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  1. #426


    The only thing that has been consistently stated is there is nothing new going on and their was no reason to freak out thinking it was.

  2. #427


    Joe McCarthy's protege is confusing the 'Hillary would have won if Russia, anyone or everyone else just wouldn't have opened her illegal web server narrative' with other stories. Whenever I think of Hillary I shudder. As a presidential candidate, she was advocating shooting Russian planes down over Syrian airspace. WWIII anyone? She was as nuts and evil as McCain. But hey, a.j.'s neocon heroes must think it made sense to drive Russian and China into each others arms militarily and economically at the expense of Americans. This after wars that have cost the US trillion$ and tens of thousands of American lives including Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, Serbia, an over extended stay in Afghanistan, and now Trump is continuing Obama's stupid meddling in Syria. Some people keep doing the same thing hoping the results will change. a.j, I think Joe and probably even Custer would be proud of you.
    Last edited by oladub; March-08-18 at 10:35 AM.

  3. #428
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    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    Some people keep doing the same thing hoping the results will change. a.j, I think Joe and probably even Custer would be proud of you.
    As Putin and Stalin would be proud of you, comrade.

  4. #429


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    As Putin and Stalin would be proud of you, comrade.
    Yeah, Putin and Stalin were into Ron Paul and Coolidge too. What are the "Russian bot, Russian bot" zombies going to do now that Trump and Kim have agreed to sit down together? How the heck can you neocons run a cold war with stuff like that happening? Peace could break out on the Korean peninsula. Then what?

    Stormy Daniels, Robert Swan Mueller III, where are you? Neocons need a distraction...now!
    Last edited by oladub; March-09-18 at 09:49 AM.

  5. #430
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    Putin suggests that if Russians interfered in the U.S. election, then it was probably ethnic minority Russians and "Jews" with Russian citizenship who did it.


    When it doubt, just blame it on the Jews.

  6. #431


    Yep, that's a nice turn of events if you conjugate it with Bannon's elevated presence at National Front's latest convention in France. Funny how for a number of years after JM LePen's ouster, his daughter has tried to clean up the image of NF, only for Bannon to boost the hate back up again.


  7. #432
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    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    Yep, that's a nice turn of events if you conjugate it with Bannon's elevated presence at National Front's latest convention in France. Funny how for a number of years after JM LePen's ouster, his daughter has tried to clean up the image of NF, only for Bannon to boost the hate back up again.

    Other than their mutual interests in defending Donald Trump, this is one area where the Russians and the Alt-Right see eye to eye: they both hate Jews. While anti-semitism in Russia is so embedded that Putin doesn't even need to bother disguising it with dog whistles [[he can just flat out say "if it happened, Jews probably did it" and his domestic audience eats it right up), the American Alt-Right like Bannon usually have to tone it down a bit and say "Globalists" instead. In fact, there's a poster or two here who like to use that term. Might as well also go with the tried and true [[[[[[ ))) to avoid being TOO obvious about who you are referring to. So Putin's words not only play to a anti-semitic domestic audience, but to a Trump-supporting sympathetic Alt-Right audience in America who is also disdainful of "Globalists" like [[[[[[Jared Kushner))) and [[[[[[Gary Cohn))).

    Anyways, today in "Russia is our friend and it's the United States that is starting a new Cold War because we're the bad guy", British authorities have warned up to 500 people in Salisbury who were present in an area where a former Russian spy and his daughter were mysteriously poisoned that they should decontaminate their clothing and any belongings they were carrying at the time after traces of "nerve agent" were discovered.


    So now we have a case where a foreign nation may have used an actual chemical weapon to try and kill people on the soil of a NATO nation. Of course, I'm sure, this is somehow the fault of Obama and Hillary Clinton. Some might call a hostile foreign nation deploying a WMD on your soil to kill people an act of war, but Heaven forbid we say anything bad about the perpetrator, since to do so would make us "neocons." Instead, let's focus on what misdeeds the British might have done in the past to deserve such an attack, because really it's their fault that this happened. And Obama's. And Hillary.

  8. #433


    ^ you really like going off the chain with speculation, hugh.

    Between 2010 - 2012 China killed or imprisioned 25 US spies,you do realize that spy games have been going on way before you and I were even born,but you are shocked like this is some kind of breaking news.

    How do you know that maybe he was not a retired spy and was in the park to deliver the chemical to a terrorist organization and the vial broke.

    But it will not matter because we will never know the facts.

    I will give you the hatred comment,because the alt left hates everybody,most of all their fellow Americans,they at least are consistent with that.

    Any updates on the Russian collusion yet? Still waiting on the facts of that accusation.

