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Results 751 to 775 of 5151
  1. #751


    aj, Reread my first sentences instead of making up stuff about how I wasn't bothered. Big letters for you this time: "aj, I oppose ANY run up in the national debt. I supported Ron Paul in 2008 when he laid out a plan to reduce the federal government and reduce the federal debt"

    No doubt some corporations will use money to buy back stock. Other companies will pay higher wages. Still others will increase R&D and invest in corporate infrastructure. If I were buying stock, I would invest in the latter. In your perfect world, the federal government would keep more of the corporations' money so they couldn't buy back stock, pay more to workers, increase productivity, or compete with foreign corporations paying lower taxes.
    Last edited by oladub; February-09-18 at 03:25 PM.

  2. #752



    Odd to be worried about what Oprah says. Always butt hurt.
    Last edited by Maof; February-19-18 at 07:33 PM.

  3. #753


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    I was disappointed but not surprised that VP Pence refused to acknowledge or speak to Kim's sister or others in the N. Korean delegation. At least, like you say, N. & S. Korea decided to get together partly because things were spinning out of control between Kim and Trump.
    Ahh, you've got to love collective bargaining!

  4. #754
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by TKshreve View Post
    Thank you, AJ, for articulating into words and stats my exact thoughts on the before-and-after affect of this highly-contested tax bill. I felt those "bonuses" and "job repatriations" [[where harnessed) were transparently optical in nature as well, and more of a crumb thrown to the peasants to provide congress another back-scratching tool and a few measly headlines. Meanwhile, behind the MSM curtain the cycle continues to shift wealth into the pockets of the few, while socializing the invoice to the many.

    Still waiting on my private-jet tax break to kick in. Did you get yours yet?
    Tax-cut scoreboard: Workers $6 billion; shareholders $171 billion


    Corporate stock buybacks are now at record highs. Bank of America is estimating that when overseas profits are repatriated, the stock buyback will reach $450 billion.

    So it would seem the biggest winners of the corporate tax cut are the big shareholders. Workers [[through bonuses, increased pay, or increased benefits) are estimated to have received only 13% of the value of the corporate tax cuts. Investors grabbed 43% of the value.

  5. #755


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post

    So it would seem the biggest winners of the corporate tax cut are the big shareholders. Workers [[through bonuses, increased pay, or increased benefits) are estimated to have received only 13% of the value of the corporate tax cuts. Investors grabbed 43% of the value.
    And under the socialist dem plan workers would have gotten $O dinero / nada / zilch / nothing........

  6. #756
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by GMan View Post
    And under the socialist dem plan workers would have gotten $O dinero / nada / zilch / nothing........
    And under the plan YOU support, we now have a trillion dollar deficit. So I'm glad you got that little bit extra in your paycheck, it's paid for with Chinese debt obligations. Good for you though!

  7. #757


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    And under the plan YOU support, we now have a trillion dollar deficit. So I'm glad you got that little bit extra in your paycheck, it's paid for with Chinese debt obligations. Good for you though!
    The deficit is a separate matter that is exacerbated by congress's desire to appease their favorite lobby.
    Same direction as last administration.
    D.T. is not a fiscal conservative by any means.

  8. #758
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    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by GMan View Post
    The deficit is a separate matter that is exacerbated by congress's desire to appease their favorite lobby.
    Same direction as last administration.
    D.T. is not a fiscal conservative by any means.
    Undoubtedly, slashing federal revenue absolutely has a direct effect on the deficit. How could it possibly not? If you cut your salary by 10% and increased your spending, what would happen to the level of debt you accrue had your salary remained unchanged and spending went up? You'd rack up more debt, right?

    Here's an article from Forbes describing how thanks to the tax cuts, annual budget deficits between $1-2 trillion will become the "new normal" instead of just temporary spikes during severe economic recessions.


    Here's an analysis from the Center for a Responsible Federal Budget:

    As for Obama's deficits, as we eased our way out of the Great Recession, the deficits under Obama got smaller. In his last three years in office [[2014-2016), the budget deficits under Obama were $485 billion, $438 billion, and $585 billion. Trump's first budget deficit shot up to $666 billion. Now his second budget has a deficit of $985 billion. How would you say that's trending compared to Obama's last three years? That's not what I would call the "same direction." In fact, I would say that's called the "opposite" direction, wouldn't you? What makes that worse is that we're supposed to be in economic boom times, deficits are supposed to go DOWN when the economy improves, not go UP. The deficits got larger in Obama's first term as the Great Recession took its toll, and they receeded in Obama's second term as our economy recovered.

    Anyways, to get back to your original post, I hope you enjoy your debt-financed tax cut. Just don't deny that that extra money in your paycheck ISN'T coming from debt obligations. It most certainly is. Just be honest about where the money for your tax cut is coming from. It's coming from those who will buy U.S. debt this year and in the coming years. It is coming from places like China.

    If you support that, that's fine, but that makes you about as "fiscally conservative" as it makes Donald Trump. A true fiscal conservative would eschew any tax cut that did not come with a corresponding cut in spending. All you are doing is running up the credit card, but hey, "free money" right?
    Last edited by aj3647; February-20-18 at 03:09 PM.

