Outside of the Internet we choose who we surround ourselves with,generally positive people produces positive results.

Religion and politics, Internet or not, have always been hot topics that usually do not end well so that is a given.

In general discussion forums you have a diverse group of participants and that includes people that you would not normally deal with.

More specific forums where the users are there for common ground are very informative with helping others and the sharing of information,this being a Detroit specific website you would think that the common ground would be what is best for the city and those who live in it,but there is still going to be differing views on how to get there and there will always be some who would prefer it not to get there.

People post comments based on a multitude of reasons,personal experiences,feelings,been there done that etc. but there is a tendency to read into more then what is being said,in real life there is body language and for the most part you are dealing with people that you know and know when they are being sarcastic etc without having to post a little smiley face to convey,and bullies will be bullies on the internet and off.