    You seem to have taken a liking to Putin as of late,maybe it is him riding around horseback with no shirt on,he is in an election,so he is going to do and say things to garner votes,I heard from an unnamed source that he borrowed Hilliarys playbook on how to win friends and elections,they do seem to have a lot in common as do some of her followers.

    Gary Cohn is a registered democrat,so how do you view him as alt right,unless you view all democrats as alt right and globalist.

    Which actually makes sense because there does seem to be a state of confusion in that arena.
    Last edited by Richard; March-11-18 at 08:25 PM.

  9. #434


    Trump vs. Hillary is Nationalism vs. Globalism, 2016

    This is an article contrasting nationalism with globalism; an unusually clear choice we had in the 2016 election. Trump was the alternative to Hillary on these major globalist vs. nationalist issues.

    "Hillary Clinton, meanwhile, is the personification of the globalist elite—generally open borders, humanitarian interventionist, traditionally a free trader [[though hedging in recent months), totally in sync with the underlying sensibilities of political correctness, a practitioner of identity politics."

    That would define Trump as a nationalist supporting more controlled borders, a strong military available for defense rather than used for humanitarian interventionism, a fair trader rather than a free trader, opposed to political correctness and identity politics.
    Last edited by oladub; March-11-18 at 08:25 PM.

  10. #435


    ^^^ Identity politics are the best! Let the games begin... I mean continue.

  11. #436
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    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Between 2010 - 2012 China killed or imprisioned 25 US spies,you do realize that spy games have been going on way before you and I were even born,but you are shocked like this is some kind of breaking news.
    Yeah, on CHINESE soil. How many people did China assassinate on AMERICAN soil during that time? Does your brain comprehend the difference between killing spies on your own soil versus assassinating people in a foreign country using WMDs?

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    How do you know that maybe he was not a retired spy and was in the park to deliver the chemical to a terrorist organization and the vial broke.
    And he brought his daughter along for what, shits and giggles? Yup, your theory makes more sense than the theory that he was assassinated by Russians.

    Anyways, I guess we'll just wait and see what the British investigation turns up. Of course, if they blame Russia, I'm sure you'll just call it "fake news" and continue to defend your master, Vladmir Putin, as he attacks our allies.

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Gary Cohn is a registered democrat,so how do you view him as alt right,unless you view all democrats as alt right and globalist.
    I didn't say he was Alt-Right, I said he was hated by the Alt-Right because he's Jewish. Learn how to read.

  12. #437


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    Yeah, on CHINESE soil. How many people did China assassinate on AMERICAN soil during that time? Does your brain comprehend the difference between killing spies on your own soil versus assassinating people in a foreign country using WMDs?

    Do you subscribe to spy weekly? The CIA or whoever does not get on the evening news announcing who was eliminated on a daily basis,so how does your brain know who and where things happen?

    And he brought his daughter along for what, shits and giggles? Yup, your theory makes more sense than the theory that he was assassinated by Russians.

    How do you know he wasn't training his daughter,it is an equal opportunity career,if you have all of the facts how come you are not helping MI6?

    Anyways, I guess we'll just wait and see what the British investigation turns up. Of course, if they blame Russia, I'm sure you'll just call it "fake news" and continue to defend your master, Vladmir Putin, as he attacks our allies.

    Like Russia is dumb enough to do something like that,you just keep believing what you want to believe,I notice that you left yourself an out so you are having a hard time even believing what you are even writing.

    I would think a certain female presidential candidate would have more reason to take them out before anybody else,that was amateur hour and was not done by a professional.

    I didn't say he was Alt-Right, I said he was hated by the Alt-Right because he's Jewish. Learn how to read.
    So anyways,still waiting on the Trump and Russian collusion facts,do you have any yet?

  13. #438
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    "Highly likely" Russia behind poisoning, says UK Prime Minster Theresa May.


    I know I know, "fake news." He poisoned himself. Or the Deep State did it. Anyone and everyone is at fault but Putin.

  14. #439
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    Hillary Clinton, meanwhile, is the personification of the globalist elite—generally open borders, humanitarian interventionist, traditionally a free trader [[though hedging in recent months), totally in sync with the underlying sensibilities of political correctness, a practitioner of identity politics."
    When did we ever intervene anywhere for humanitarian reasons? They might claim that but it's not the real reason.

    By one count, the United States has interfered in more than 80 foreign elections between 1946 and 2000. And that doesn’t count U.S.-backed coups and invasions
    Last edited by Pam; March-12-18 at 01:29 PM.

  15. #440


    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    When did we ever intervene anywhere for humanitarian reasons? They might claim that but it's not the real reason.
    Yeah, If it were, Bill Clinton would have done more for Rwanda.