  9. #759


    Post William J. Clinton the last three continued to spend on, on and on....

    Repub - 'W' spent thru the roof...

    Dem - BO spent thru the roof.....

    Repub - T continues the pattern - spend thru the roof.

    On goes the can, kicked down to road towards the day reckoning.
    Last edited by Zacha341; February-25-18 at 07:43 AM.

  10. #760

    Default Corporate Tax rates around the World in 2017

    United States 35%
    Canada 15-25%
    world average 22.7%
    Norway 24%
    Sweden 22%
    Switzerland 8-24%
    Ireland 12.5%

    Trump's business tax cut reduced U.S. corporate business tax to 22% in line with the rest of the world. Only two countries in the world, out of 188 countries, had higher corporate income taxes than the U.S. in 2017. Federal spending is too high but corporate taxes are average. How about instead cutting military spending and getting rid of every federal spending program for anything not delegated to the federal government by the Constitution? Federal interest rates are 1%. When, not if, interest rates go up to average historical levels of 4.89%, programs will have to be ended anyway unless we want to end up like Venezuela. We presently pay $310B interest on the national debt. 4.89% interest would increase to interest on the national debt from its present $310B/year to $1,516B/year. Trump is spending too much. Democrats did nothing to stop him. Obama ran up over $120,000 of federal debt for a family of four. Bush ran up $60,000 of federal debt for a family of four. Rand Paul supports reducing military spending and commitments and reducing the federal debt. Are there any Democrats who advocate paying down the federal debt? Anyone?

  11. #761
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    Sep 2011


    That's the statutory tax rate, not the effective tax rate. No corporation anywhere pays 35% or anything close to it. They get tax credits, deductions, etc, just like individuals can get. Average effective tax rate for corporations in the U.S. is closer to 18% or 19%.

  12. #762


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    That's the statutory tax rate, not the effective tax rate. No corporation anywhere pays 35% or anything close to it. They get tax credits, deductions, etc, just like individuals can get. Average effective tax rate for corporations in the U.S. is closer to 18% or 19%.
    Things were really good for big corporations in America.
    Now they're even better.

    The 35 Percent Corporate Tax Myth

    How Fortune 500 Companies Avoid Paying Income Tax

    Here are the actual tax rates the biggest companies in America pay
    Last edited by bust; February-21-18 at 02:09 PM.

  13. #763


    Quote Originally Posted by bust View Post
    Things were really good for big corporations in America.
    Now they're even better.
    .................................................. ..........

    So it's okay to have a high corporate tax rate because the companies will just hide assets overseas but lowering it is bad because the money they repatriate is going for re-investment tax credits?
    Seems better to get some bang for the buck than none at all.

  14. #764


    That is the socialist mindset,they feel there should be no private company's and everything should be owned by the government so everybody gets equal pay and everything becomes free in life.

    They just have not thought that far into the future to figure out that it really does not work that way.

    You work 40 hours or more with no overtime and we will provide a bag of rice and a roof over your head,do not like it?

    Come check out our nice little work camp where you can learn to stick with the program.
    Last edited by Richard; February-22-18 at 05:49 PM.

  15. #765



    Nothing like kicking a man when he's down. Very articulate too... "he was suppose to go this way and he went this way".
    Last edited by Maof; February-24-18 at 08:35 AM.

  16. #766


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    That's the statutory tax rate, not the effective tax rate. No corporation anywhere pays 35% or anything close to it. They get tax credits, deductions, etc, just like individuals can get. Average effective tax rate for corporations in the U.S. is closer to 18% or 19%.
    I provided a link to my numbers. You didn't. We also have tax credits, deductions, etc. on our personal income taxes but for the sake of convenience, we say we are in the 15% income tax bracket or whatever. So I will go with the comparison Deloitte, a company with 245,000 people in 150 countries provided.

    By the way, Trumps's ratings are going up as Americans open their paychecks and Social Security statements and discover Trump's tax bill increased their income.
    Last edited by oladub; February-25-18 at 10:13 AM.

  17. #767


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    That is the socialist mindset,they feel there should be no private company's and everything should be owned by the government so everybody gets equal pay and everything becomes free in life.

    They just have not thought that far into the future to figure out that it really does not work that way.

    You work 40 hours or more with no overtime and we will provide a bag of rice and a roof over your head,do not like it?

    Come check out our nice little work camp where you can learn to stick with the program.
    It's that simple except it's more like a 60 hr workload slash two jobs slash Walmart and McDonalds splitshifts and meal tickets to make ends meet. That's capitalism for ya.

  18. #768


    ^ at least capitalism provides that opportunity,the socialist countries not so much,you get you monthly allotment and when that runs out that is it,no options advailable.

    If you look at how a lot of South America works is if you are young and pretty it is easy to get a job,older not so much.

    Most that cry for the socialist pixie dust fix all should try and live in a socialist society for awhile.

