraham see if they can go as low as Donald Trump.

  15. #1265

  16. #1266


    The political immigration debate has been going on since the 1930s,the differences now seem to be the addition of opinions for profit.

    The immigration system is and has been broken for many years but yet the only time it becomes an issue is when it becomes a tool for support,now with mid terms coming up it is time to once again use it instead of coming up with solutions.

    We do love our distractions,obsessing over,locker room talk,washed up porn stars and on and on,they do nothing to resolve the currant issues other then temporary satisfaction of feeding the talk shows.

    When this was front and center months ago,the public chose to point thier attention to a porn star instead of the real issue that was on the table and are now surprised at the ramifications of.

    A politician was eating lunch in a Mexican restruant and the loudest voices of the protesters in the back was chastiseing him about eating in a Mexican restruant and screaming about amnesty and no borders.

    When the current president took office the Mexican influx at the border dropped to almost nothing,the current situation does not even involve Mexicans but groups from the rest of South America.

    To scream open borders is just silly and my guess would be the ones screaming for it would be the first to be mowed over.

    No country in the world has open borders,everybody has borders and immigration control.

    The most obvious thing to do would be to fix a broken system but then all that would be left to use as a political tool would be porn stars and anything else that does not offer real solutions to real problem.

    If people were paying attention the current influx and situation was a mass effort designed to do exactly what it is doing,overwhelming the border station enmass knowing full well that it was not equipped to handle that kind of volume.

    We pay Mexico 1.6 billion to help enforce their southern border and that was working,they took the money and stepped aside in this case because of the large amount of the group.

    You can bet that if they had not stepped aside and followed their usual enforcement tactics family seperation would be the least of the worries,the men would have been sent directly to prison with no representation the fate of the wome and children would have depended on how cute they are,usually it is a rape and send them on their way.

    At any rate there are several resolutions in front of congress right now and I would guess a solution will come up in order to quell the issiue,so it does not become ammunition for the mid terms.

    Most likely the "FEMA" camps built during the bush administration.

    It takes 180 days for a judge to determine the outcome of an asylum seeker,with the mass of the current group the would translate into around 30 million,but it is the government paying for it and it is free money.

    Focus in the issues and leave the porn stars to the tabloids.

  17. #1267


    Our president is paying off his sexual partners with monies given to his run for office, those monies are not supposed to be used for that. The current situation has nothing with porn stars versus immigration. The fact is he - Donald J. Trump, has turned every day into a destruction of hundreds of things this country is built on. If he wasn't a scum ball of the highest order, a racist, a non-intellectual; someone who is used to buying people off to get his way - we would not be chasing Scott Pruitt, the emoluments clause, Playboy bunnies, wasting taxpayers money at his trashy mansion in Florida - or 60 other things. SO don't blah blah blah into thinking this is anyone's fault but his and his administration. The porn star might end up taking him down, and if so, I am all for it. He can think he is above the law, but he is not.

  18. #1268


    ^ ^ so all you have to do is prove where he has broken the law while in office,see how easy that is.

    Our personal feelings do not stand up in a court of law,and innuendos are not considered facts.

    Like you posted,the current situation has nothing to do with immigration,we agree on that.

    Judging from what we see coming from so called intellectuals they do seem to be in short supply across the board.

    Facts and proof Back accusations up not personal feelings.

    I thought bla bla bla was rather fitting,because that is 90% of what it is.

    People are more obsessed with who he may or may not have banged,what he may or may not have grabbed or what he may or may not have done while he was a private citizen then they are about mass transit,options for recent college grads,skills training and the things that really matter to the adverage American,or maybe they are just looking for reasons to keep people down in the dirt so they can look like the savior when they throw them a bone and look like they have the higher moral ground while being fake.

    It could be argued that Mayor Duggan has baggage from the past and is far from perfect,but it could also be argued that in spite of all of that, many feel given the current situation he is the best man for the job.

    Trying to gain support in order to justify your personal feelings by disrespecting millions of fellow Americans is lower then the current president has or maybe could go,and people call him traitorous.

