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  1. #1

    Default 'Paternity Leave' Comes to Canada

    So today, Feb 27, 2018 was Federal Budget day in Canada.

    Without getting bogged down in the details of how our version of democracy works vs the U.S. one, budgets almost always pass, and this one will.

    Our 'budget speech' is a bit like your 'State of the Union' except delivered by our Finance Ministers not our Prime Minister.

    Always a very political speech w/goals and aspirations, though in varying degrees of accuracy these are costed as they are announced with an actual budget bill parliament must pass in order to implement the aspirational stuff.

    AT any rate....the biggest change for the average Canadian/Windsorite is 'paternity leave'.

    Technically, its second-parent leave.

    But in practise, only about 12% of Canadian men take the either parent, parental leave currently available post-birth.

    So the nuance is merely to note this will be available to both adoptive and same-sex parents.

    What was:

    17 weeks maternity leave [[medical)

    35 weeks parental leave [[either parent)

    Both at 55% of regular income up to a limit.

    The option was also introduced last year to spread the benefit over 18 months, or 57 weeks of parental leave, but less cash per week [[only 33% of income)

    New this year: 5 weeks of added leave, @ 55% must be taken by the second parent, or you lose it. Can't be added to the primary parent's leave.


    Lots of other stuff in the budget but this was the most notable to the average person.

    Also of note is Canada is now actively exploring Universal Prescription Drug Care at the federal level; though no funding attached this year.

    Buckets of money to address inequities suffered by aboriginal Canadians [[their own child welfare system run by them, money for improving housing, education and health)

    And tons of new money for research; and the environment.

    Canada's economy looking pretty decent, deficits are falling, though all the new spending means at a slower rate than would otherwise be the case.

    Debt to GDP is declining and competitive; though in my opinion too high.

    No meaningful tax changes.

    Last edited by Canadian Visitor; February-27-18 at 10:58 PM.

  2. #2

    Default What is the true definition of parent?

    February 10, 2014: A Vancouver baby has three parents named on her birth certificate, the first under new B.C. legislation that allows up to four legal parents.
    Della Wolf Kangro Wiley Richards, three months old, became the legal daughter of a lesbian couple and their male friend after finalizing the registration process last week.
    In January, 2007, the Ontario Court of Appeal ruled that a young boy could have one legal father and two legal mothers — making them the first official three-parent family in Canada.
    What is the true definition of parent? What is the maximum number of parents that a child can have? Prenatal leave has to be applied to all parents equally, without exception or it’s discrimination! Who are you to judge! Name:  parents.jpg
Views: 523
Size:  255.4 KB

  3. #3


    Don't forget to give the US credit. Canada has a big fumbling giant next door to show them how things are done wrong.

  4. #4


    With all this paid leave floating around, to any number of "parents," it appears no one is looking out for the grandparents.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Lowell View Post
    Don't forget to give the US credit. Canada has a big fumbling giant next door to show them how things are done wrong.
    While there are many things we do differently in Canada that I am pleased about.........I think its very important to say, the U.S. is not always the laggard in social advancement, either historically or in contemporary times.

    Its especially important for Americans who feel change can't happen.

    Because it does and it is.

    I'll give 2 contemporary examples.

    Paid sick days [[by law) are an American innovation. U.S. states started adopting such laws a few years ago, and I believe you're up to about 9 states now w/such laws.

    California, Maryland, Washington, Rhode Island, Oregon, Vermont, Mass., Arizona, and Conn.

    As a result of this, Ontario actually copied many of your states in mandating 2 paid sick days starting this year [[we already mandated a total of 10 unpaid, but job-protected days).

    Also, on Family Leave, while the number of weeks remains much more generous up here, both California and Washington have adopted 12-week paid leaves which provide up to 70 and 90% respectively in reimbursed earnings, and New York State's new program will provide for 65%, all more generous than what we do up here.


    Note that a bill to provide for paid sick days is anticipated on the Michigan Ballot this fall; as is one to raise the minimum wage. Progress is possible if people get out and vote for it.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Canadian Visitor View Post
    ...Note that a bill to provide for paid sick days is anticipated on the Michigan Ballot this fall....
    In light of the flu situation this year, paid sick time makes sense even for business reasons alone. A business can't do business for long if its employees infect each other.

  7. #7


    Paternity leave, accomplished by the paternity state. Appropriate. USA would do well to move in this direction, but without all the nanny state details.

    Drug Coverage, should surprise most Americans. Canada's provincial medical coverage does NOT cover drugs. Canadians are in the same boat as Americans if they need expensive drugs. Either employer coverage, or be old, infirm, or a refugee. This isn't going to happen, because the cost is beyond Canada's means. Gov't has hinted that they want to see a hybrid system that continues the 'for fee coverage' that non-poor Canadians pay for today. Did you hear that PAY FOR.

