9936 Sussex: Yeah, I remember that party. I was still in 9th grade, having had to start over in the fall of '64 because the district I moved to didn't have January start dates like Detroit did. But I remember it being at Elaine P's house, on Hubbel, north of Plymouth. Carol lived on Marlowe, across from the school playground, as I recall. 54 years later and we still have memories of this stuff. The brain is an amazing organ! We're living in Florida now, and rarely get back to Michigan any more, so I'll probably never be at a Ford or Mackenzie event, but would like to be included in information sharing, if it's done by email and doesn't cost money to mail me stuff. I'll PM you with contact information. We were still in Michigan when the news came out about the sinking foundation at George Ford, and that news item brought back a flood of memories about the building and those of us who spent so many years there. Same thing happened a few years ago when my brother shared news with us here in FL that they had decided to tear it down rather than fix it. He's still at MSU. Been there since 1970! I don't have Mackenzie memories, but I do have a 1941 "Stag" yearbook! Talk about a "stream of consciousness" piece! I'd better stop typing. HA! That triggered one more memory: Typing class in the room above the gym! Another one: First Grade, and 9th grade French class in the other room above the gym! I gotta stop!