    If one seeks to take the higher moral ground they have to practice it first.
    Last edited by Richard; June-20-18 at 10:51 AM.

  19. #1269


    This is a human and moral issue. Obama AND Bush did not detain nearly as many immigrants and their children were quickly reunited with parents. Some have compassion, others do not. Definitely another black eye for this administration. But unfortunately, this most likely, will not deter his supporters.

    As just reported, Kirstjen Nielsen is drafting an order to end the separation policy immediately.

  20. #1270



    Now that Corporate America got their tax cut, it's time to worry about the cost of the social safety net. People need to realize that President Trump is nothing more than a distraction from Repugnant business as usual. Infestations, quoting from the bible, shit-hole countries, sons of bitches, etc....all meant to distract and rally the ignorant for the same old GOP policies of the past.

    As far as I can tell, Trump has told the truth exactly twice. Once when he proclaimed, "I could shoot a man on 5th avenue". The other was in the Bahamas at a meeting of the elite after the corporate tax cut...."You should all thank me, because I just made you a lot richer". Everything else has been a sales job and pandering to the ignorant with fear....mostly white and old. These are people who actually think their generation will be different...they won't see America change. It's all just temporary though. History is not on his or their side, and it may take a while, but the backlash is going to be severe. America eventually tires of everyone's act, and Donald Trump's will be no different.

    Not much surprises or angers me much these days, but Beauregard Sessions did. Quoting the Bible was bad enough, but doing it with the smugness of a 7th grader really annoyed me. Keep the invisible man and your false egotistical dreams of living forever to yourself.

  21. #1271


    Quote Originally Posted by Maof View Post
    This is a human and moral issue. Obama AND Bush did not detain nearly as many immigrants and their children were quickly reunited with parents. Some have compassion, others do not. Definitely another black eye for this administration. But unfortunately, this most likely, will not deter his supporters.

    As just reported, Kirstjen Nielsen is drafting an order to end the separation policy immediately.
    Nothing wrong with compassion but the reality is you just cannot allow mass migration across the border without providing an end result,as we see with DACA.

    Compassion needs to be fair across the board,for those escaping and for those bearing the cross of going through the legal channels.

    There are millions that would like a better life in America and we cannot afford to allow unregulated access of open borders,unless they take everybody's tax returns at the end of the year to pay for it.

    California and most inner cities should be a glaring example of what happens when the balance is no longer there,people end up in the streets and suffering,I am crazy I guess but I feel they deserve a little compassion also.

    Hopfully they will get it resolved,a long term solution towards total immigration reform is enacted so in the future this does not happen across the board and it is done fairly across the board for everybody,but I also think unicorns are pretty cool and would like to have one.

    But at least the band aid industry stays propped up.

    Not for nothing but I did post the link that showed the amount of families detained by administration,the only thing that changed was the court order that miniors could not be detained in a federal facility.

    That was done by a federal judge that had compassion and did not want children traumatized while being held in a federal prison like setting.

    People were glossing over a porn star at that time and were not paying attention to what was happening.

    Add the massive amount that showed up at one time in this case overwhelming BP facilities it was a recipe for disaster.

    But why all of the sudden was a large amount of refugees organized and marched 30 days through some of the most dangerous terrain,like it was never done in the past.

    This was a well organized and backed move for a reason,most guides can handle groups of 10 or 15 max,this was thousands that had no money,families that required food,armed security,medical care,and even sleeping tents along the way for 30 days.

    That is at least a $100,000 endeavor,who Finianced it expecting not a dime in return and what was the motive ?
    Last edited by Richard; June-20-18 at 11:34 AM.

  22. #1272


    Quote Originally Posted by Maof View Post
    This is a human and moral issue. Obama AND Bush did not detain nearly as many immigrants and their children were quickly reunited with parents. Some have compassion, others do not. Definitely another black eye for this administration. But unfortunately, this most likely, will not deter his supporters.