    Indigenous Funding... buckets of guilt money to pour over the buckets of guilt money that seems to have accomplished nothing. Maybe instead making it easier to convict white folks will work. [[See Colton B.)

    As to Canada's economy looking decent... seems to be doing OK. But they've fallen behind the US on corporate tax rates that encourage investment. And meanwhile, its open season on any project that develops resources and gets them to market. Then there's NAFTA. They believe that protecting their cheese market it more important than trade. Any one of those items above can be handled. I think all three together will make it increasingly hard for Canada to compete. Will be interesting to see if PM will shove a pipeline down BC's throat. Right now, looks like he's watching from the sidelines while the provinces sow distrust.

    I'll less bullish on Canada, but who knows. Maybe if women get equal pay for equivalent work, it will pay the bonanza Trudeau predicts will save the day. Can you believe that. He really thinks if only women get paid more, Canada's economy will grow. I don't trust the guy on economics, but he sure knows how to get re-elected.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Wesley Mouch View Post
    Paternity leave, accomplished by the paternity state. Appropriate. USA would do well to move in this direction, but without all the nanny state details.

    Drug Coverage, should surprise most Americans. Canada's provincial medical coverage does NOT cover drugs. Canadians are in the same boat as Americans if they need expensive drugs. Either employer coverage, or be old, infirm, or a refugee. This isn't going to happen, because the cost is beyond Canada's means. Gov't has hinted that they want to see a hybrid system that continues the 'for fee coverage' that non-poor Canadians pay for today. Did you hear that PAY FOR.

    Indigenous Funding... buckets of guilt money to pour over the buckets of guilt money that seems to have accomplished nothing. Maybe instead making it easier to convict white folks will work. [[See Colton B.)

    As to Canada's economy looking decent... seems to be doing OK. But they've fallen behind the US on corporate tax rates that encourage investment. And meanwhile, its open season on any project that develops resources and gets them to market. Then there's NAFTA. They believe that protecting their cheese market it more important than trade. Any one of those items above can be handled. I think all three together will make it increasingly hard for Canada to compete. Will be interesting to see if PM will shove a pipeline down BC's throat. Right now, looks like he's watching from the sidelines while the provinces sow distrust.

    I'll less bullish on Canada, but who knows. Maybe if women get equal pay for equivalent work, it will pay the bonanza Trudeau predicts will save the day. Can you believe that. He really thinks if only women get paid more, Canada's economy will grow. I don't trust the guy on economics, but he sure knows how to get re-elected.
    Wesley, we've had, I think, some pretty respectful exchanges here.

    But this misinformed diatribe is just too much!

    Where do you get your info from?

    First off, almost 50% of Canadians get drug coverage from the government.

    In Ontario, your drugs are covered if you are a baby through age 24; then again from age 65.

    They are also covered if you are on social assistance.

    Everyone also has access to catastrophic coverage [[super expensive drugs, relative to income) such than no one pays over 3% of their income in drug costs.

    Out patient cancer drugs are also covered in 1/2 the provinces, in full, and will be in Ontario shortly [[the Conservatives are running on extending this coverage).

    Yes, the federal government is looking for a plan to address those who currently have no private benefits; this is the same way it already operates in Quebec, where if you have private insurance, it covers first; the government covers your deductible; but if you have no coverage, the gov't picks up the tab.

    The Feds are just figuring out how to close the gap w/o paying the full cost of covering everyone.

    Which by the way would be 19B a year, if all private plans were done away with, and replacing all existing government coverages.

    But since almost 1/2 of that is already government spend every year, you're looking at about 10B per year, out of a 312B Federal Budget.

    Make it 5, since it would be cost-shared w/the provinces.

    Ottawa is just looking to trim its obligations and/or do a phase-in.


    Your comments on indigenous Canadians are genuinely offensive.

    Its money to rectify unacceptable living conditions in areas the government has nearly full control over, most of which are incredibly remote. [[fly-in, fly-out only)

    To be clear, I'm not a fan of the Reserve system, though i believe it needs to be reduced or eliminated by way of consensual treaty, and not arbitrary edict.

    But you can hardly blame people who can't drink water out of the tap, for asking the government to fix ITS water treatment plant!


    As to our economy, unemployment is below 6% [[roughly 5% calculating it the same way the U.S. does).

    We just came off 3% economic growth, in 2017, highest in the G7

    Downtown Toronto's commercial vacancy rate for office space is 3.7% an all-time record low, and another 1.4M sq ft, 60-storey office tower was announced just last week.

    It doesn't get that much better.


    Finally, the dairy sector BS.

    The US government massively subsidizes your dairy sector out of taxes.