    I have a couple of Venezuelan friends that are here under political asylum status,one was a human rights lawyer in his early 60s,he has the photos from when the government agents used thermite to burn the hinges off his front door in the night,he escaped a hour later.

    The other was a reporter with the newspaper,she was reporting on how people were disappearing in the middle of the night without a trace,the story ran,30 minutes after the story hit the streets,government forces raided the newspaper and arrested all of the employees as enemies of the state,nobody knows what happened to them,she was lucky and had gone out to lunch,30 minutes later she was also out of the country.

    That country went from a democracy that had wealth to a dictatorship in less then a year,the people that were aware got out or transferred their funds out of the country,the ones that thought everything is better when the government controls it are now left with empty grocery stores and a currsncy that has no value.

    They are hungry where do they go for food?even if there was food to buy there are no second jobs for extra income.

    So they sit and wait for their monthly government substance living,a couple of pounds of corn meal,a piece of meat if they are lucky.

    That is how it worked,guns were confiscated,businesses were approiated for the good of the country then shut down,then the people were starved into submission.

    My friends father at age 70 was stopped at a red light,a mob of six robbed him forcibly for the battery in his car because you cannot buy a car battery,the strong prey on the weak.

    Tomorrow when you wake up and need to feed your family are you willing to beat or kill somebody for a bag of rice?

    If you do not your family will starve. Those are your options.

    People are quick to judge in the comfort of the countries that we live in whitout it giving a second thought about those before us who paid the price so we could enjoy those freedoms,they were bought and paid for in their sacrifice.

    Complain about capitalism and guns and while those in Canada do not have a problem giving up those rights in order to have a false sense of security,it will not happen in this country no matter how hard you try to push it.

    The Democratic Party would not even exist past a week they would be imprisioned,shot,or in work camps because you do not get to decide what is compassionate or not,right or wrong,fair or not fair it is decided for you and you do not get a say in that decision.
    Last edited by Richard; February-25-18 at 06:10 PM.

  19. #769

  20. #770


    I think there are quite a few in this country that would have gone in there,it is hard for people to understand why.

    The shooter is going to have tunnel vision,the odds are probably 50% that you could sneak up on him without getting killed yourself.

    You just have to decide if you feel your life is worth trading for 17 others,people in the military trade their life for millions everyday.

    Recently on a smaller scale there was a wrong way driver on the freeway a policeman ran his car headon into the incoming car and was killed but he saved a woman and her two children who would have taken the hit.

    He was willing to trade his life for others,either you have it or you do not.

    Not to disrespect anybody but in the pulse nightclub shooting,when the shooter started he was surrounded by at least 20 people,all it would have taken was one to tackle him,but everybody ran and were shot in the back.

    Policeman,fireman first responders etc all put their life on the line everytime they get a call,there will be a certain percentage that will stop and weigh the odds but the majority will not think twice in trading their life for ours.
    Last edited by Richard; February-27-18 at 05:59 PM.

  21. #771


    Quote Originally Posted by Maof View Post
    I know Chump would have done it.

    He was pretty gung ho about the time he served in Viet Nam and never disparaged John McCain in spite of his weak character at that time.

    What a mensch, that Chump.

  22. #772
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    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    I provided a link to my numbers. You didn't. We also have tax credits, deductions, etc. on our personal income taxes but for the sake of convenience, we say we are in the 15% income tax bracket or whatever. So I will go with the comparison Deloitte, a company with 245,000 people in 150 countries provided.

    By the way, Trumps's ratings are going up as Americans open their paychecks and Social Security statements and discover Trump's tax bill increased their income.
    Average effective corporate tax rate = 18.6% Source, Congressional Budget Office.



  23. #773
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    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    I think there are quite a few in this country that would have gone in there,it is hard for people to understand why.
    I agree with this. Trump, however, is not one of them. This is a man who invented phony bone spurs in his feet to get five deferments from the Vietnam draft. This is a man who famously sends his bodyguard to fire people because Trump is averse to face-to-face confrontation. This is a man who, on the Howard Stern show, said that he can't stand the sight of blood and cited an example where he turned away in disgust from helping an injured man because there was blood present while others present rushed to help the man.

    Others might have gone in, Trump would not. He would have ran to the nearest McDonald's.

  24. #774


    ^ what do you do,sleep with the guy Sense you seem to know him so well.

    Lots of people dodged the draft in Vietnam,fled to sanctuary city Canada even Jane Fonda became a traitor.

    Half of the country spit in the faces of the returning veterans from Vietnam,probably not a good idea to go down that road.

  25. #775


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    ^ what do you do,sleep with the guy Sense you seem to know him so well.

    Lots of people dodged the draft in Vietnam,fled to sanctuary city Canada even Jane Fonda became a traitor.

    Half of the country spit in the faces of the returning veterans from Vietnam,probably not a good idea to go down that road.

    Swimming in thin air, Richard. I can imagine those flippers just going at it in meaningless circles. You are a gold medalist in that category.

    Jane Fonda was a traitor because she disagrees with you, is not of the same opinion?

    Awe shucks, Richard!!?

    And I thought all the while you had great respect for the Const-o-tution.

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