    As just reported, Kirstjen Nielsen is drafting an order to end the separation policy immediately.
    Yes, allowing illegal aliens into the United States to displace U.S. workers, keep a lid on wages, and take away educational and health benefits designated for Americans is a social and moral issue. Since only about 2,000 of the 12,000 children and teenagers under detention came with their parents and this program hasn't been going on for long, I'm surprised that "Obama AND Bush did not detain nearly as many immigrants and their children were quickly reunited with parents." Of course those two were open border presidents without compassion for, or whom at least didn't prioritize American workers so maybe you are correct. American parents who wind up in jail for misdemeanors or crimes are also separated from their children who are placed in foster homes. Just my opinion but, unlike the open borders crowd, I don't think that illegal alien lawbreakers should be treated better than American lawbreakers.

    Even Canada incarcerates some children.

    "Children", actually 50% 16 and 17 year olds, were housed in similar buildings with chain link separations [["cages" in open border lingo) under Obama. Lots of photos.

  23. #1273


    ^ "What's going on in the United States is wrong," said Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Wednesday. "I cannot imagine what the families are going through. This is not how we do things in Canada."

    But yet they are doing the exact same thing.

    Perfect example of those taking the higher moral ground while rolling around at the bottom of the ditch.

    It reminds me of preachers that talk a good game from the pulpit on Sunday morning but by Monday afternoon have broken every vow they preached about.

  24. #1274


    thank you bong man you are making me feel better about society. i am not kidding.

  25. #1275


    Quote Originally Posted by Bong-Man View Post

    Now that Corporate America got their tax cut, it's time to worry about the cost of the social safety net. People need to realize that President Trump is nothing more than a distraction from Repugnant business as usual. Infestations, quoting from the bible, shit-hole countries, sons of bitches, etc....all meant to distract and rally the ignorant for the same old GOP policies of the past.

    As far as I can tell, Trump has told the truth exactly twice. Once when he proclaimed, "I could shoot a man on 5th avenue". The other was in the Bahamas at a meeting of the elite after the corporate tax cut...."You should all thank me, because I just made you a lot richer". Everything else has been a sales job and pandering to the ignorant with fear....mostly white and old. These are people who actually think their generation will be different...they won't see America change. It's all just temporary though. History is not on his or their side, and it may take a while, but the backlash is going to be severe. America eventually tires of everyone's act, and Donald Trump's will be no different.

    Not much surprises or angers me much these days, but Beauregard Sessions did. Quoting the Bible was bad enough, but doing it with the smugness of a 7th grader really annoyed me. Keep the invisible man and your false egotistical dreams of living forever to yourself.
    Dont you just hate it when the older generation gets in the way of things,they should just fade away and let the 19 year olds run the country.

    After all they grew up in a time when an honest day's work paid an honest wage,when married the wife could stay home and raise the children,it still may have been tough but it was feasible.

    Collage grads were coming out of college and getting jobs that paid a living wage,non collage grads could get a job in a factory,or learn a trade or skills that provided them with a decent living.

    Nobody looked down on bus drivers or plumbers or factory workers,they were not thought of as lessor people,it was respectable to have any honest job.

    Children were raised to respect their elders,teachers and law enforcement,and others property.

    You were taught to hold the door open for the ladies and assist the elderly weather they were crossing the street or placing the groceries in their trunk.

    Neighbors helped neighbors when they could and community's supported each other for the betterment of everybody in the community,a new neighbor moved in you brought them a casserole or a fresh baked pie and welcomed them.

    No it was not peaches and roses for everybody but generally you recived the effort you put in.

    I realize that the younger generation hates that concept of how things should be and feels everything should be provided for them because they deserve it but there is nothing that you can put in front of the older generation that they have not already seen or been there.

    We or they have been around enough to know that if you run head long into that brick wall it will hurt and really do not wish to travel down that road because we already know from past experiences what exactly is going to happen when you go there.

    The younger generation can experiment with social changes or governmental changes but I can guarantee that there is not one senairo that you can come up with that thousands before have not already tried.

    Try your little open borders stuff and social experiments and you can bet your bottom dollar you will get push back from those that have been there done that,if you want to go off somewhere on your own and try things fine just do not ask us to pay for it.

    You are right Americans do get tired of the run around and make a change,did you stop for a minute and think just maybe that is what got Trump elected.

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