    The Cdn. government provides ZERO subsidy to ours.

    Instead, we opted for supply-management.

    If we scrapped that, but matched your subsidies, our taxpayers would be out another 4B per year.


    Once again, Wesley, I thought you were better than Richard, and actually consulted a variety of sources and offered balanced opinions, even if you have a preference.

    That post was one-sided, ill-informed drek.

    Kindly don't do that again.
    Last edited by Canadian Visitor; March-01-18 at 04:48 PM.

  9. #9


    Canadian Visitor: Yours is one of the better written posts I've seen on this forum. I await Wesley's response.

  10. #10


    Well Canadian visitor once again you show your holier then everybody else's side,hate to disappoint you but you are really no better then anybody else because we are all born necked and we are all buried in the end.

    On one hand I could say I am pleased that you are thinking of me during a thread that I had zero input in but on the other one and taking into consideration your true colors,nothing personal but I learned long ago not to associate with the like.

    But you do have my permission to carry on without me in your thoughts,because that is just kinda creepy.

    Even more so when you show such a lack of respect towards others opinions,it kinda shows how overrated an education can be sometimes.

    I wonder if it would be cheaper to build a floating wall on the northern border.
    Last edited by Richard; March-01-18 at 05:51 PM.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Well Canadian visitor once again you show your holier then everybody else's side,hate to disappoint you but you are really no better then anybody else because we are all born necked and we are all buried in the end.

    On one hand I could say I am pleased that you are thinking of me during a thread that I had zero input in but on the other one and taking into consideration your true colors,nothing personal but I learned long ago not to associate with the like.

    But you do have my permission to carry on.
    First, I neither need, nor seek your permission.

    Second, I am not religious, and my holiness is non existent accordingly.

    Third, I don't condescend to most people, most of the time, in fact, I do so quite rarely.

    I enjoy competing view points and can have great respect for them, as well as accept varying preferences.

    What I will not accept is 'alternative facts'.

    Opinions may vary, facts may not.

    I may add, that while I certainly do have a healthy ego, I don't imagine myself to be any more important than anyone else in an absolute sense. Nor do I hold against anyone, things they don't know; so long as they are respectful, fair, and open to the facts. I treat every new conversation as an opportunity for ME to learn; and I hope my own posts offer the same to others.

    As for my interactions w/you, yes, I am smug and condescending in your case, not merely because I find you rude, intellectually lazy, self-serving, myopic and annoying, though all those for sure......but rather, because you blather on at everyone with replies that change subjects altogether and fail to even manage the illusion of coherent thought.

    Were I to assume you were incapable of comprehending how to have a discussion, I would feel the need to apologize and express my sympathy for you and your loved ones.

    But as I kindly assume you are capable of doing better, and merely choose to be incredibly annoying and nonsensical, I offer my smug derision instead.


    Finally, while I would assume I was born naked, I have no intention of being buried. Wasting perfectly good real estate would be a sin. I'd rather hope for composting, but I'm not sure that'll be legal at the time, so cremation is the more likely. Of course, I won't be around to see what's done......

  12. #12


    Lol,read some of your own replies.

    It is not that I dislike Canadians because I actually meet many snowbird Canadians and really they seem to be the opposite of you,but hey no problem you are entitled.

    The only thing I have an issiue with is when somebody from another country takes the high moral ground towards this country,when there is really no country with the highest moral ground.

    For instance,and not to sidetrack from the op,When Canadians jump in against the currant president about deporting illeagles or proper vetting before they arrive but yet if anybody with a felony shows up at your border they are denied entry.

    So you are doing the exact same thing that you are complaining the US is doing.

    I guess that makes perfect sense to you.

    Your are correct you do not need my permission for anything but just because you say, kindly do not do that again,What exactly are you doing other then sugar coating you giving permission to others or asking them not to do something that you do not agree with.

    That is that whole,we can have a discussion as long as you agree with everything I say.

    We are two totally different countries,this country does not need to mimic Canada and visa versa,what works there may not work here for any number of reasons,it does not make either country any better then the other.

    Kindly carry on now.
    Last edited by Richard; March-01-18 at 06:32 PM.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Canadian Visitor View Post
    Out patient cancer drugs are also covered in 1/2 the provinces, in full, and will be in Ontario shortly [[the Conservatives are running on extending this coverage).
    The Conservatives want to extend the what the government covers for health care. Let that rattle around in your brain for a while.

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Lowell View Post
    Don't forget to give the US credit. Canada has a big fumbling giant next door to show them how things are done wrong.
    Excellent point. Canada is the third largest oil exporter in the world. They receive roughly $100 billion in tax revenues from oil production alone per year, even after relatively huge tax breaks and subsidies. The US needs to up it's game.

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