Quote Originally Posted by gnome View Post
And another thing...

You somehow turn almost every thread into a hot mess called Richard.


Is your act so special that you simply need to be needed? So needy. Demanding. Insolent in the extreme. Petulant and pedantic [[which is a really difficult combination to pull off). Why must your act always have center stage?

Is it insecurity? Did someone not love your act when you were a child and now you insist that every topic is about Richard's needs?

You guys are really good,who would have thought so many accredited psychoanalyst reside within the walls of DY,so good that you can determine how one thinks based on a internet post.

Sorry bud but my needs are small and I really do not need approval from anybody else because I am confident in my own abilities,my outlook is about the bigger picture unlike most who are easily offended.

But you are right in your expert opinion and my way of doing things are wrong,and as a white racist it is better for me to divest from the African American community and join my fellow racists.You would not happen to have an extra 50 jobs laying around would you?I mean really, who the hell do white people think they are when they actually are doing something for the community instead of applying lip service on the Internet.

But hey keep doing what you are doing because it still works so well today as it has in the past so it must be the right way.

Good luck with that.