    At least he now owns up to that mistake.

    Bill Clinton Regrets Rwanda Now [[Not So Much In 1994)

    Maybe humanitarian reasons played a bigger role behind his shamefully hesitant, but ultimately important decision to intervene in Yugoslavia. But not enough:

    Decision to Intervene: How the War in Bosnia Ended

    If we can credit the right with anything, at least their so called "America First" policy is explicit when it says to the rest of the world to eff off.

  16. #441
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    Hillary the humanitarian. This clip is one of the reasons I didn't vote for her.
    Provided by CBS news not RT!


  17. #442
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    When did we ever intervene anywhere for humanitarian reasons? They might claim that but it's not the real reason.

    If U.S. interference in foreign elections 20-70 years ago justifies or excuses Russian interference in our elections today, then fine, then justify/excuse why Russia has also interfered in the elections and internal affairs of nearly 20 different European nations.


    In the past three years, Russian interference has expanded into such countries as the United States, Germany, France and Britain, among others. These efforts have ranged widely. For instance, to prevent Montenegro from joining NATO, the Kremlin likely sponsored an October 2016 coup attempt. In a number of European countries, Russia helped fund far-right parties such as the National Front in the run-up to France’s 2017 election. Russia waged disinformation campaigns in other countries. And in Norway and Germany, Russia launched phishing attacks against parties and campaigns.
    So if the U.S. interfering in foreign governments is wrong and evil, what is your opinion of Russia doing the exact same thing? Since two wrongs make a right, perhaps you can explain what crimes nations like Montenegro and Norway committed to justify Russian meddling in their affairs. If it was evil when we did it 50 years ago, surely you must hold a similar opinion on Russia doing it all over the world, to dozens of nations, as we speak. Right?

  18. #443


    ^ why do you persist on running a debate on whether what Russia did is evil or not,it is totally irrelevant.

    Everybody but you understands that everybody meddles in everybody else's elections,what would you like to do,put Putin over your knee and spank him?

    Or maybe sling a few nukes over there? How are you 100% sure that they did not meddle in the previous election,you are not.

    They meddled,we found out,some are shocked,life goes on,do you really think that CNN is going to cover what steps are being taken to prevent it from happening in the future.

    This administration is a bit different then the past one,they are not going to sit there and publish plans of action so the opposition knows what you are doing.

    It is interesting filler though while we are waiting for the evidence that the currant president colluded with Putin to win,millions of dollars later and still no proof.

    I wonder if the DNC is going to reimburse the US taxpayer for the costs of chasing a dream.

  19. #444
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    The nerve agent used to poison Sergei Skripal and his daughter in Salisbury, England has been identified by the UK government. It's called "Novichok" and it's an extremely rare, extremely deadly, extremely sophisticated chemical weapon developed by the Soviet Union in the 1980s and found exclusively in the arsenal of the Russian government. No nation outside of Russia possesses it.


    A furious Theresa May has issued an ultimatum to the Russians to provide an explanation by midnight tonight [[UK time, of course) or else it will be considered an "unlawful use of force" by the Russian government against the United Kingdom.

  20. #445


    and still no proof.
    I've lost count of how many times I've personally had to address people online about this naive notion that proof has yet to be revealed/displayed by the investigation regarding any direct lines of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians.

    At this point, you display one of two things, in certainty, when you trot out this flimsy strawman:

    1> You are simply obtuse to the idea of how an FBI investigation is conducted, outside of Hollywood interpretations. In what fantasy land do you reside, where investigators divulge to the public the findings of their ONGOING investigation? You can't possible think that this would be status quo for the FBI. On a case under such scrutiny and spotlight? Sadly, if this is your stance, it is by far the better of the two.

    2> You are being willfully ignorant towards the facts surrounding the investigation. By disregarding the countless upward targeted indictments, and subsequent charges levied by Special Counsel Mueller against continued individuals who worked within the Trump campaign, you're desperately trying to muddy the waters and sow uncertainty. Anyone who cannot remotely sense the trajectory and targeting of this investigation thus far cannot be relied upon to have an open discussion surrounding this case.

    I've already emotionally prepared myself for the pathetic excuses that will be ushered in when the report shows damning evidence of direct collusion between DJT's campaign and the Russians. Apologists unite!

  21. #446


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    The nerve agent used to poison Sergei Skripal and his daughter in Salisbury, England has been identified by the UK government. It's called "Novichok" and it's an extremely rare, extremely deadly, extremely sophisticated chemical weapon developed by the Soviet Union in the 1980s and found exclusively in the arsenal of the Russian government. No nation outside of Russia possesses it.


    A furious Theresa May has issued an ultimatum to the Russians to provide an explanation by midnight tonight [[UK time, of course) or else it will be considered an "unlawful use of force" by the Russian government against the United Kingdom.
    It was a nerve agent designed by the Soviet Union in the 1970s and 1980s,when the Soviet Union collapsed you could pretty much buy anything you wanted provided you had the money.

    I guess it is so special that in the last 25 years nobody has been able to replicate it.

    The little nuke wacko took out his family member in public with a nerve agent that was 1/2 the strength,who else has a record of public execution with no regard to people finding out,who would gain by creating a rift between the U.K. and Russia.

    Russia has been expanding WW2 style with Crimea and looking at others,nobody has stopped them.

    What is the reasoning behind taking out a retired spy,ego or creating a reason or justification for further action,you really think that they are going to do something that public knowing it could be traced back or the finger could be reasonably pointed at them?

    Killed during an attempted robbery would have drawn no interest.

  22. #447

  23. #448
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    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    It was a nerve agent designed by the Soviet Union in the 1970s and 1980s,when the Soviet Union collapsed you could pretty much buy anything you wanted provided you had the money.

    I guess it is so special that in the last 25 years nobody has been able to replicate it.

    The little nuke wacko took out his family member in public with a nerve agent that was 1/2 the strength,who else has a record of public execution with no regard to people finding out,who would gain by creating a rift between the U.K. and Russia.

    Russia has been expanding WW2 style with Crimea and looking at others,nobody has stopped them.

    What is the reasoning behind taking out a retired spy,ego or creating a reason or justification for further action,you really think that they are going to do something that public knowing it could be traced back or the finger could be reasonably pointed at them?

    Killed during an attempted robbery would have drawn no interest.
    Look at yourself, bending over backwards to concoct conspiracy theories to defend a Russian attack on a NATO ally. Why would Russia kill him? Same reason Putin has assassinated many of his domestic critics and enemies...as a message and a threat to those who might betray or oppose him that they do so at their own peril. Bet the CIA has a hard time finding Russians willing to turn double-agent these days, knowing full well that even if they somehow manage to make it to freedom in the West, Putin can still reach them no matter where they go.

    Did North Korea do this too?

    Anyways, in other news, Russia has threatened to strike U.S. military forces in the Middle East if the U.S. military launches air or missile strikes on the Syrian capital of Damascus.


    If they kill U.S. soldiers, will you still defend them Richard?

  24. #449


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    Anyways, in other news, Russia has threatened to strike U.S. military forces in the Middle East if the U.S. military launches air or missile strikes on the Syrian capital of Damascus.
    I still haven't figured out why your guys launched air and missile attacks on Tripoli and Belgrade. Hillary said she would shoot Russian planes down out of Syrian air space if she became president but why on earth would the U.S. launch air or missile strikes on the Syrian capital of Damascus? What did Libya, Serbia, or Syria ever do to the U. S.?

    I don't know how many Americans Putin has killed in the United States but Islamic radicals killed 3,000 on 9/11 and a couple of hundred since.

    To the extent we are supposed to worry about foreign influences on our campaigns, did the spy Russia possibly or probably killed in England have a bigger impact on U.S. politics than the Steele dossier written by a former British intelligence agent, paid for in part by Hillary's campaign, and used as part of Robert Swan Mueller III's coup effort?

  25. #450
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    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    why on earth would the U.S. launch air or missile strikes on the Syrian capital of Damascus? What did Libya, Serbia, or Syria ever do to the U. S.?
    I don't know, why don't you ask YOUR guy who YOU voted for? You know, the one who lobbed missiles at a Syrian airbase? The Russian threat comes in direct response to U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley's threat to attack the Syrian government in response to the Syrian/Russian bombardment of the rebel-held Eastern Ghouta suburbs of Damascus, which has killed hundreds of civilians.


    Why do you support a warmonger, Oladub? Why is Nikki Haley threatening to bomb Syria and who appointed her again? Maybe Richard will claim she's a holdover from the Obama Administration.

    Anyways oladub, you should be thrilled that Mike Pompeo will be our new Secretary of State. He's a warhawk when it comes to Iran, so perhaps we'll have a third quagmire war in the Middle East soon enough, courtesy of Donald Trump. Won't be able to blame Hillary or Obama for that one, as much as I'm sure you'll try to.

    And I bet you'll be even MORE thrilled when Trump finally gets around to appointing the King of all Neocons, John Bolton, to some top position in the White House. Bolton never met a war he didn't like, and he favors "regime change" in Iran. I expect there will be many vacant top positions in the White House very very soon, including Chief of Staff and National Security Adviser and Trump is quite fond of John Bolton.

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